Morbid Angel guitarist question

Utuk Xul said:
Don't know but he looks like Karen Carpenter.

Anyone know what happened to Rich Brunelle?
Haha he does look funny.......I don't know about Brunelle, I just know they made their best music with him, I have no idea if he was the reason or not but it is an interesting coincidence.
Tony Norman is the touring guitarist.

Brunelle didn't write anything for Morbid Angel, as he states in countless interviews. (Aside from "Desolate Ways").
most people tend to think so....

i think Trey/Erik ended up being the best and one of the most creative guitar duos ever, they have very distinct styles that really added shitloads of depth to their sound. and all the leads on Domination/Gateways are definately high above any other MA album
Erik Rutan and Trey were not really duo's and on 2 fullength albums Erik probably wrote 4 songs and 2,3 solos. That is more as a session musician or touring guitarist IMO.
no Erik definately had more than 2 or 3 solos. Definately. his solos are all over Domination and Gateways, if you know their styles you can tell, and they worked so well along trey's style, thats why i think they were such a good duo. For example, listen to Eyes to see, Ears To Hear, azagthoth/rutan song, you can hear the two different style meshing very well, and especially in the solo, the first part is done in typical trey-wierdness fashion, then Erik's is very melodic. Another good example is in Ageless Still I Am trey does the two solos in the middle, and Erik's awesome melodic solo finishes off the song, it just makes the song. I can name all kinds of examples like that throughout Domination and Gateways. I think those two albums have the most depth of any MA album. Trey is my favorite guitarist, and Erik is in my top 5 as well. his melodic soloing is literally to die for.
speed said:
Hey edgecrusher- next show you go to, well have to meet up, since I am a Cincinnatian as well.
Next show at Bogarts I'm going to is for Machine Head, Arch Enemy and God Forbid. There's also a few shows coming up at Sudsy Malones such as Incantation, Exhumed, Macabre, and the Metal Attack Radio Show benefit featuring Wretched Guild, Filth Porn, and the band my brother is in Death Warmed Over.