

Aug 28, 2010
Blackpool, UK
Hey guys, im thinking about upgrading my monitors as I'm currently using a pair of M-Audio AV40's (solid monitors for £80 a pair). Trouble is I don't know balls about monitors really.

I've been looking at a pair of Yamaha hs50m's and the Samson Studio GT monitors look pretty nice for the money.

As mixing metal is more a hobby for me right now than a job, I don't really want to spend a bomb on a new pair of monitors.

What do you guys use and how are you finding them?
Thanks for such a fast reply haha, I never get replies on here :P. I like the look of the krk's never seen anyone use them for none electronic music though. I will consider them (:
Never liked the KRK Rokits when I used them at college. Seemed too smooth and flattering sounding to me. Could just be a personal preference though.

I've got a set of HS50's and really like them, mixes translate to other systems really well. Gonna upgrade to HS80's in the next couple of months though as the bass extension on the 50's isn't great.
why not just use the monitors you have now... and save up for monitors that you don't have to replace with better ones and then more better ones, and so on? :erk:

just save and buy one pair you can keep and use for 10/15 years.

just my 2 cents. ;)
Cheers for the replies guys. I have liked the look of the hs50's for a long time.

Id love to save up and buy a pair of monitors that I don't have to replace, but I live with my parents and all my stuff is in my bedroom which isn't a massive room. I think something with a 5" driver will suit me for a while until I actually get recording some bands or get my own place.

Plus, i'm impatient :goggly:
well you know what they say! ...if it looks nice then it must sound great! :erk:

i recommend the focal cms40's.

performance in the 150/200 ea. price range is nominal and most of the companies select the drivers from their own backed manufacturers catalog. krk/yamaha drivers are manufactured for volume in asia, not really quality.

the focal drivers are manufactured in house (in france) on a machine designed for that specific driver.

...and they are only +/- $100 more than yamaha's or krk's.