more proof Islam is evil and should be destroyed

Evil Dead's opinion doesn't count as everyone's but, you can include me in with him on this one. When I think of Muslims, I don't think of them as great inventors of things that advanced man. I think of Nick Berg's beheading. I think they invented terror. I think that not all Muslims are terrorists but, almost all terrorists are Muslim.
Evil Dead's opinion doesn't count as everyone's but, you can include me in with him on this one. When I think of Muslims, I don't think of them as great inventors of things that advanced man. I think of Nick Berg's beheading. I think they invented terror. I think that not all Muslims are terrorists but, almost all terrorists are Muslim.

You think they invented terror.....people have been terrorizing each other for thousands of years.......
You think they invented terror.....people have been terrorizing each other for thousands of years.......

I guess that depends on what you consider terror. If wedgies' pink-bellies and beatings are terror (think Abu-Grahb) then my older brother is a terrorist.
I guess that depends on what you consider terror. If wedgies' pink-bellies and beatings are terror (think Abu-Grahb) then my older brother is a terrorist.

Crime is just as present in every nation. The most important part of warfare is media, you can't win a war, no matter how strong your military force, if the majority of your population is against you. By using terms such as "terrorism", for things that would normally be called crime anywhere else, they're able to portray the enemy as evil and gain support for the cause. When a non-Muslim building is burned in the Middle East, it's terrorism, but when a Muslim building or other religious facility is burned outside of the Middle East by non Middle Easterners, it's just a crime (which people look upon with indifference when labeled "crime", as more of an everyday thing, but when it's called terrorism, people see it as horrible and inhumane.. While both are, just a simple different choice of words can swing the support of a population). There's a reason why, if you go to Britain and much of Europe, Mossad assassinations of Palestinian officials are called assassinations, but in the US, because Israel are the most supported allied force of the US, Newspapers are forced to use terms like "targeted attacks" or "extra judicial killings"

(think Abu-Grahb) then my older brother is a terrorist.

Your brother took pictures of you in gay poses with a bunch of nude Arabic men wearing bags over their head? :Puke:
By Muslim inventions I meant they were invented during Islamic rule, which means a few of them could just as easily been invented by someone of another religion, unlike in Europe where those of other religions were persecuted, exiled or burned at stake. The most important inventors, Abbas Ibn Firnas, Taqi al-Din and al-Jazari, were all Muslims.

Mixed up your posts with Sue's then, accident =S

Soap was invented because of Islam. Because people needed to always be clean before they prayed, they developed soap and shampoo to make this possible.

People in Europe were using "soap", but like I said, they used things such as ashes of animals to clean themselves.. It wasn't until the Muslims "combined vegetable oils (such as olive oil) with sodium ******ide and aromatics", that the idea of modern soap, that actually worked, was invented.
I said I know! Sandalwood is a middle eastern spice, and it owns. Trust me, chicks love that smell. I personally prefer Crabtree and Evelyns sandalwood soap and shave soap. It get's ya laid. (good looks help too)

I've been to Algeria, spent two years there when I was 11-13. And I got back there yearly, and I've been to Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, as well. Except for Palestine, which has been made into a hellhole, the other places were really nice and big cities, like Algiers are much safer than New York, etc, pick-pocketing is the biggest problem in Algeria.
Egypt, while quite sand stormy while I was there was impressive. I was never really in any type of fear until I noticed that people were allowed to drive from the main road onto the tarmac of the international airport. But hey, we cant all have tight security, even here.

