Question To Mr. V

Off course, you can, easily, find VFSG and The Focusing Blur...but Till Fjalls? Odenmarken Son? For a long time I´ve been searching for those records, with no satisfactions...

Oh well, with some luck you can find in stores specialized in hard rock and heavy metal.

A esperança é lançarem um dvd ou algum fã sortudo do velho mundo gravar o show né.

Não seja tão pessimista... um dia vamos pra Suécia só pra ver esses caras e outras bandas, principalmente de folk metal, que nem sonham em pisar aqui :kickass:

Show mesmo com pouca gente é tão bom... o público aqui de curitiba mesmo em pouco número não deixa a desejar... pena que seja inviável =( teve um ano passado, acho que do Evergrey, onde foram umas 100 pessoas. Os caras da banda desceram do palco pra conversar e tudo. Deve ter sido incrível pra quem esteve lá, mas eles com certeza tiveram preju e não vão voltar pra cá tão cedo.
\Hi there...
I'm also brazilian myself... The public here is very good when regarding metal concert... But I think the main problem is our currency... 2.124 Brazilian REAL = 1 US Dollar... So if they charge here what they normally would, nobody would go, only people that are crazy about the band in gig, so thats why gigs with 100people only...

I've bought all my Vintersorg CDs in 3 different MALLs...
I've got both OS and TF for about 5 dolllars each...
got VFTSG for about 10dollars
and TFB for about 13 dollars...

The first MCD could not find, and CG was at about 30 Dollars, witch i couldnt afford...
I Got Cosmic Genesis and VFSG... It´s a great story from Cosmic Genesis...
I bought it from a person in a forum...she sold me the CD in about 5 Dollards.
It Was Great!!! I never seen that record around