

Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Attention black metal fans! Are all these Moonblood bootleg CDs worth picking up? I see 'em everywhere now. I love Nachtfalke's epic black viking metal (the new one is amazing as usual), but have never heard Moonblood due to me not wanting another poorly produced black metal band. Is Moonblood similar to Nachtfalke?

So like, help a nigga out.
I wouldn't say that it's similar to Nachtfalke- Moonblood actually has a VERY unique sound. It might take a few listens to appreciate, but this is definitely some quality epic/amospheric mid-paced black metal. Pick up the bootleg of "Blut und Krieg" if you can.. (that is if you don't want to pay $500 for the vinyl!!! :))
I'll stick with the CDs. Are they of good quality? Or are they Dawn of the Black Hearts quality?

Anyone else heard the latest Nachtfalke? It's got a cover of Bathory's "Blood and Iron" from Bathory's finest album, Twilight of the Gods.
Why does he like to cover Bathory so much? That "Man of Iron" cover on the other album sounded kinda like shit compared to the original!
Maybe it's because Bathroy is one of the bestest ever! Also, this new one is dedicated to Quorthon. "As the Wolves Died", the title might have something to do with Quorthon's death.

ANyway, this new cover doesn't touch the original, but it is better than the Man of Iron (I-Run) cover.
My copy of Taste Our German Steel is very good as far as sound quality goes. I'd say Moonblood are quite good - one of those 'generic but good at what they do' bands, y'know.