Maybe if you're comparing the US to Kenya or the "Democratic Republic" of the Congo. In Middle Eastern countries that haven't been fucked up by the US or Israel, economy is fairly good. And there aren't militant islamists or Christians running around, a few rowdy protestors, but actual attacks from religious attacks from "militant Muslims" in any one country are about just as common as an abortion center bombing/shot up school (Not counting Afghanistan or Iraq.. And Iraq isn't really attacking because of religion, it's because since the US came in, over 200,000 Iraqi's have been killed and rape of Iraqi women is a common occurance from US soldiers.. They didn't liberate the country, the killed, raped and pillaged, like the Vikings did, along with demolish all forms of laws/government, which catapulted Iraq into civil war.. So really, just Afghanistan, and the majority of the population in Afghanistan was against the Taliban and Al Qaeda is an even smaller minority).
Abortion center bombings are not even remotely as common as terrorist activities. Even though Iraq did not pose much aggression before the march 2003 war start, it doesnt excuse some guy blowing up 80 people at a fuckin mosque. That is terrorism. Rape is common from US soldiers? ARE YOU INSANE? I can name four accounts. FOUR ACCOUNTS. How often is rape perpetrated by the common muslim man there? all the fucking time. ANd what is done about it? NOthing. Oh wait, the woman gets punished because it is obviously her fault. Of all the ignorant things you have said, you say US soldiers are raping the women. Trust me, this isnt vietnam. We have women in the military, and they are more than willing to give up the cooter. Iraqi women don't have much to worry about. Even with our "XRAY glasses" lol. Chicks would run from americans because they thought our Oakleys were Xray glasses, told to them by the local clerics.

I'm not a liberal, I hate both parties of the 2-party-system with a passion. It wasn’t really sarcasm as most 16 year olds do hate Algebra, but obviously you used it as a serious argument or else you wouldn’t of said beer was the only good thing to come out of the Middle East..
Beer is the only real good invention by man. I could do without a car, but beer? Nah.

And if you really want to throw everything else to the wind, please demolish and never re-purchase any automobile you have, every hospital in the US along with every text ever written about the eye and all eyeglass and forms of corrective lenses, Soap/Shampoo/Toothbrushes and every form of hygene you've used, every device used to drive any type of ship, rockets/torpedos/Cannons, meaning mounted cannons, too, so no tanks either/Much of modern firearms, etc…
Might as well shut down your computer and go live with the Amish if this is the train of thought you use. And as far as hygiene as by todays standards, it isnt comparable. Early "hygiene" was just used to mask the smell, not really clean yourself up.

The scientific method isn't just guess and check, it's the idea of, during experiments, having only one variable and keeping the rest constant, and using observation/experiment to test hypotheses. Before Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan in the 8th century, alchemy was just based on superstition, it was him that turned it into a science as it is practiced today. Along with inventing much of the basis of chemistry, such as the ideas of distillation, crystallisation and the syntheses of hydrochloric and nitric acids. As well as discovering tartaric, citric and acetic acids, he used these acids, combined with salt, to create aqua regia, the first substance of the time that could dissolve and purify gold. He used this knowledge to create metals such as steel.. He developed the system of classifying elements into metals and non-metals, as used today.

So I guess, since it's correct that the scientific method wasn't used until Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan brought alchemy from superstition and myths to the science of chemistry, according to you, Islam is peaceful :)
How is Islam peaceful according to me again? This whole arguement has been derailed by our rantings. The fact of the matter is that Islam is the main source of evil in the world today.

The Middle East brought the world from Roman times of brutality and senseless killing of other people, that continued even into the 19th century, into a peaceful more tolerant place. If not for the Muslim world's influence on the rest of the world, the likes of the Mongol's use of terror would still be existant, the Inquisition and Pogroms would still be alive and well in Europe, etc.. Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, etc, are just as developed or more so than much of Europe.. It was the Middle East's culture that influenced the idea of tolerance for the rest of the world, while there was one extremist group that took power for 5 years after the country just gaining independence, considering the population in Afghanistan were against them, your idea of all Muslim countries being Islamocrazy rhetoric and using brutality is complete redneck bullshit. Most Middle Eastern countries are just as powerful economically and militarily as European nations, the difference is, it was the Middle East that brought the world into the idea of Tolerance and the Middle East who created much of what we use today in the modern world.
Militarily on paper some countries might look comparable to european countries. But the German polezi could take over any middle eastern country. There is no real military will to stay and fight, surrender is the common thread amongst middle eastern militaries.

