more proof Islam is evil and should be destroyed

Yeah I remember that. Kinda reminds me of how the pop quotes an old Byzantine emperor and the muslim world MUST have an apology from the Pope, for quoting centuries old text. I always thought it was hilarious the guy wanted to blow it up. Why not just deface it? Spray it with some pigs blood, that would be appropriate. BUT NO, gotta blow shit up! Its like muslims are trying to catch up with modern technology after living in the darkages for the past 1000 or so years. So explosions, explosions, gotta have big fancy explosions!

Dark Ages? Other than inventing the Camera, Parachute, The earliest Airplane, in the 17th century ( Lagari Hasan Çelebi used a rocket-propeled flight device that reached a distance of nearly half a kilometer into the air over a long distance), they were using actual scientific method of precise observation and controlled experiment, etc while Europe was still brushing their teeth with the burnt remains of dead animals, Coffee, Soda, Chess, eyeglasses and the idea of fine glass (which, if not invented by Muslims, there would be no telescopes, microscopes, etc), while China invented gunpowder, Muslims developed the first cannons, ballistic artillery, guns, firearms and torpedos, kerosene, mechanical clocks and the watch.. The crankshaft was also invented in the Muslim world, which is probably the most important invention to the modern world, using this concept, automobiles, engines, etc, all became possible, leading into the use of cars, planes, trains and pretty much every automobile ever.. As well as Soap, Shampoo, the toothbrush and perfumery.. And then into medical inventions invented in the Muslim world, anesthesia, antiseptics, Injection syringe, early Chemotherapeutical drugs and countless cures that would kill bacteria that would cause sickness. Along with inventing and developing algebra, chemistry and Geology and contributing to huge advances in Anatomy.. Along with developments such as being the largest contributors to music theory, creating the idea of interval system in music, of which, if not invented, we wouldn't be arguing behind computer screens about religion on a music forum in the first place..

Basing the entire Muslim world on a extremely small group of nomadic tribesmen is like me basing life in the US on that of the small population of Amish living in the US. The Middle East has all the same technology as the West, and also invented much of everything used in modern day. The difference is that right now, several Muslim countries such as Palestine, Iraq, etc, are suffering from extreme poverty due to unjust occupation, it's not that they don't have the technology, just much of the population of several Middle Eastern countries under occupation have been forced into poverty.
Odd. I don't seem to remember that complete pile of bull shit. And adding "Muthafuckas" to the end of it made you cool :)

Of course you don't remember. You've got a selective memory. It actually happened last year, in Bologna (not Asissi). You know, Bologna's even farther from the cursed lands of the infidel heathen than Asissi, so there's even less excuse for the bomb plot.

As for Islam's brilliant cultural and scientific accomplishments: good. And what's your point??

The glorious achievements of such eminent islamic scientists as Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is overshadowed by the constant explosions rippng apart market places, shrines, main highways, stores, and so on.

Of course, if Khan's work is anything as brilliant as we've been led to believe, there will soon be extremely loud and bright islamic explosions wiping out entire cities...

Hopefully, Khan's genius will be unleashed within the borders of Islamic countries, and not in the U.S.!!!

That is why the entire western side of Pakistan is full of Taliban. That is why they use the porous border to come and go into Afghanistan. When I was in Pakistan I was not only shooting afghani's but also Paki's. But according to Pakistan and the USA, we were never there so i must be lying!

Do you mean FATA? Of which isn't really a part of Pakistan, it has some relations with their government, but they became very narrow when parts of FATA began associating with the Taliban. Although their original cause was to combat the Taliban, this hadn't really related to the 9/11 attacks. The involvement of a few people living in FATA with the Taliban was to combat the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (You may know it as the Northern Alliance), but there was no involvement or celebration of 9/11 in Pakistan or FATA.. Remember, the Taliban and Al Qaeda are DIFFERENT! Al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 and FATA was in no way involved (possibly on an unnoticeably small level) with Al Qaeda, just minimal contribution to the Afghanistan civil war.

American unemployment is below 5% so..most people were probably working unlike other countries, like Palestine with an unemployment rate of 40%+, have plenty of time to organize a protest and march in the streets. Thats why they breed still. Suicide bombings, street protests, and miserable soccer peace team friendlies.

Are you kidding. Do you think there's anywhere near as many job oppotunities in a place where you're not allowed to leave the town you live in (and in some cases, just the neighborhood you live in), with no economic trade with any other countries? Chances are either you, or the large majority of the people in your town travel out of their town to their workplace. Checkpoints and closed borders have made travel impossible, along with the destruction of Palestinian economy when Israel closed all economic trade with other countries.. They're not just being lazy, many of them are not allowed to get jobs, it takes several hours to pass through checkpoints, at which, Israeli soldiers insult and physically attack, as well as destroy property of Palestinian civilians. These protests are set up because Israel has made life in Palestine, hell. Other than forcing unemployment and economic disaster on them, Palestinians are being humiliated, murdered, injured, tortured, etc by Israeli government on a daily basis. Along with Israel forcing civil unrest onto the country..

