Monitoring with Plugins and VST's

Zak with OMG

Bringer of screams
Oct 11, 2009
Connersville, Indiana
Hey I'm using Cubase Le at the moment.....I highly want to stress AT THE MOMENT. hehehe. Anyway. I was their anyway to Monitor Live feed with Plugins, VST's, EQ's, whatever in real time. I am using a presonus Firepod to record In and Monitor out.....So their is absolutely NO latency.
You can monitor through the insert chain by clicking the little speaker icon on the track(s) you wish to monitor through inserts. But take note that this usually requires your buffer to be pretty low otherwise there will be latency monitoring through that. Only thing you need to worry about is if your computer can handle that low setting while recording with X amount of plugs on the track(s).
You can monitor through the insert chain by clicking the little speaker icon on the track(s) you wish to monitor through inserts. But take note that this usually requires your buffer to be pretty low otherwise there will be latency monitoring through that. Only thing you need to worry about is if your computer can handle that low setting while recording with X amount of plugs on the track(s).

Hey.....I seem to have miscommunicated.....I Know how to moniter Im not a dumbass. What i meant was is there a way for me to monitor the tracks.....While hearing whatever plugin I am using being used in real time. I find it odd that i can do this in programs like reaper and mixcraft, but not in a program with the horsepower and things i need. Especially cubase. I've also heard this can be done in Protools.
considered reaper =] ??

free to try forever, will be tremendously more functional, and quick learning curve from cubaseLE.

Hahahaha...I've used Reaper. Then stopped immediately. Reaper doesnt cut the cake. Too many things to mention. The click track is terrible, no mouse me like mixcraft. Yeah its a DAW, But im talking buiseness. I cant afford for stupid things to go wrong.
What? :lol:

If you have inserts on a track in Cubase, you click the monitor button it will monitor through the inserts.

Unless I'm not understanding your question somehow then I have already answered it.

For example, tracking vocals you want to hear compression while tracking. Add a compressor the insert list, click the monitor button and bam... whatever is going into the mic will go through that comp in real-time.
I would call that an uneducated opinion Jarkko ;) CLE is really crippled, I can't see how it can be better than Reaper which is basically fully equipped in comparison. On the other hand, I personally hate Reaper compared to even CStudio so...
But im talking buiseness. I cant afford for stupid things to go wrong.


so you're using the cubaseLE that came with your firepod instead?


didn't you just say that you're not experiencing the latency issues in reaper? not to be condescending, but if you're talking business, and can't afford things to go wrong, why don't you use what works? the click is totally customizable, or you could just use an external click vsti (which is what protools users do, in case you think that's cheating) and i think most users would agree that reaper is significantly more powerful and functional as a professional DAW than cubaseLE. now if you were talking cubase5, or nuendo, that'd be a different story, but in this case, comparitively cubaseLE is pretty weak, and little more than a good start for most firepod users.

back to the topic, latency varies significantly from plugin to plugin and the power of your system. there's zero latency plugs, and there's plugs that add a few milliseconds. it's even variable for some, such as drumagog, which has a less functional zero latency mode, and an advanced mode for post production that can add up to 80 ms. cubase "compensates" automatically, like most DAWs, so that everything plays back synced up. but this can be problematic if you're still trying to track and already have a ton of things going on. adjusting the hardware buffer in your cubase audio hardware settings and reducing the firepods latency controls (you should be able to access the firepod control panel by right clicking the little presonus icon in the system tray) can help reduce noticable latency times.
WOAH WOAH....Let me make one thing clear......Im using Cubase Le right now simply because that's all I have. I have already ordered Cubase 4 and its on its way. I know for a fact that reaper>CubaseLE. What I also know.....(My opinion) that Reaper sucks ass. In my opinion....It's a step above mixcraft. I cant use it without feeling like I'm using a toy. As for the click track VST comment. I'll be honest. I didn't even know those existed. Im assuming you can map out tempo changes and whatnot? I'd rather just use the tempo map built in to a DAW. But the knowledge would still be helpful. did answer my question. Thanks.....It was as simple as turning the MIX nob on my firepod. hehehehe.....Thanks.