Since when does your opinion count as "everyone"? I'm pretty sure it's just you, Sue, and a couple of KKK-associated gruops that think this. The reason much of Europe hates America is because they stereotype all the people in it as redneck assholes like you, and racist skinhead bastards like you are an embarrassment, not just to America, but to Metalheads everywhere.
Sorry to disappoint you but I am not a redneck nor a skin head. That is hilarious. I have a full head of totally rad hair, I would never shave it off. Why pretend to be bald, especially when you never will be bald (all bow to my awesome genes) Im an atheist, I am about as racist as ..well other athiests which is close to NIL. I dont give two shits about anyones color, sexual orientation. WHATEVER. When it doesnt effect me or people I know or my way of life I don't care. I do care when things start to effect me, such as Islam and it's evil purpose here on earth. I am not out hunting down muslims, I dont give them shit when I see them at a store. Actually I don't even classify anyone into that category. The only time I would do that, is if someone makes an effort to let me know they are muslim, otherwise I just dont care. Example, this kid that worked for me HAD TO MAKE sure that I knew he was a jew. Why? Did he think he was gonna get special treatment? Yep. He thought as the son of a gay jew (true story) that he had to be shown some respect not afforded to the catholics and protestants who worked for me also. Sorry bud, not gonna happen. I bet he thought I was being racist too. I actually hate redneck white trash more than I dislike christians, jews or muslims. I would rather eradicate a large population of my own race than anyone else, as morbid as it is. Ill start with KKK and nazi's first.

PLEASE show me one attack against the US from Iraq before the US decided to invade them for being a threat? They weren't, they were peaceful.. Look at Palestine before Israel came in, there were no civil problems, although I don't give two shits about your opinion on Palestine because you thought it was uninhabited before Israel came in. And your lack of knowledge of history really gives me little reason to continue this arguement (You thought the French and Indian war was fought between the French and the Indians :lol: ).
Constant surface to air engagements from the Iraqi's against coalition aircraft patrolling the no fly zone for..oh what 13 years. That wasn't an attack now was it? Cause for war? Hell no we just killed the guys on the ground, easy sleazy. Uncalled for aggression? Nah, we liberated Kuwait, a country illegally invaded by Iraq, they got whooped, we imposed rules to prevent Iraq from murdering more Kurds and/or Kuwaities. And for the record, I dont agree with the Iraq war at. There was never a reason to go in.

And WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about the French & Indian war???????? You think that I thought it was the french versus the indians? LOILOLOLOLOLOL /crymyselftosleep. That is hilarious. I said, Indians sided with the FRENCH, Indians sided with the BRITISH/AMERICANS. They fought. IT was called the French Indian war because the french and Indians were fighting the Brits/AMericans. Im not some random retard in high school with you. I bet 99% of your classmates think that war was between french and indians haha. I weep for the youth of today!

I'm done arguing with you, you're a pathetic human being and I won't lower myself to your level any longer.
Dude, muslims give nazi's a good name, how does that get lower?
You said Pakis who supported the Taliban were for some reason celebrating 9/11, they'd have no reason to. And the number who joined the Taliban's cause was also very small.
They did, and yes they had reason to. American was wounded. The whole area relished in the fact that their most envied country got slapped a bit.

..No, people weren't shitting into cars. If they can afford a car, they can afford oil in such an oil-rich nation. You lie so much.. Please show me some pictures of said mud huts, if this really occured, I'm sure there'd a mad clusterfuck by all the human rights organizations to fix this. Put there aren't, and considering the unemployment rates in Pakistan is lower and their economy is stronger than most European countries, I seriously doubt this.
They used shit for fuel for cooking, ie starting fires etc. I would watch the guys scoop the buckets up then hump them across the wall to their little mud hut village. And it was a mud hut village. Actually, more of a earthen clay/straw village. If I can find my pictures ill post one. But I honestly never got closer than binocular length, burning feces is a rotten smell.

Kind of like how 99% of 100% of statements you make are complete bull shit :Saint:
Yeah experience over heresay is bullshit, good luck in life!

They weren't hustled out, if you knew anything about the History of Islam you'd know that Christians, Jews, and all former inhabitants of the area were allowed to stay in the city, unharmed, under full military protection against outside nations. And then the Crusaders came and killed everyone, all civilians, christian, jew, muslim, man, woman, child, etc.. Jews were allowed to live there freely, but they still wanted to perform an ethnic cleansing on their Jewish state, so they "hustled" the Palestinian Arabs right on out of their homes to make room for Israeli settlements..