I never said all muslims are, but most. I have two muslim buds, one is still a hardcore muslim but doesnt associate with other muslims (i find that funny) and the other is what you might call an Apostate. Through his own reasoning (which reasoning doesnt mix with religion) he determined to take his own path free of blind faith. I just watched an awesome video on national geographic showing public executions of women in Afghanistan. Good times! And you still are in the dark about the cartoon protests. People got trampled to death. its not an accident, its because of the whackjobs protesting. Just like at a soccer game where people get trampled, its cuz of a bunch of fucking nuts.

Not most, if it was most, you would see statistics of "terrorism" going on in the Middle East, there wouldn't be a clusterfuck of every news channel showing the murder of a few people. And I doubt your friend is a "hardcore Muslim", if he never associates himself with Muslims, he must never go to Mosques, never perform Hajj, etc... And honestly, there are no problems with Muslim terrorism from American Muslims, any terrorism related to Muslims that occurs in the US is the result of members of Middle Eastern terrorist organizations getting visas to solely attack the US, just like every person who attacked the WTC.

And if you mean how the Taliban made it legal to imprison a woman who didn't wear the correct religious clothing items, you're right. After the Taliban was able to take over Kabul from the Islamic State of Afghanistan and Hezbi Islami. After a few years of power, the Northern Alliance and Hezbi Islami were able to overthrow the Taliban for extremist rule.

It was just a few short years after the Soviets were driven out of Afghanistan, so of course some civil conflict would arise, it was just misfortune that out of several different groups, the extremists were able to take Kabul.

Islamic State of AfghanistanIslamic State of AfghanistanIf by provoke you mean share information then ok. What is it with muslims and fire? Has the culture been living in the dark for so long that its like a caveman infatuation? Burning embassies, effigies, bombs, burning bodies. Fire fire fire:Smokin:[/quote]

Three Embassies were burned with no injuries involved.. Just as much could be said about the Netherlands where dozens of Mosques were burned down in comparison to three embassies in two Middle Eastern countries.. Or to bring in another factor, the atheist and pagan-fueled church burning in Norway.. Hundreds of Churchs were burned down by black metallers with down syndrome, are you going to say all Norweigans are pyromaniacs? You have no logic in anything you say, what you say in one sentence just barely relates to what you said last sentence and shows no train of thought (tight album btw :rock: ) at all..

Wow. You actually believe that the palestinians had "cities" and "infrastructure." LOL. Have you been there? Everything is ancient. Anything they had when Israel moved in was no better than what indians had here in America over 200 years ago (i.e. mud huts.) And more so, all of the old stuff wasnt even built by muslims say a mosque or two. Palestinians are just deadbeat Jordanians. Ask a Jordanian. ANd look what palestine did with their land. What have they done with it since? And dont give me that line of shit about Israeli oppression. If anyone can't live in peace it is the Palestinians. Does Israel just fire off random rockets into Palestinian towns? Of course not. Do they hit apartment buildings with civilians, well hell yeah. But guess what, you shoot a rocket from a hospital..the hospital will get hit. If the people had more balls (and most are limp wristed cowards) they would stand up for themselves and solve the problem peacefully.

If by "everything is ancient" you mean "everything in Jerusalem is ancient", then yes, you'd be correct. As Jerusalem consists of many ancient religious sites of all religions.. Either way, Palestine was under control of the Ottoman Empire until just a few years before UN Partition Plan, etc. There was local government, and unlike Native Americans, they were connected to the rest of the world before invaded. There were plenty of towns throughout the inhabitable areas of Palestine and most Palestinian Arabs there were farmers specializing in the production of olives within massive olive groves. Native Americans were several seperated groups over a large amount of land. Palestine at the time was inhabited by a large population of farmers, etc, was all under one government, united, and was connected with main roads, etc.

Watch the 5th video clip on that site^ There were hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs in Palestine before the Zionists came in, it was a well developed country, I have no idea how Zionist media has made people like you think that there was just no one, but that's extremely far from the truth.

Just look at Al Nakba, etc, Palestinians were either killed in thousands or forced out of their homes to make room for an Israeli state.

And I'm pretty sure it's always been the Muslim world that's dealt with religion in peace. Look at the tens of thousands of Jews massacred in the Russian Pogroms, or the tens of thousands killed in the Spanish Inquisition. Muslims have never oppressed Jews for their religion. There's a reason the Middle Eastern Jewish population created the holiday, Yom Nes, to celebrate the start of the Muslim Turks rule of the Middle East.. Because they gave Jews all the rights of any other person of any religion.

Since when is Palestine launching rockets at Israel? They couldn't do it if they wanted because Israel still completely controls Palestine. Say whatever you want, accuse Muslims of being inferior and not as good a human being as you. The facts stand, Israeli terrorism is far worse than what the Palestinians do to Israel. Using Palestinian civilians as human shields, beating civilians at checkpoints, and the fact is, Palestinian civilians are being killed by Israelis at a rate of 5 Palestinian civilians to every 1 Israeli civilian. And the difference is, Palestinian government as a whole didn't approve of killing Israeli civilians, just uprising against Israeli soldiers who've been killing Palestinians in their own land.. While Israel continues with laws that make the murder of civilians in Palestine, legal.

