Monday Morning Apocalypse!!!!!!!!

DragonOfBlood said:
I am a native english speaker, and I like the irony in the title "Recreation Day".

This new title just sounds retarded. It sounds like some shitty screamo BS.

First Evergrey comes up with this awful title, and then Rob Zombie comes up with "Educated Horses". Something is foul in the state of metal.

Since Iced Earth, Iron Maiden AND King Diamond are all releasing albums this year, I was thinking what they might name their albums. Keeping with current trends, I decided that Iced Earth's new album is going to be along the lines of "A Walk Through the Meadows", Iron Maiden's new release is going to be called "Hold My Hand As I Die From the Bleeding Wounds In My Soul" and King Diamond's newest shall be entitled "March of the Daisies".

HAHA- "Hold My Hand As I Die From the Bleeding Wounds In My Soul"- sounds like the old, lengthy titles At The Gates use to use lol
Actually, I'm just starting to lose confidence in metal bands in general.

For instance, Nightwish just kicked out Tarja. Reasons are good, but will they be able to keep going after that?

In Flames...they've been on a downward-toward-emo spiral since Reroute to Remain (I think they've hit screamo, I saw their video for 'Take This Life' from the new

Et cetera ad nauseum

I just don't want to lose Evergrey to "The Plague" :-/
The tiltle doesn't give me an evergrey wibe,y'know? but I for one am really hoping for a album sounding more like RD,wich is by far the best album IN THE WORLD! ISOT is also a extremly good album and beatifully melancolic,so if it sounds anything like those two I'll be happy enough^^

and for the dickhead who complained about the "same E-riff openers" all the time on TIC!!JESUS!! theres so much more to the songs than that!!! the piano!!! bass!!! and the songs has a dark feeling,thus the E-string riffs!
but hey,when I saw the preview of the inner circle album,I was thinking they had all gone mental,the white cover and all....but they flipped it on all of us for now I trust EG completely,and hope its the best album theve ever created...and if they dont...I'LL KILL those jackass producer faggos!!(no offence,homosexuals)
My point of view of what they are doing with their sound has been presented here before and it does have much credibility.

1. Evergrey has been progressing towards a more marketable sound and image.
2. Their old contract was over, they signed for a ONE ALBUM DEAL.
3. Their profile has become higher over the last few years.
4. Some high profile production staff has been hired and flaunted for the new album.
5. They are making a push for a major label debut the next time around.

And Tom rolling in money is a funny statement, as if producing smaller bands has a lot of money in it, and as if the return on investment of a new studio has been recovered and as if there aren't any partners.

I hope I'm wrong, but who knows at this point? I can't see them going back to the S*D*T sound and I think Recreation Day is their best with the mixing of light and dark. So let's see where they take us.
the new title is just no like evergrey. But dont let the titel decide if you will like themusic or dont
Hi! New member, but I'll skip the intro for now.

Yeah, Monday Morning Apocalypse does seem like an odd title for Evergrey, but I think it could really turn out to be a really cool concept. While the MLK Jr. idea would be an interesting idea to run with, I think this album will probably end up being about a guy who gets tired of being "part of the system" and all the lack of freedom. Sort of like a "Dog Day Afternoon" concept or something. The coffee mug stains look are some good evidence of this. I just hope the album dominates, no matter what it deals with lyrically.
That's a really, REALLY awful title. The moment I saw it I was in disbelief. It seriously sounds like a radio punk band!! Also I hope the cover is a little more inspired than coffee stains.
I've asked you guys once to play nicely. From here on in, I'm wielding the delete button. Criticism is fine; lobbing insults at each other over opinions is not.