Palestine is old and tired now after over a half a century of complete oppression and forced homelessness. But if the Palestinians want their land, then it should be their's, as it has been for over a millenium.

In 1878, Palestine's population was exactly 462,465 Muslim and Christian Arabs. They were all united under one governing force, the Ottoman Empire, with local governing powers. Along with a strong economy, infrastructure, towns, villages, markets, commerce, universities, etc. It was like an American sub-urb during the 1800s, it was not uninhabited.

Whether it was called Palestine at the time or not is irrelevent. It was a highly populated area by Arabic Muslims and Christians. They inhabited the land, all the British Mandate did originally was give power of Transjordan to the already existant government in the Palestinian area. While all this happening, Jewish terrorist groups like Lehi and Irgun attacked Britain and Palestinians. They killed British soldiers and Palestinian civilians..

And btw, there were no Palestinian civil conflicts until the late 1980s. Until Israel created and put into place, Hamas, to help completely destroy Palestine. Why the FUCK should Palestinians be forced to leave their HOMES, business, possessions, etc, just because some Zionist terrorists attack them? Life not being fair is shown when you're crossing the street and someone drives through a puddle and you get soaked.. What you're saying is like if someone murders one of your close family members then, when taken to court the excuse used is "Life ain't fair".. You're having trouble distinguishing between unfairness and illegal, extremist invasions and murders..
One sided arab/muslim rhetoric yet again.

As you might know, most words have 2, 3, even hundreds of different definitions. What you were accusing me of for a ridiculous reason was this:
unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : BIGOTED

The definition you used in that example was: unable or unwilling to endure

So, for the most part, your sentence doesn't work.
I missed english in racism/KKK school. Notice my lack of punctuation, proper grammar, and paragraph cohesiveness.

Since when are Muslims murdering thousands upon thousands in Africa...? Are you Jerry Falwell by any chance?
"I will take selective ignorance for 2000 Alex!"

The Priests who molest small boys are doing it because they're sick, perverted, child molesting bastards.. It's not religion that made them want to molest boys, it's their fucked up nature, and they'd be out there on the frontline, every morning, raping small boys, whether or not Christianity existed :p The same Christian explorers would still have explored and killed, with or without christianity, and they probably would have killed more horribly and inhumanely if not for religion. Suicide bombers in the middle east would still be attacking Israel if Islam didn't exist, for the same reason they are now, because they stole their land and won't leave their country. It's like you said, "Should of Fought Harder Pussies", it was their land and as long as Israel continues to occupy and kill them, they'll keep resisting.
No, priests molest boys because A.) They cant have sex and B) there arent choir girls running around. CAnt have sex, EVER. YOung impressionable boys around, what do you think is gonna happen. Same thing in Saudi Arabia, cept its camel jockey children in stables. And no, camel jockey is not being used as a racist term but an actual "profession" of people who ride camels. Just so you know and your vagina doesnt bleed anymore.

The only reason Afghanistan was under such radical law was because they were just coming out of occupation and it was complete luck that the Taliban were able to take power.

Iran just told Israel that they would defend Palestine if Israel continued to kill and occupy Palestinians.

A small few oil-rich Saudi's gave some money to Hamas and Saudi Arabian government did all they could to cut off this funding.. Government can't have complete control over their entire population, but Saudi Arabia's been pretty succesful at ending any funds going to Hamas..

Also, Please be specific with your examples or else it's impossible to respond, you just say shit like "In Libya, some guy was a terrorist, but then gave up.."
Google Libya and read for youself. It isn't my concern that your interest in world happenings is very limited in scope.

Show me one example of Palestinians firing rockets at Israel as a whole aside from a few bomb attacks per year that result in not even a fifth of the deaths from Israeli's. And FFS, Sabra and Shatila, there ya go for modern Israeli mass slaughters of thousands of Palestinian civilians all at one time. That one massacre accounts for more deaths than all of Palestine's anti-Israel terrorism in the past decade..
Jesus titty fucking christ are you insane? Your Sabra and Shatila massacres WERE DONE BY JORDANIANS, MUSLIMS. NOT ISRAELIS. The only thing Israel is guilty of is not stopping it. So how are they responsible? I guess America is responsible for every fucking incident in this world, since we wield the power to stop it..if we dont act its all our fault huh? Insane.

