morbid angel appreciation

well the production on the first two morbid angel albums (altars and blessed) is a little raw, but the subsequential have pretty good production except for "Heretic". I'd say "Gateways to Annhilation" has the best definitely.
Stimuli said:
Is there a certain Morbid Angel album thats well known for having "better" production value than the others???

Gateways, maybe, and Covenant on the other end. Domination and Formulas are muddy, Altars and Blessed have kinda bad levels, and Heretic is thin sounding. Me though, I like any production as long as it doesn't hurt my ears.
Alteredmindeath said:
Pete Sandoval was one of the first drummers to use blast beats, he claims he was the one that invented them in metal music way back in the 80's. Morbid Angel are sick as hell.

:lol: yeah i saw him say that in an interview a few months ago, and i never knew he had an accent, so it was funny to hear him. he was really positive he created them too hah
Pete Sandoval did not invent blastbeats...from what I heard he said that he "perfected" them, but he certainly did not invent them. He's a former crackhead so that expalins. Mick Harris of Napalm Death back in 86-87 invented blasts for the anarcho hardpunk/grind type sound. Most grind/hardcore punk bands in Bermingham followed after that, then the world as tapes got around.
JoeVice said:
i don't think trey would be as evil if he didn't have the last name "azagthoth"...i mean fuck...that sounds like some mythical demon.
You know that's not his real last name, right? It's a psuedonym, like in black metal. He took it from the "fake" Necronomicon. The book doesn't actually exist, it was invented by H.P. Lovecraft and referenced to multiple times in his short stories. Somebody actually wrote a "Necronomicon" combining Lovecraftian mythos with Sumerian mythology. Evidently, this book misspelled Azathoth, which in the Lovecraftian mythos is the horrifying, blasphemous entity at the center of the universe.
blessed are the sick has always kinda been my favorite. Fall from Grace is a good song, but it REALLY starts after the first instrumental ends...those songs always touched me...deeply.
i bought covenant and domination years ago, then burned the rest of their catalogue onto cds. howeverrrr, i bought BATS used last week, and just received my used Altars of Madness cd today, and am rocking it now.
morbid angel were once so great...trey was such an inspiring guitarist...what the fuck happened? the new material isn't bad, but it isn't good either.

ok, i was wondering; is there a bass guitar on heretic? i've listened to it, and i can't can't hear bass at all. its like listening to and justice for all.

on a side note, i saw them with jared and erik from hate eternal on bass/vocals and guitar. killer show, it was like a death metal guitar clinic for me. too bad erik isn't with them anymore, i think he was the only thing keeping trey creative. too bad he didn't contribute much to gateways, other than some killer solos.