monday - V day!

daaammn ! you are so lucky to possess this special release, i'm jealous :p so cool your friend bought you the cd version....this is my favourite misanthrope also ! but they are all great =)
so sad audiogalaxy doesn't work anymore...i could have send you some mp3's :(
@Phildwarf: i hate mp3 (yeah... i'm audiophil, i love cds - heheh), but it's good idea to be recognize few french underground bands;) always we can send sth by e-mail
Originally posted by Eldzik

maybe yes, maybe no...:p i was in studio a few weeks ago and listen how sounds d-drum. i don't know, maybe you are perfectly right... in studio anything´s possible:grin: anyway, as i said - great job, live drummer always be better than programming

Thanks! The only 'digital' drums I used was V-drums as bass drums. Almost the same to play on but a lot less to carry (yes, I'm a lazy bastard). As a curiosity I can tell you that I only played the album three times before entering the studio (as I said: I'm lazy...). I'm pretty satisfied with the result since I only made one drum beat before recording hehe. I wanted it to be real fresh!! Who knows, maybe we'll put up some video clips from the studio. I think I have almost the whole last song on video so...

- Asgeir
Originally posted by asgeir

Thanks! The only 'digital' drums I used was V-drums as bass drums. Almost the same to play on but a lot less to carry (yes, I'm a lazy bastard). As a curiosity I can tell you that I only played the album three times before entering the studio (as I said: I'm lazy...). I'm pretty satisfied with the result since I only made one drum beat before recording hehe. I wanted it to be real fresh!! Who knows, maybe we'll put up some video clips from the studio. I think I have almost the whole last song on video so...

- Asgeir

Don't try to tease us... hehehe... :Shedevil:

Ok, I admit it would be great to see that vid... :Smokin:

*Damn, Morg thought she had given up smoking...*
@Asgeir: maybe you lazy (heheh), but the greatest lazybones among drummers is drummer Enter Chaos;) he is talented (plays in Demise, Damnation and was drummer Moon, for short time Behemoth and Dar Semai), but terrible lazy. before entering the studio he played only 4 songs and At The Gates cover and don't heard the rest songs! it was very funny... during mixing producer had one´s hands full:lol: cubase is great program indeed ;) this drummer played almost all on d-drum, but i don't know how is called in english drums items , so i can't tell you what was acustic and what was d-drum - sorry

btw: video is very cool idea. i'll delight to see how look studio:grin:
Well lazyness is kinda common in metal it seems :grin: fine prejudice... damn! I fit in with that prejudice, too! :eek:

As long as the result stands, the lazyness isn't obvious, it's alright with me :)

*waves his hand before asgeir's eyes*
You wanna go home and rethink your life


Btw: Waiting impatiently!!!!! :( :(
Originally posted by asgeir
Who knows, maybe we'll put up some video clips from the studio. I think I have almost the whole last song on video so...
That's a great idea! I'm curious about how things work in the studio... :)
Originally posted by astarte

That's a great idea! I'm curious about how things work in the studio... :)

i think everywhere likewise: beer, grill, boredom... bla, bla, bla... and sometimes recording music :muahaha:
Originally posted by Martex
To my husband Eldzik: you forgot to add that you have magnificent wife with extraordinary vocal:p
Love you!!!:grin:

yeah, i know... your vocal totally rules... maybe except clean vocals:lol: but growl and black scream is exceptional:grin:

btw: i lov u 2 and i'm angry, because IRC function badly:mad:
yeah, i know... your vocal totally rules... maybe except clean vocals:lol:

thank you my Dear:) I'll try to improve my clean voice for you!:grin: I have deep compassion for our neighbours, especially Malinski 'll be in heaven:heh:
Sweet kissess for you!!!
Die fucking mIRC!!!!!!!:flame:
Originally posted by Martex

thank you my Dear:) I'll try to improve my clean voice for you!:grin: I have deep compassion for our neighbours, especially Malinski 'll be in heaven:heh:

terrible news for our neighbours!!! :p it's ok, but if you'll improve your clean vocal when i'm at work:grin:
Originally posted by Martex
My Teddy Bear! It also a good situation for me 'couse I like singing alone. I havn't limitation & I can improvise without looking around:p

and frighten neighbours? :lol: as you wish... ;)