Anyways, why would Israeli's have to bomb Palestinians when they have the money to just shoot at them? Palestinians don't have the weaponry Israel does, that's why they have to use bombs. While Israel kills countless civilians, just look at their assassinations, in the assassination of Ahmad Yassin, they killed 8 bypassers and injured over 100 others.. Just an example of bombings, but like I said, answer this, why would a highly acclaimed, patriotic Israeli professor, Tanya Reinhart, use false information? Her information has been backed by many human rights groups. Israel kills an average of 5 Palestinians posing no threat, daily..

You're just saying chances are all Muslims have weaponry and will just start shooting.. Tanya Reinharts' studies count only unarmed civilians. Not ones who had firearms, or else they are no longer civilians by definition, they would be militants. And what reason would she have to go against her country if these civilians were really militants?
Collateral damage, it happens, life sucks, people who dont deserve to die..die. War isnt going to be friendly. If two enemies are uniformed fight, sure less casulties. But when you hide amongst the populace civilians will get killed. Is Israel just supposed to stand by and get rocket attacks that kill their CIVILIANS (usually kids outside playing) and not respond?? And when you fight as militants, not you seriously think that people are gonna just let em sit there and photograph dead militants? No, they gather weapons and ammo and run away. Then people show up and say "oh my, dead civilians, DAMN JEWS!" Its a fucking propaganda tactic that works WONDER with the easily misled and feeble minded muslims (

GO against her own country? Like the Israeli professors you quote. Like the colorado prof. who said the people in the WTC deserved to be murdered? Like Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh..

Wtf? American media has always portrayed Israel in a positive light. Never in any major American newspaper was the assassination of Ahmed Yassin called an Assassination.. And never do you see any reports of Palestinian civilians dying in American newspaper... What would be the point of Palestinians trying to frame Israel when no American newspaper reports on anti-Palestinian civilian terrorism? You just made up a scenario and claimed it is the main cause of Palestinians. Your arguements are just pathetic lies of a braindead redneck who listens to anything he hears in the News.
Hahahahaha, he was a fucking terrorist. Terrorists dont get assassinated, they get taken out. And when shit hits the fan in Israel I ALWAYS see the casualties on the Palestinian side, always. But you know what, it was always instigated by the muslims. ISraels war with Hezbollah, muslims kidnap their troops, rocket attack their settlements..but of course Israel is to blame for it all. Too bad, Lebanon used to be nice.

Plenty of Israeli professors. Listen, ISRAELI-born Professors, have agreed with the fact that Israeli government terrorizes Palestinian civilians. What reason would they have to criticize the country they're born into unless said acts were so horrible they needed to be dealt with.
people going against their own country..why would they do that..?? hmm

Since when are Jews and Zionists combined? Even khomeini, as extremist as he was, said that Muslims should show Jews and Christians living with them. And they are, zionists are not even all Jews. Many zionists are christians who believe a Jewish state of Israel must be established before the Prophecy of the book of revelations can be fulfilled where Christians will take the Jews and force them to either covert to Christianity or die.
most muslims in the middle east use the word zionist jew to describe any jew, get up to speed.

And Israel didn't have the land 1000 years ago, they didn't have it 2000 years ago, they had before the first century and it was still considerably inhabited by Arabians at the time, as well. And then the Christians came and the Muslims have had it for thousands of years, of course, the Romans throwing the Jews out was horrible, etc, etc.. But when the Muslims took power, they were the only people who occupied the land and allowed people of all religion and race to stay with the same freedom as anyone else. Then the zionists invaded, killed and illegally occupied the Palestinian land because they believe their religion gives them the right to do so. If anyone killed for religion in the middle east, it was zionists.
More internet learning, go fight for palestine.

I>You at South Park knowledge, you didn't even remember what Mrs. Garrison said in the Muhammad-Fish Hat episode...
How dare you insult my South Park knowledge, seriously. Ill see you in hell!

