GMD Poll: Morbid Angel's Discography Ranked

#2 Covenant (1993)


Average points per vote: 7/9

First place votes: 4 (The Ozzman, J., theflyingmachine, Black Orifice)

Covenant is really weak compared to the first two, I honestly don't understand why it gets so much raise.

I love Covenant. It's got a great dark Celtic Frost/Venom sorta vibe, especially on Angel Of Disease.

?????? David Vincent a bad grolwer? You´re full of it. His vocals on Covenant and Domination are the best growls ever recorded.
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#1 Altars of Madness (1989)


Average points per vote: 8/9

First place votes: 12 (zerostatic, crimsonfloyd, Talos of Atmora, Dak, Sirjack, Slammed, Anom@nder Rake, HamburgerBoy, Omni, Bloopy, alex76, EspaDa)

Altars of Madness of Blessed are the Sick?

Clearly, Altars of Madness for me. Everything meshes so perfectly on it. The vocals are my favorite of any of David Vincents and the riffage is downright gritty and evil.

Altars of Madness, because it is the epitome of the late 80s Floridian death/thrash scene and has some kick-ass riffs. :kickass:
Good list. The only ranking that seemed to miss the boat was Domination. Going any below #4 on that one is insanity to me

Not really. Domination isn’t very good and is by far the weakest of the first 4 albums. Vincent sounds like crap, and most of it is really uninspired. A few killer solos, though.
Not really. Domination isn’t very good and is by far the weakest of the first 4 albums. Vincent sounds like crap, and most of it is really uninspired. A few killer solos, though.
I think the slow-paced albums that they released in general are more hit-and-miss. Very few, if any, actually claim the I album is any good. Gateways is thought of by many as the best Steve Tucker album, but it would be a better EP IMO. I'm probably not rational in my Domination appreciation because it was on my top albums of all-time list for awhile and was my first death metal album. But I also didn't appreciate BATS for quite some time and tried pulling it out last week-it didn't do much for me this go-round and will probably find its way much lower in the stack of CDs. Their debut and Covenant albums are their most consistently solid of their discography. FFttF isn't consistently solid by any means, but better than every album that followed.
An absolute travesty that it’s been beaten by Covenant.
I relistened to Covenant when doing my rankings and enjoyed it much more than I ever have, I gotta say. I almost considered putting it above Altars. But Blessed still towers head & shoulders above all of their output. A travesty indeed.
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Yep, such a travesty that one of the best selling death metal albums of all time was ranked higher than one that was a poorer seller. The world is going to end as a result.
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Reeeeeee McDonald’s is one of the best selling restaurants of all time so it obviously serves the best food.

Apples to Elephants. How many people do you personally know who listen to Morbid Angel vs. how many McDonald's are there in West Virginia (queue a fat joke from someone inevitably because I would know all about McDonald's, right??)
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The amount of albums sold doesn't have any bearing on the quality of the music though, regardless of whether Covenant is a niche product or not. That said, my favorite Morbid Angel album won the poll already so I can't say that I actually care where Covenant wound up.
I relistened to Covenant when doing my rankings and enjoyed it much more than I ever have, I gotta say. I almost considered putting it above Altars. But Blessed still towers head & shoulders above all of their output. A travesty indeed.

I don’t dislike Covenant at all. I just find it inconsistent. Just over half the tracks are really quite good and I find the rest quite forgettable. I would never consider having it above Altars personally!

Altars was my first “real” death metal album though so lots of nostalgic attachment there. I can’t say I loved it to begin with, but found it interesting and I really wanted to get into death metal fully so I listened to it a lot until it all started to click. Would probably make my top 20 overall. Has what I probably consider to be the blast beat ideal for death metal - used to accentuate the violence instead if permeating the whole record. They also sound amazing on Altars, they’re actually pummelling and violent and impactful when they enter. Chapel of Ghouls, Maze of Torment and Damnation (super underrated track) all have amazing blast sections.
I thought Altars was a mes when it came out. It was far busier and noisier than other DM coming out at the time.
Blessed is my favourite for the guitar tone and playing - Brunelle was excellent but Altars has no weak song.
Covenant slays but it's a tad weaker and a different creature with the swirling flanger thing going on that Trey was obsessed with
but i think Altars just has the better riffs, aggression and vibe that is unbeatable in their cannon.
I wouldnt go as far as to say Covenant reaching #2 is a travesty. Honestly I have a hard time choosing between their first 3 and my placement is kind of arbitrary in that sense since I could have put Covenant or Altars at #1 rather than BATS but that one has drawn me back to hear it more times over the years so I gave it the nod.