JEFF IS A BUM: Norwegian Black Metal - the lesser known bands plus opinions

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My top 10 Norwegian BM albums:

1. Burzum 'Hvis Lyset Tar Oss'
2. Mayhem 'De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas'
3. Darkthrone 'A Blaze in the Northern Sky'
4. Ulver 'Nattens Madgigal'
5. Emperor 'Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk'
6. Satyricon 'Dark Medieval Times'
7. Emperor 'In the Nightside Eclipse'
8. Darktrone ' Transylvanian Hunger'
9. Ulver 'Bergtatt'
10. Enslaved 'Eld'
Still don't get the BURZUM YESSEZ OMG ROOL. The albums are good, but don't blow me away. Too repetitive.
I know it's not Norwegian, but I absolutely worship Deathspell Omega's Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice. Every aspect about that album is perfect. It's mystical, atmospheric, brutal. Their ideology and image also is incredibly interesting, their interview with Ajna is certainly worth a read. Early stuff is pretty fucking kickass, albeit more straightforward black metal. LETHAL FUCKING BAPTISM! :kickass:
I certainly haven't found it. :(


Yeah, I absolutely adore it, too! The atmosphere of that album is fuckin' mind blowing! I can just picture myself in the skull-adorned catacombs beneath Paris, doing practising some obcene ritual when I'm listening to it. Incredible!
Russell said:
Another Envy fan on UM? Can this be? :loco:

A Dead Sinking Story kicks much ass! :kickass:

It does. I'm looking for material from this band previous to the "From Here to Eternity" LP.
Check out their split with French noisecore band Iscariote if you can; - it displays a different but thoroughly enjoyable side of Envy (more "cheerful" if that means anything).