Wow you don't know shit about history:

The only reason France stood a chance against Britain was because of their alliances with many different Native American groups. The British killed Native Americans long before the French and Indian War, and because the inhumane ways the British killed Native Americans, the Natives easily sided with France, of whom peacefully traded with them, against Britain. Although British forces did outnumber them about 5 to 1.
you misinterperated what I said..

I said serious damage, not conquer. If they were first to deploy weapons and were able to use said weapons to destroy our main nuclear weapon facilities, we'd be extremely fucked. But that was just an example of something completely irrelevent to whether China would win in a war against the US :p
Nah, we have enough nukes they dont know about floating around the pacific they would be screwed.
I said I know! Sandalwood is a middle eastern spice, and it owns. Trust me, chicks love that smell. I personally prefer Crabtree and Evelyns sandalwood soap and shave soap. It get's ya laid. (good looks help too)


Egypt, while quite sand stormy while I was there was impressive. I was never really in any type of fear until I noticed that people were allowed to drive from the main road onto the tarmac of the international airport. But hey, we cant all have tight security, even here.

I've been to Egypt, people aren't just driving around on runways, if you mean people were allowed to drive into the air port parking lot, then yes..

Abortion center bombings are not even remotely as common as terrorist activities. Even though Iraq did not pose much aggression before the march 2003 war start, it doesnt excuse some guy blowing up 80 people at a fuckin mosque. That is terrorism. Rape is common from US soldiers? ARE YOU INSANE? I can name four accounts. FOUR ACCOUNTS. How often is rape perpetrated by the common muslim man there? all the fucking time. ANd what is done about it? NOthing. Oh wait, the woman gets punished because it is obviously her fault. Of all the ignorant things you have said, you say US soldiers are raping the women. Trust me, this isnt vietnam. We have women in the military, and they are more than willing to give up the cooter. Iraqi women don't have much to worry about. Even with our "XRAY glasses" lol. Chicks would run from americans because they thought our Oakleys were Xray glasses, told to them by the local clerics.

First of all, I said the amount of school shootings combined with Abortion center attacks in the US is much more than 95% of Arabic countries. I'm not talking about Afghanistan or Iraq when I say this, I mean countries like Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan, etc. The amount of "terrorism" occuring in said countries isn't even close to that occuring from school-shootings in the US, and that's just a VERY small percentage of the US' crime rate.

In Pakistan, for example, 1.5 of every 100,000 women was victim of rape, while in the US, 62.5 of every 100,000 women was a victim of rape (statistics from In 90% of the Middle East, the only real crime problem is theft, pick-pocketing, etc.

Beer is the only real good invention by man. I could do without a car, but beer? Nah.

I could settle for vodka.

Might as well shut down your computer and go live with the Amish if this is the train of thought you use. And as far as hygiene as by todays standards, it isnt comparable. Early "hygiene" was just used to mask the smell, not really clean yourself up.

My train of thought is that much of what we use in the modern world was a development of Muslims. The Middle East brought Alchemy from superstition to a science using such practices as distillation, crystallization, etc.

The ingredients used in the first soap, created in the Middle East, was just a slight variation of that of soap we use today (soap is made more cheaply nowadays), same with the shampoo, etc. Soap and Shampoo are used to clean things, not mask smell, and the reason was that Islam required people to be clean before praying daily, so they had to clean themselves, not just cover up smells.

How is Islam peaceful according to me again? This whole arguement has been derailed by our rantings. The fact of the matter is that Islam is the main source of evil in the world today.

Fact usually means something that's true. In Pakistan, 1.5 of every 100,000 women has been raped, in the US, 62.5 of every 100,000 has been raped. In Saudi Arabia, 0.397456 per 100,000 people is a victim of murder, in the US, 4.2802 per 100,000 people is a victim of murder. Crime, such as rape or murder, is pretty much non-existant in Morocco. In Yemen, rape is at 0.38597 per 100,000 women (Which you were calling one of the worst places in the Middle East). In Tunisia, who are having a significant problem with crime atm, are still only at 1 murder victim per 100,000 people. In Morocco, the amount of murder victims per 100,000 people is 0.5. In Indonesia, the amount of victims of murder per 100,000 people is 0.9.. Algeria, even with the problems it's having with Al-Qaeda, still has only 1.7 murder victims per 100,000 people, being one of the highest rates in the Middle East/North Africa, but nothing compared to those in Europe, like Russia, with 20.2 murder victims per 100,000 people, Ukraine with 8.0 murder victims per 100,000 people. Much of the Middle East is safer, with just as strong an economy and just as advanced as Europe..