so you're using the cubaseLE that came with your firepod instead?


didn't you just say that you're not experiencing the latency issues in reaper? not to be condescending, but if you're talking business, and can't afford things to go wrong, why don't you use what works? the click is totally customizable, or you could just use an external click vsti (which is what protools users do, in case you think that's cheating) and i think most users would agree that reaper is significantly more powerful and functional as a professional DAW than cubaseLE. now if you were talking cubase5, or nuendo, that'd be a different story, but in this case, comparitively cubaseLE is pretty weak, and little more than a good start for most firepod users.

back to the topic, latency varies significantly from plugin to plugin and the power of your system. there's zero latency plugs, and there's plugs that add a few milliseconds. it's even variable for some, such as drumagog, which has a less functional zero latency mode, and an advanced mode for post production that can add up to 80 ms. cubase "compensates" automatically, like most DAWs, so that everything plays back synced up. but this can be problematic if you're still trying to track and already have a ton of things going on. adjusting the hardware buffer in your cubase audio hardware settings and reducing the firepods latency controls (you should be able to access the firepod control panel by right clicking the little presonus icon in the system tray) can help reduce noticable latency times.

Actually you got my story backwards....kinda....let me explain. Forgive me if I tell you something you already know. The Firepod has Two different kinds of monitoring. Direct monitoring...which lets you hear the flat, unproccessed, completely natural sound. This gives you ZERO Latency....I mean none. It works somewhat like a P.A. Get me? It also hase DAW monitoring. Which it monitors straight from the tracks. This is also SUPER SUPER Low latency in Cubase LE. I mean.....less than 5 millasecs. virtually doesnt have it. When i monitor with reaper, through the inserts, then out the tracks......Latency. ALOT OF LATENCY. It works well enough.....But god the latency. I couldnt figure out how to monitor out of the track in Cubase and hear the plugins....effects.....whatever. Why does Reaper have so much CRAZY latency. Its definetly not a problem with my computer.....I built it myself....and its more than i'll ever need ever. I've tried everything.
You think REAPER is a toy huh? Well, good luck finding another DAW that costs 60$ and allows you to earn up to 20000$ per year on what you do :) I'm not saying REAPER is perfect, there are TONS of stuff left to fix/improve and the menus/submenus are growing rampant, but I have to be honest with you and let you know that I'm getting a very bad impression of you. You sound like you're one of those people who MUST have what the "pro" people have in order to even begin doing any work. Sure, some features in REAPER might not work the way you want, like the click track for example, and what I do is I just bring in a VSTi and fire up a drumstick click sound and build my own click track. It takes a few minutes including tempo/time signature changes if there are any in the song.

I'm working on some projects right now, using REAPER, and when you hear the final result... you'll wonder why you never gave REAPER a chance ;)
The Firepod has Two different kinds of monitoring. Direct monitoring... which lets you hear the flat, unproccessed, completely natural sound. This gives you ZERO Latency....I mean none. It works somewhat like a P.A. Get me?

Yes I get you, pretty much every interface out there has this feature and it's nothing special. I never use it since I MUST monitor through my DAW (REAPER) since I'm relying heavily on software solutions (for guitars for example).

It also hase DAW monitoring.

Boy it would suck not to have "DAW monitoring" on an interface! :) Imagine that...

Why does Reaper have so much CRAZY latency. Its definetly not a problem with my computer.....I built it myself....and its more than i'll ever need ever. I've tried everything.

REAPER doesn't have any more or less latency than any other DAW (unless I'm brutally wrong here?). It all depends on your interface and how fast it can shuffle the audio back and forth to and from your computer. The amount of plugins you can run is determined by your computer's processing power. With that said, I'm running a Q9550 CPU together with my M-Audio Profire 2626 with REAPER, and I'm always using the lowest buffer setting which is 64 samples, and I've got around 3 ms latency in/out. That's good enough to be called "real time" since I can play guitar without any problems. And I've got enough juice to run about 20 guitar tracks without crackles and pops :)
I monitor guitars in Reaper through TSS, an ampsim, boogex and sometimes an EQ with very little latency. You must have been doing something wrong.

