Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

I know, but saying "I refuse to take it seriously" suggests that the album was actually meant to be taken seriously in the first place.
You think they deliberately made a comedy album?

Dave: "Hey Trey, I've got the greatest idea. Let's "reinvent" the band as a third rate Marylin Manson clone!"

Trey: "Oh lordy fuck yeah lol. Those death metal fucks are gonna have next level conniptions when they hear it. We'll be the internet meme of the year!"
Well based on the lyrics i'm pretty sure they weren't trying to make a "serious" album. I don't really know what their sense of humor is like, but it's not unheard of for bands to make music that's both goofy and artistically valid at the same time (Ween being perhaps the most notable case). Not that MA succeeded in this goal (assuming it was even their goal to begin with), but i think they made an interesting effort.
I read the lyrics and I don't sense any humor in the lyrics whatsoever, but rather a stylistic lyrical adaptation that is more fit to the change in music. I don't see anything that is not 'serious'.
I don't think he was trying to be "tr00" at all. It's not uncommon for people to call subpar albums a "joke", or at least that's what I thought.

Exactly thank you. I'm not some trvue kvlt kiddie who gets butthurt when bands decide to mix it up a bit. Dragonforce, Dream Theater, and Dimmu Borgir are some of my favorite bands for fuck sake. I don't give a shit if bands are popular/unpopular or sound like whatever. If I like something I like it. I can even remember defending St.Anger when it came out and I still say it's not as bad as everyone says it is. I mean it fucking sucks but it's not the worst thing ever created by anyone not by a long shot.

That being said I can't see myself getting behind this album. It's a joke because they were dead serious when they wrote the songs and recorded them and they were dead serious when they released them. Its a joke because they actually thought their fan base would enjoy industrial/techno slop with fluffed up choruses made to seem like "metal anthems". Frankly it's insulting to the intelligence of the people who listen to death metal and metal in general. However the ten year old me would probably like it though.
zabu of nΩd;9875245 said:
I love this statement, it pretty much epitomizes what tr00 metalheads don't seem to get about this album.

"Humor? In my death metal?? What blasphemy is this!"

zabu of nΩd;9875613 said:
I know, but saying "I refuse to take it seriously" suggests that the album was actually meant to be taken seriously in the first place.

so now the defenders are trying to say that the album was never meant to be taken seriously in the first place? wow. just.... wow.
So far I don't have a problem with it, the change in style really doesn't bother me. I figure there's more upside to them releasing an oddity of an album than releasing another Covenant or something. There's really some surprises here and at this point in my life as a music fan, that's a lot more exciting than band releasing something 100% predictable. Had they released another Covenant I'd probably be a lot more likely to write it off as being uninspired, formulaic, and forgettable. I actually prefer it when a band releases something genuine, something they can stand behind. It annoys me when a band reunites and attempts to win back the fans' attention by rehashing old ideas in some poorly contrived effort.

This album certainly hasn't won me over but I don't think it's nearly as bad as everyone is saying it is. I think it's a decent album on first listen but I think this album has got some potential to grow on me so I'll see how it fares with a few more listens. I'll take evolution over stagnation any day.

But that's kind of the point though. How much genuine inspiration do you think they have these days? I would assume this is the main reason why the album took several years to come out. And at some point I believe they found some inspiration, this evident in the change in direction. Morbid Angel were always about evolving and taking things into new territory, they were never about rehashing old ideas or playing typical death metal. Well, at least with David Vincent this was the mindset, and since the beginning, really.

I agree that the new album has some humorous aspects to it and perhaps the end result isn't the greatest, but I think this is still the result of Morbid Angel with as much inspiration as they are going to get these days. They could have played it safe, and released an insipid and truly uninspired album but I think the release would have been regarded as being forgettable, and insignificant to their career. I think a lot of fans in recent years have approached Morbid Angel with relative apathy and indifference and I genuinely believe Morbid Angel wanted to get people thinking, and talking about them again.

alright guys.. people don't think this album sucks simply because it's not Altars of Madness 2.0. they think it sucks because it's bad music. people don't think this album is laughably bad because they experimented. they think it's laughably bad because the songwriting is pathetic. people don't hate the album simply because they "went in a new direction". they hate the album because the "new direction" resulted in piss-poor songwriting and completely uninspired crap.

people who defend this album are missing the point. if you like it, that's fine, you are entitled to your own opinion. but that's all you have to say. don't sit there and try and tell us why you think we don't like it. we know why we don't like it, because it's bad music. don't try and feed us all this bullshit about how they "evolved" and "experimented" and "went in a new direction" because "they didn't wanna release another Covenant". the problem isn't that they experimented. the problem is that the experimentation completely failed and resulted in pathetically bad songwriting.

a band is free to experiment and try new things all they want. if that's what they wanna do, than that's completely fine, as long as they actually still make good music out of it. Morbid Angel failed to do that.
Experimentation for experimentation's sake =/= inspiration. If you like it you like it that's just a taste thing so I'm not even going to bother trying to refute that but this album is nothing more than a joke to me and I refuse to take it seriously. Whatever reputation Morbid Angel may have had at one point has been reduced to nothing more than a complete and total laughing stock.