EDIT: And I'm in no way bashing on the US, btw. I'm just showing that crime in the Middle East is as rare an occurance (not including Afghanistan or Iraq) as in the US, if not rarer.

Militarily on paper some countries might look comparable to european countries. But the German polezi could take over any middle eastern country. There is no real military will to stay and fight, surrender is the common thread amongst middle eastern militaries.

Please show me where Middle Eastern countries surrender? Palestinins continued to fight to this day, even while under enormous oppression, because someday, the US, like much of Europe has already, will notice what Israeli government is trying to do.. If anything, you could say it's the US that likes to surrender, for example, the southern confederacy. And Germany could demolish any other European nation if they wanted to (if the nation had no help from allies), they have the most powerful economy in Europe and one of the most powerful militaries in the world. And the reason Britain, France, etc, are so powerful, is because of alliances, Pakistan is just as militarily powerful as any of these countries, alone. Indonesia is quite powerful, as well.

And I wasn't saying just militarily. Countries like Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, etc, are also, much safer than the majority of European countries, as well as having very powerful economies.

Sorry to disappoint you but I am not a redneck nor a skin head. That is hilarious. I have a full head of totally rad hair, I would never shave it off. Why pretend to be bald, especially when you never will be bald (all bow to my awesome genes) Im an atheist, I am about as racist as ..well other athiests which is close to NIL. I dont give two shits about anyones color, sexual orientation. WHATEVER. When it doesnt effect me or people I know or my way of life I don't care. I do care when things start to effect me, such as Islam and it's evil purpose here on earth. I am not out hunting down muslims, I dont give them shit when I see them at a store. Actually I don't even classify anyone into that category. The only time I would do that, is if someone makes an effort to let me know they are muslim, otherwise I just dont care. Example, this kid that worked for me HAD TO MAKE sure that I knew he was a jew. Why? Did he think he was gonna get special treatment? Yep. He thought as the son of a gay jew (true story) that he had to be shown some respect not afforded to the catholics and protestants who worked for me also. Sorry bud, not gonna happen. I bet he thought I was being racist too. I actually hate redneck white trash more than I dislike christians, jews or muslims. I would rather eradicate a large population of my own race than anyone else, as morbid as it is. Ill start with KKK and nazi's first.

Kinda overreacted, it happens a lot when I'm forced to take sides in an arguement =S You're cool, I got no problem with you really, but stuff like [/quote]muslims give nazi's a good name
is kinda ridiculous (Since Neo-Nazis were killing Jews in camps by the millions in government approval, while in the Muslim world, outside of Palestine/Israel, random killing of Jews is near non-existant, and much of Middle Eastern countries nowadays have very low crime rates, especially pertaining to murder). Whether more good or bad comes from major religion nowadays is debateable, but it's impossible to stop the creation of belief structures among populations. Whether Christianity/Islam/Judaism are truth or fiction, I'd much rather have these belief structures than it's predecessors, containing ideas such as sacrifices to war gods, which might possibly replace said religions eventually if they were all dismantled.

Constant surface to air engagements from the Iraqi's against coalition aircraft patrolling the no fly zone for..oh what 13 years. That wasn't an attack now was it? Cause for war? Hell no we just killed the guys on the ground, easy sleazy. Uncalled for aggression? Nah, we liberated Kuwait, a country illegally invaded by Iraq, they got whooped, we imposed rules to prevent Iraq from murdering more Kurds and/or Kuwaities. And for the record, I dont agree with the Iraq war at. There was never a reason to go in.

