Moonlapse where art thou?

Oinkness said:
I don't see why I should be banned instead of any other user. I at least attempt to put some positive input into this horribly stained forum just to have a mob of angsty fanboys turn the whole thread into "oh gee this thread sux, oh well thats oinkness, shit thread, well what did you expect, oh yatta yatta"... You know there are problems with the forum and it's not me, so I don't know what you're half way to but I can think of some comedic ideas for that. :lol:

It's not even worth it to try to talk Opeth in this forum anymore, there are too many morons. It's not even the Opeth forum anymore. Believe it or not but this forum has become so bad, you can actually find better Opeth conversation in the Billy Milano forum, which just happens to be where I will be located instead of this forum. I've been wasting my time here too often, so bye.

I'm glad that at lease Moonlapse chose to post here again. I really miss the Opeth covers he used to release every now and then. They were one of the highlights of this forum. Good to see you haven't left UM for good man.
Oinkness said:
"oh gee this thread sux, oh well thats oinkness, shit thread, well what did you expect, oh yatta yatta

hey no one gives a shit about the rest of that, any seinfeld fan will tell you its yadda yadda yadda, not yatta yatta