GMD Poll: Burzum's Discography Ranked

#1 Hvis lyset tar oss (1993)


Average points per vote: 8.7/11

First place votes: 8 1/3 (Dazed and Brutal, Phylactery, Manic Ferocity, challenge_everything, crimsonfloyd, EspaDa, The Butt, jimmy101, Mort Divine)

I always found Hvis Lyset Tar Oss too plodding.

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the worst Burzum album (of the black metal stuff)

Burzum is brilliant. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the epitome of black metal and a true example of artistry in metal. You know nothing.

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss... only perfect extrme metal album that exists. I like others better, but none stay balanced like this album.

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the epitome of black metal. It basically killed the genre, as no other band seems to be able to top it.

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

Varg creates more then most bands ever accomplish with just so little. This album is the musical definition of art.

1. Hvis lyset tar oss-No record better captures the essence of black metal than Hvis lyset tar oss: the raw, heathen spirit, the peculiar fusion of power and powerlessness, the consuming atmosphere, and the naturalistic ambiance. Yet, in defining the genre, Hvis lyset tar oss transcends it. Hvis lyset tar oss is universal: it expresses horror and repulsion at the homogenization of culture, thought, and lifestyle. It snarls at the aesthetics, values, and sensibilities of monolithic light of “Western” culture and Christianity. And yet, it is also highly specific: it is the perfection of the Norwegian black metal sound, with primitive drumming, haunting synths, primal howls and harsh yet hypnotic guitar work. Finally, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is simply a magnificent journey, traveling through tragedy, fury, retribution, and defeat before finally settling in a space of mystical detachment.
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Reactions: Dazed and Brutal
Interesting, much of Candlemass' middle period is pretty overlooked so it'll be cool to go through some of that. TBH I'm more looking forward to The Chasm since they're a band that a) I have heard very little of, b) are a death metal band which we haven't touched on as much (or at least it feels that way) and c) is loved around here.

i like the ambient track at the end of Filosofem, its not as good as Han Som Reiste or Tomhet but it is excellent for having on when going to bed
coy faggotry describes a lot of the atmo black burzum influenced but not really hvis IMO, it's pretty savage. i get preferring the first two though, i probably love the style of those more as well but just find them less consistent/coherent.
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Reactions: Manic Ferocity