If you're talking about the Gulf war when Kuwait was liberated, yes. But since, no civil problems had been minimally noticeable, but in an attempt to keep a more constant price of oil in the US and as a result, completely multi-orifice rape Iraq, the 2003 Iraq war was started. But yeah, we can drop this, both of us think the war in Iraq was meanless..

And WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about the French & Indian war???????? You think that I thought it was the french versus the indians? LOILOLOLOLOLOL /crymyselftosleep. That is hilarious. I said, Indians sided with the FRENCH, Indians sided with the BRITISH/AMERICANS. They fought. IT was called the French Indian war because the french and Indians were fighting the Brits/AMericans. Im not some random retard in high school with you. I bet 99% of your classmates think that war was between french and indians haha. I weep for the youth of today!

I'll take your word for it :)
By using terms such as "terrorism", for things that would normally be called crime anywhere else, they're able to portray the enemy as evil and gain support for the cause. When a non-Muslim building is burned in the Middle East, it's terrorism, but when a Muslim building or other religious facility is burned outside of the Middle East by non Middle Easterners, it's just a crime (which people look upon with indifference when labeled "crime", as more of an everyday thing, but when it's called terrorism, people see it as horrible and inhumane..QUOTE]

This sounds a lot like the "hate crime" laws the US has.
What do you mean the French and Indian war wasn't between France and India? I call bullshit on this one. What next, Jesus was a jew? ;)
Thats a funny picture....Theres alot of non-Arab countries in it actually...I think the problem that some Arabs may have with Israel is that its a country of Europeans created by Europeans on Arab land......

It wasn't created by Europeans. The big deal is mostly with Jerusalem, but either way, it (Palestine) was just as inhabited and connected to the world in the late 1800s (before Zionists came in) as an American sub-urb, economy fueled by farmers with roads, government, etc.. They had just as much a claim to the land as people in Vermont did, you could easily use the arguement that if Israel invaded Vermont, people from Vermont could just go live in the rest of the US, but people aren't exactly quick to give up their homes and entire lives and just move out to a new state and become homeless..

The country wasn't created by Europeans, the only thing the British did in the area in the 20s was extend the already existant Palestinian governing force over to Transjordan and the former areas of Damascus that were remaining..
It wasn't created by Europeans. The big deal is mostly with Jerusalem, but either way, it (Palestine) was just as inhabited and connected to the world in the late 1800s (before Zionists came in) as an American sub-urb, economy fueled by farmers with roads, government, etc.. They had just as much a claim to the land as people in Vermont did, you could easily use the arguement that if Israel invaded Vermont, people from Vermont could just go live in the rest of the US, but people aren't exactly quick to give up their homes and entire lives and just move out to a new state and become homeless..

The country wasn't created by Europeans, the only thing the British did in the area in the 20s was extend the already existant Palestinian governing force over to Transjordan and the former areas of Damascus that were remaining..

Did'nt the U.N. create the borders of Israel in 1948?
Did'nt the U.N. create the borders of Israel in 1948?

For Israel, yes, but the area of Palestine was determined long before. From 1947-1948, the UN made countless proposals where the land was split two-thirds to the Arabs and one-third to the Zionists. Which made sense, because the Arabic population was several times larger than that of the Jews (and two decades before that, the Jewish population only made up 3% of the area's population), and only owned about 6% of the land in the area of ISrael at the time (which meant various Palestinian villages would have to be destroyed if Israelis wanted more land).. But Zionists kept rejecting these plans repeatidly until the UN Partition Plan of 1948, where the much larger Arabic population was alotted not even 3/4 of what the minority Jewish population had.. So of course, most Zionists accepted it, and most Arabs refused it.. Lehi and Irgun continued to attack Palestinian civilians and assassinated many British officials who tried to mediate the problems in Palestine/Israel (Lord Moyne, for example). These attacks, etc, continued until an Israeli state was developed, and much of the people that made up these terrorist organizations became part of the Israeli Defense Forces in May of 1948.. And it's like I said, choice of words can hugely change the opinion of the public. Lehi and Irgun were seen as extremist groups who killed thousands of Palestinian civilians, but when the majority of the members of said groups joined the "Israeli DEFENSE Forces", they were no longer coined as terrorists, but as defenders of Israel.