Who cares (speaking as a fan) about their reputation? Their last few albums since Domination have been boring as hell anyway, I really don't see why this is such a big shock to people.
people who defend this album are missing the point. if you like it, that's fine, you are entitled to your own opinion. but that's all you have to say. don't sit there and try and tell us why you think we don't like it. we know why we don't like it, because it's bad music. don't try and feed us all this bullshit about how they "evolved" and "experimented" and "went in a new direction" because "they didn't wanna release another Covenant". the problem isn't that they experimented. the problem is that the experimentation completely failed and resulted in pathetically bad songwriting.

The album really isn't that experimental overall. It seems to me at least half of it is basically Heretic with more obnoxious production, and as far as that goes i agree with the harsher critics for the most part.

I still don't take the criticism of the experimental stuff (Too Extreme, Destructos, etc) very seriously because no one seems to have anything to say about it other than "omg so bad". What about all those menacing rhythms in Destructos, or the super-weird guitar soloing in Mea Culpa? Then there's Too Extreme, which is so absurdly abrasive that it's actually kind of entertaining in an antimusical sense. I think there are interesting ideas in these songs that the naysayers aren't acknowledging, and that's where i attribute the hate for this album to people's expectations for AoM 2.0
zabu of nΩd;9877356 said:
The album really isn't that experimental overall. It seems to me at least half of it is basically Heretic with more obnoxious production, and as far as that goes i agree with the harsher critics for the most part.

I still don't take the criticism of the experimental stuff (Too Extreme, Destructos, etc) very seriously because no one seems to have anything to say about it other than "omg so bad". What about all those menacing rhythms in Destructos, or the super-weird guitar soloing in Mea Culpa? Then there's Too Extreme, which is so absurdly abrasive that it's actually kind of entertaining in an antimusical sense. I think there are interesting ideas in these songs that the naysayers aren't acknowledging, and that's where i attribute the hate for this album to people's expectations for AoM 2.0

You forgot the "They've turned into a Marily Manson rip off band", line, even though only one song on the album sounds like MM.
Who cares (speaking as a fan) about their reputation? Their last few albums since Domination have been boring as hell anyway, I really don't see why this is such a big shock to people.

You call yourself a fan and then say Formulas and Gateways are boring, and praise Illud? Is that some sort of joke?
I love the wave of people that always appear after a shitty album is released. They somewhat feel necessary to defend it when everybody else says it‘s just bad and agree on it. They wouldn‘t normally even care to listen to it twice but given it‘s horrible reputation they somehow feel the need to.

EDIT: Also, it‘s usually the same people.
Defending this album is like defending Jeffrey Dahmer. They're both guilty of rape and atrocious experiments gone awry.
You call yourself a fan and then say Formulas and Gateways are boring, and praise Illud? Is that some sort of joke?

No, it's called personal taste. I've been listening to Morbid Angel for 20+ years, Blessed was the first DM album (cassette) I ever bought - my comment about Formulas and Gateways being boring is relative. I find those albums boring (Covenant too!) compared to Altars and Blessed, and other, better, albums by other death metal bands (like Death who were consistently awesome and worthy of the "legend" tag MA have somehow got for themselves).
I'm not particularly praising Illud, I just happen to find it more interesting than anything they've done in a long time. Sure much of it is fucking awful, but I really like the heavier songs - personal taste.

Too many bands (like fucking Slayer) are content to tread water and just release the same stuff forever. Only it's NOT the same, it might be following the same old formula, but everyone with ears can hear what these bands are doing is nowhere near as good as what they did 20 years ago. Morbid Angel have been in that category for a long time - at least now they've done something a little (okay a lot) different. It's better than another boring Heretic (or Christ Illusion/World Painted Blood etc)
As someone who considers this band as pretty much sacred,i'd nearly buy this new album even if it's a comedy,Trey and David could piss into a mike and it'd still be good?...but i'm too scared to even listen to this.
What a dilema....fuck you Morbid Angel.