

Aug 28, 2011
So I looked through a fair few threads on here about monitors and I'm still a little undecided on what to get because of how mixed the reviews tend to be about cheaper monitors. It will be my first set, and all I'm really looking for is something relatively flat that gives a decent bass response. I'm also not looking to spend too much ($600 max) and I know there aren't very many good choices at that price point

The main ones I've been looking at were the M-Audio Studiophile BX8a Deluxe, The Yamaha HS80M and the KRK Rockit 2 series.

So what I can gather from this forum the BX8a's are great except that some people found they had a compressed sound to them that wasn't too pleasing, and the lows can get muddy. The KRK's are a bit more hifi and hyped, so probably not what I'm looking for, and the HS80M's seem to be the most recommended ones.

So I just wanted to know what people's opinions were on these monitors, and if there is anything better at that price that I should be considering

Thanks :grin:
Thanks everyone. Looks like I'll probably go with the HS80M's, just gonna try and find a music shop around that has some I can try out first.

And while I'd love a pair of Adam's, $1200+ a pair is a little out of my price range here haha. One day I will be able to afford them.. ONE DAY