GMD Poll: Slayer's Discography Ranked

hold on, we are talking about HOW IT SOUNDS, since you know its not a movie or a play or something. Or are we talking about the album art or how the band members looked or how the album makes you feel or something? I dont get it.


That wasn't a legit question bro. Of course were talking about the sound, since you know ...WERE TALKING ABOUT MUSIC. Also, do you not LISTEN to those lyrics with YOUR EARS? lol

When talking about the atmosphere of a record, I don't really take the specific lyrical content into account. "Raining Blood" though does have a kind of evil feeling to it, with the tension built by the intro for example. But I think the feeling of Reign in Blood comes almost entirely down to the terseness of the album's length as well as the intensity, aggression and violence of the compositions.

It could be an album based around a concept of eating cotton candy and it wouldn't change my feelings about it being aggressive and violent rather than evil. Of course this is also relatively speaking because it would sound evil by comparison to many other albums by other bands.

I don't see how Angel of Death doesn't sound evil, even if you don't speak English. That opening scream drags you into hell on earth and the slow(er) middle passage has some really evil sounding riffs. That said, we're talking using an ethical term aesthetically where it essentially can't be defined, so there's bound to be vast disagreement on what does and does not sound evil.
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