And ditch the 'tude, you really aren't helping yourself out here...
You think REAPER is a toy huh? Well, good luck finding another DAW that costs 60$ and allows you to earn up to 20000$ per year on what you do :) I'm not saying REAPER is perfect, there are TONS of stuff left to fix/improve and the menus/submenus are growing rampant, but I have to be honest with you and let you know that I'm getting a very bad impression of you. You sound like you're one of those people who MUST have what the "pro" people have in order to even begin doing any work. Sure, some features in REAPER might not work the way you want, like the click track for example, and what I do is I just bring in a VSTi and fire up a drumstick click sound and build my own click track. It takes a few minutes including tempo/time signature changes if there are any in the song.

I'm working on some projects right now, using REAPER, and when you hear the final result... you'll wonder why you never gave REAPER a chance ;)

Well i certainly hope you dont get a bad impression of me...cuz i've actually used this forum alot....I havent had a account...but i came here when i need help. And honestly YOU yourself........have like....helped me out alot. I certainly hope i can hear your results with reaper. What Im trying to say is that I...ME...Zak....doesnt like it. Let me ask you something.....Is it worth looking into and figuring everything out. I dont mean to ride dick...but I've actually learned just about everything I know from either you, Joey sturgis, Catharsis studios, and limitless studios. I know you know what youre talking about.
Well i certainly hope you dont get a bad impression of me...cuz i've actually used this forum alot....I havent had a account...but i came here when i need help. And honestly YOU yourself........have like....helped me out alot. I certainly hope i can hear your results with reaper. What Im trying to say is that I...ME...Zak....doesnt like it. Let me ask you something.....Is it worth looking into and figuring everything out. I dont mean to ride dick...but I've actually learned just about everything I know from either you, Joey sturgis, Catharsis studios, and limitless studios. I know you know what youre talking about.

Wow that was unexpected. Exactly how have I helped you out? I usually am the one asking the questions, not giving answers ;)

Is it worth figuring everything out? Well... I was just like you when I first looked at REAPER. I thought "shiiiiiit... am I supposed to work with this?" and I actually "refused" to use REAPER for a couple weeks at first. So I started looking at other DAWs but everything cost way too much for me, and I had removed all my cracked software so I was going legit and needed a DAW. I fooled around and tried to find some cool skins that would make REAPER look awesome, but I noticed it didn't help at all. I didn't know what to do, and then suddenly I decided to record some scratch tracks for my upcoming solo project. I also switched back to REAPER's default GUI and noticed how awesome it is and how they've thought everything through. So I forced myself to record a couple guitars and program drums real quick and I noticed I was able to get work done in REAPER. I kept doing that, and after 4-5 songs, I had learned ABSURD amounts of stuff in REAPER. I then started customizing keybindings and stuff and now I'm really happy with REAPER for what it is.

REAPER has been very stable for me lately as well, and of course... removing all bad and buggy plugins did help out so maybe it wasn't entirely REAPER's fault.

All in all... REAPER is definately OK, and I'm looking forward to the future upgrades to it. I'd love to see some more tools added in the MIDI section.
Wow that was unexpected. Exactly how have I helped you out? I usually am the one asking the questions, not giving answers ;)

I know but you've always been part of the conversations that have helped me. For instance when i first started learning the "basics" Your comments where there. And when i started getting more advanced....i could find your comments. Your always part of the discussion that i wanted to be in on....if that makes any sense.
Reaper = a fully working professional tool

As far as i can tell there is no a reason for doing anything other than using reaper coz it's cheap and works, or biting the bullet and starting building a pro tools setup as it's an industry standard and has kick-ass editing tools

*bunkers down for flaming by cubendo/sonar population :)*

as far as getting low latency monitoring: set up your pc properly for audio, there are loads of guides out there. Choose as low buffer settings as you can without getting nasty clicking noises.