New Monitors...Which should I get?

Im sticking to the Yamaha's regarldess what you say, and i've tried the entire genelec nerfield monitor range.
The yamaha is accurate, not flattering but corretct, and thats what i like.
After mixing with my yahamas, turning to my headphones i get no surprises, turning to different stereos, still no surprise.Thats what i like.
I can get pretty irritated when people stering blindly at the price.
Just because its 1k more expensive dosnet say its better, period.

Yamaha is superb (but get the 80's model)
You've tried the whole genelec nearfield line in the same room with your HS80's and you feel the yamaha's are superior?

We've got m audio b x 5a's in college in our video suites and I can't stand them. I've tried mxing on them before and simply couldn't hear the small to medium eq changes that clearly at all- stuff I can hear easily on my sony hi-fi pretty clearly at home. Now the rooms aren't treated and they're far from acoustically perfect but still, they seem terrible to me and my class mates.
Are the 8's that much better?
Off course its a matter of what you are used to. I've learned to read my yamahs completly and feel completly safe using them, getting the results i want.
So what im saying is i wont change them for more expensive nearfield montiors, though i've tried almost (almost, would be more accurate) the whole genelec nearfieldline.

They are probably the best bang for the buck. But off course if you have the chance try different models/brands at the same time choose whatever you feel sound the best/is the best for your purpose.

I just feel peaople stare at the price to much sometimes without even try different models/price range

If your mix sounds good in these monitors, they sound good anywhere.
The yamahs actually are pretty hard on some of my cd's i used to think sounded great haha

But have you relly tried the Genelecs?? I have. They sound good, off course. Not better, just different.

If that was aimed at me, yes, I have tried almost their full range of monitors and listen to 8040's and 8050's almost daily. I'd say Genelec's are better, but considering the HS80M's price range, Genelec just doesn't offer anything reasonable. The smaller ones need a sub to go with, and the bigger ones are much, much more expensive.
my only real gripe with the hs80m is the slightly scooped sound, and maybe the slightly overbearing treble.
thankfully, all those little switches on the back let you adjust for that very easily...i always have the mids a the +2 setting, that way it sounds fine to me.
i'm also switching the highs to -2 when i start mixing stuff so that my mixes don't accidently end up on the dull side...i keep it on the zero setting for casual listening, tracking, and referencing my mixes with pro ones, though.

i guess what i'm trying to say is that for the price, they are hard to beat....that doesn't mean i wouldn't love to get my hands on some high end genelecs or the likes, though :)
I have heard good things about these. apparently the ribbon drivers have very detailed transient response. I`m interested in trying them!

Definitely try them if you can find them anywhere! I couldn't test them anywhere beforehand, so my decision of purchase was kinda based on reviews and talk. But so far, I have no negative comments on them, except from their packing process. They were somehow a bit dirty, so I almost felt like I bought used ones or cheapest ones available, but when I cleaned them up a bit they looked beautiful.
TBH I've never been impressed by Genelecs. Side-by-side with a pair of Focal Twin 6s, a set of 8040As got eaten up. They sounded muffled and muddy in comparison. Next to a set of Event Opals, the Genelecs sounded tragically lo-fi. I'm not even going to bring up the K&H O300s performance relative to them, because honestly Gennies should not be sharing the same planet with them...

Take the HS80s and be happy. They are great monitors in that price range and much flatter than most of their competition. They have their quirks, sure, but they are one of the few pairs that cheap which I would consider to be relatively 'complete' monitors, in that they will give you a fair representation of much of the spectrum. If I didn't have ASP8s, I'd be using them.