GMD Poll: Slayer's Discography Ranked

Master of Puppets is clearly a better album than RiB though.


There's no post-80's black metal album that's even 1% good as Screamer's Target: Earth, and that's the most boring Queensryche-worshiping 80's metal album I can think of.

EDIT: Except for Mayhem's Grand Declaration of War, which is half experimental-whatever shiny stuff anyways.

Man my old posts get my dick hard. I think I've mellowed out over the years tbh, I need to rekindle some shit. Thanks for linking that.
that was really bad.

1. Reign in Blood
2. Hell Awaits
3. South of Heaven
4. Seasons in the Abyss

5. Christ Illusion
6. Show No Mercy

7. Divine Intervention

8. Diabolus in Musica
9. Repentless

10. World Painted Blood

11. God Hates Us All

Here are my thoughts on the post-Divine Intervention albums

Diabolus in Musica- Weird and experimental by Slayer standards. Some of the experimentation works, some of it doesn't. Oddly, I really the punky style of Love to Hate, which I imagine many people dislike, perhaps simply because it's so novel. The album definitely loses steam down the stretch.

God Hates Us All- This album actually starts out really strong. "Disciple" and "New Faith" present a vicious, iconoclastic aesthetic that really seems to be going somewhere. Then, the album descends into stupidity with increasingly dull and redundant songwriting and moments of profoundly stupid. Some tracks make me feel like I'm listening to the soundtrack to a backyard brawl between bros.

Christ Illusion- Really impressed me. The first five songs are excellent, easily the best songwriting of the second half of their career, with distinct sounding tracks that are all still aesthetically cohesive. While the album stays true to Salyer's classic era, it offers songs that can stand on their own. The second half is only a slight step down, but still has some stellar moments and at worst is solid.

World Painted Blood- They tried some things here that really didn't work for me. The more alternative sounding moments and cleaner vocal passages really turned me off. It just isn't something Slayer is good at. The rest of the album is set a of solid but unspectacular thrash songs.

Repentless- Similar to World Painted Blood, but with out the moments that annoyed me. Overall, a pretty solid thrash album, but is there anything here that really impresses me? No. It's a pretty conservative "we know what our fans like, let's not play with fire" album that gets the job done but fails to leave an impression.
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#10 Diabolus in Musica (1998)


Average points per vote: 2.66/11

Diabolus In Musica is a fucking abortion.

God hates us all is much worse than Diabolus in Musica.

Agreed. At least Diabolus in Musica has a few new ideas, even if some of those involve rapping and nu metal hints.

Diabolus in Musica is one of the worst listening experiences of my life...
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#9 God Hates Us All (2001)


Average points per vote: 2.87/11

Slayer... were excellent all the way up to Seasons in the Abyss. From there they spiralled into the shit they now call "God Hates Us All" which probably should have just been called "God Hates a lot of things, but he especially hates this Album"

God Hates Us All is a good album for what it is.

8. World Painted Blood (2009)


Average points per vote: 2.87/11

I think it's half-assed and rushed. Kerry King even said they threw this album together at the last second in the studio, and it shows.

Classical ?

As for World Painted Blood ... it's a half-decent record with a couple of good songs on a live setlist, and a fair share of KoRn moments (Playing With Dolls is the most guilty).

6. Divine Intervention (1994)


Average points per vote: 4.87/11

Why do Slayer fans say things like "Seasons In The Abyss" is the last good Slayer album? I thought Divine Intervention was pretty good but it goes off with out being noticed. It sounds like Seasons In The Abyss with those atmospheric parts but it's more speedier and punkish. It's different from the straight aggression of Reign In Blood but I still love it.

I think it's a bit predictable, and lacks the passion and vision that earlier albums possessed.

There's a MASSIVE jump between 6 and 5 (no surprise there) and the next three albums are super tight.
#5 South of Heaven (1988)


Average points per vote: 7.83/11

First place votes: 1

Aye, South of Heaven is probably their most chilling album, in general.

I'd say so. It's the really trebley sound, and also that they discovered the volume knob and the incredible technique of sometimes not playing at 300mph to make the parts where they play at 300mph more hardcore. Also, Araya's lyrics come across clearer, making them creepier.

Just noticed this reply, yeah I agree. There's something really cold about South of Heaven, it's definitely their darkest album. I remember thinking they were pure evil at the time. This was just before they went all basketball jerseys and tacky merch.
#4 Seasons in the Abyss (1990)


Average points per vote: 7.92/11

First place votes: 3

Why does Reign in Blood always get heralded as the best Slayer album when Seasons in the Abyss is superior? The riffs are more imaginative, the song writing is stronger, and the mood is more portentous.

I think Reign... is much more brutal,primitive and rough than Seasons ... In addition to that it was actually the album that brought Slayer up from being a promising band to world class players...
Seasons... in my opinion is the magnum opus of the band, because of being much more mature ...riffs are better structured, lombardo simply rocks, and the lyrics are less provocative but equally ass-kicking...

:worship:SEASONS IN THE ABYSS :worship:

Seasons is actually my favorite album by Slayer. Expendable Youth, Skeletons of Society, and Seasons in the Abyss are probably my top three favorite slayer songs.
#2 Hell Awaits (1985)


Average points per vote: 9.12/11

First place votes: 8

... yup. More so the Incantation clone bands though. No one refers to Immolation as cavernous death metal. I find it amusing that people always seem to lump up Immolation and Incantation together. "Look their names rhyme and they're both east coast so they surely must sound alike" :lol: simps

They're both atmospheric tho

Hell Awaits is atmospheric thrash. :lol:

Hell Awaits. Beautifully menacing with fantastic riffs and aggressive melodies.
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Ha, seven years ago seasons was my favorite Slayer album.... makes sense I guess. Cant say I think THAT highly ov it any more, but its still great.