Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

oops, my bad. but yea i rarely laugh as hard as i did at that video :lol:
Listening to this for the first time now. It just sounds like a bunch of completely out of touch guys trying really hard to stay 'relevant'. Oh well.

Tbh i'd rather have a band do that than try to release an authentic replica of a past album that their fans love in order to stay 'relevant' to only their fans
Listening to this for the first time now. It just sounds like a bunch of completely out of touch guys trying really hard to stay 'relevant'. Oh well.

pretty much. I would say it's an attempt to cash in but nobody likes it anyway. it sold less than Heretic so far, and that's with all the fancy packaging pre-order stuff. it's obvious the only people that enjoy it are the ones who never cared about the band/the music in the first place tbh.
I'm on my first listen right now. I figured I might as well listen to it and decide if I should buy it or not. Initially I had only listened to the samples and wasn't that impressed but amongst all of the fuss, I've decided to give it a fair chance. I have to admit, the more negative press this album gets, the more appealing it's seemingly become to me.

So far I don't have a problem with it, the change in style really doesn't bother me. I figure there's more upside to them releasing an oddity of an album than releasing another Covenant or something. There's really some surprises here and at this point in my life as a music fan, that's a lot more exciting than band releasing something 100% predictable. Had they released another Covenant I'd probably be a lot more likely to write it off as being uninspired, formulaic, and forgettable. I actually prefer it when a band releases something genuine, something they can stand behind. It annoys me when a band reunites and attempts to win back the fans' attention by rehashing old ideas in some poorly contrived effort.

This album certainly hasn't won me over but I don't think it's nearly as bad as everyone is saying it is. I think it's a decent album on first listen but I think this album has got some potential to grow on me so I'll see how it fares with a few more listens. I'll take evolution over stagnation any day.
I'll take 'good' over 'laughably bad' any day. I'm all for bands trying new things as long as they're doing it from a place of real inspiration.

But that's kind of the point though. How much genuine inspiration do you think they have these days? I would assume this is the main reason why the album took several years to come out. And at some point I believe they found some inspiration, this evident in the change in direction. Morbid Angel were always about evolving and taking things into new territory, they were never about rehashing old ideas or playing typical death metal. Well, at least with David Vincent this was the mindset, and since the beginning, really.

I agree that the new album has some humorous aspects to it and perhaps the end result isn't the greatest, but I think this is still the result of Morbid Angel with as much inspiration as they are going to get these days. They could have played it safe, and released an insipid and truly uninspired album but I think the release would have been regarded as being forgettable, and insignificant to their career. I think a lot of fans in recent years have approached Morbid Angel with relative apathy and indifference and I genuinely believe Morbid Angel wanted to get people thinking, and talking about them again.
Had they released another album continuing where Heretic left off, you'd be stuck with the complete absence of inspiration and evolution. It would be uninspired and stagnant. That's my point. For me as a listener, I think this approach is the lesser of two evils that band can take.
Experimentation for experimentation's sake =/= inspiration. If you like it you like it that's just a taste thing so I'm not even going to bother trying to refute that but this album is nothing more than a joke to me and I refuse to take it seriously. Whatever reputation Morbid Angel may have had at one point has been reduced to nothing more than a complete and total laughing stock.
Experimentation for experimentation's sake =/= inspiration. If you like it you like it that's just a taste thing so I'm not even going to bother trying to refute that but this album is nothing more than a joke to me and I refuse to take it seriously. Whatever reputation Morbid Angel may have had at one point has been reduced to nothing more than a complete and total laughing stock.

When a band changes direction it's usually because they've been inspired to do so and have little to no desire to continue doing the same old thing or retread familiar grounds. Experimenting can be refreshing and exciting for the bands especially bands who've been around for a long time. So I cannot fault Morbid Angel for doing this. I feel that if a band is lacking inspiration, they should look elsewhere for some. And of course it's only natural to want to incorporate this new found inspiration into their music. Whether it's good or not, that's up to the listener. I don't believe a band needs to justify anything to their fans. Sure it might be smart to give into what people want but this isn't pop music, not even this album.
this album is nothing more than a joke to me and I refuse to take it seriously
I love this statement, it pretty much epitomizes what tr00 metalheads don't seem to get about this album.

"Humor? In my death metal?? What blasphemy is this!"
I don't think he was trying to be "tr00" at all. It's not uncommon for people to call subpar albums a "joke", or at least that's what I thought.