You don't understand the word "balls". Having balls doesn't mean killing civilians, destroying economy, causing civil conflict and demolishing entire villages.. Then trying to hide it, that's the complete opposite of this. Listen to what I'm saying

Peace will never be negotiated between Israel/Palestine unless an outside force makes it happen. It's the goal of Israeli Zionists to make Palestine and Jordan up to the Jordan river, entirely a Jewish state. The UN has several times tried to step in to create peace, but whenever a proposal is made, the US always vetoes it.

Actually, your statement is pretty racist. To think that because Indians didnt have cities built out of stone (they did in the south west) and no government that they somehow have less of a right to the land than a group of nomads who wandered into an area after flushing out the christians and jews? Well in that case, lets go into Africa and round up all those people who live in huts and get rid of them, since they must not really count. Oh wait, muslims are doing that in Darfur. Nevermind. Where else can we go?

I was not being racist. I wasn't saying Native Americans didn't deserve their land. I was saying that they did, but Palestinians have a more realistic claim to their land. There were hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs in the 19th century even, with roads, government, economy, etc.. They were united in Palestine, unlike in the US, where Native Americans were still fueding with each other, had no government, roads, or connection to the outside world.. It was horrible what Europe did to them, spreading disease, massacring thousands of Native Americans.. Europe was the most oppressive nation in the past millenium, all over Europe Jews and Muslims and even Protestant Christians were massacred, killed.. Pogroms spread throughout Europe after they started in Russia, to Poland, Germany, Rommania, etc.. The Spanish Inquisition was worst in Spain and then spread throughout south-western Europe. The Jews flourished in the Turkish Muslim empire, where they were given rights and not persecuted, which is where hundreds of thousands fled to during these times of extreme European anti-semitism. Muslims never hated Jews, and they still don't. I'm sure you can find a few dozen or maybe even hundred Arabs in the Middle East who hate all Jews, but thats just straight-forward racial hate. Muslims constantly protest alongside Jews, especially Orthodox, in protest against racist zionists in Israel.

And there is not slavery occuring in the Middle East.. If you mean a couple of dozen rich bastards out of populations of millions, then yes, that occurs, but human trafficking occurs in every part of the world, the difference is, none of the Muslims countries went and took hundreds of thousands of Africans, etc, and made them slaves.. They did not use slavery after the 13th century, and even then, the only people they enslaved were those captured from the Crusades.

Too bad the Indians will never be able to claim anything again. As I always said, "should have fought harder pussies." Ive been on reservations, and I don't understand why they don't demand more. I mean no taxes is cool and all, and casinos. Well shit, Id be happy! CAsino revenue, no taxes..mmm. Time to trace the last of the mohican in me.

Should of fought harder pussies.. Are you fucking kidding. Europe decimated Native Americans by exposing them to unknown diseases like Small Pox using diseased blankets, etc, and killing thousands of men, women and children in one of the most horrible ways. And you said I was racist?

Maybe you'd be happy now at a Casino, but would you have been happy being herded farther into uninhabitable territories while dying of Small Pox after seeing your husband killed for no reason. That considering you're a woman, the punishment would be much worse for a man (Not a "haha you're a girl" joke, just turned out that way by accident =S.

That isnt an answer! Here, Ill give you an answer. Kuwait sent aid packages to Iraq. Saudi Arabia has funded UNICEF operations and other charities, besides the terrorism stuff too. But in the grand scheme of things, there is nothing Islam has provided for this world besides violence. You can sit in American, do a 360, then say "thanks Jesus" since this entire country was the result of some whacky ass christians moving in. Actually, you can do that for Allah and Mohammad too. Next time you are in a fly infested desert with temps tipping the scales at 150, do a 360 and stare into the bleak nothingness, and Allah Akbar till your heart is content, or you see the 72 virgins. All religion has some form of inherent evil associated with it that everyone can agree on. The fact of the matter is that Islam takes the prize. I'm sure Mohammed and Hitler sit at either side of Satan if he exists.

That's not even worth responding to..
Of course you don't remember. You've got a selective memory. It actually happened last year, in Bologna (not Asissi). You know, Bologna's even farther from the cursed lands of the infidel heathen than Asissi, so there's even less excuse for the bomb plot.

As for Islam's brilliant cultural and scientific accomplishments: good. And what's your point??

The glorious achievements of such eminent islamic scientists as Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is overshadowed by the constant explosions rippng apart market places, shrines, main highways, stores, and so on.

Of course, if Khan's work is anything as brilliant as we've been led to believe, there will soon be extremely loud and bright islamic explosions wiping out entire cities...

Hopefully, Khan's genius will be unleashed within the borders of Islamic countries, and not in the U.S.!!!


Could you please give some proof. If you mean the widely known Bolgna Bombing of 1980, the organization responsible for that was Ordine Nuovo, a far right, predominantly Christian, extremist group.

I was just naming the developments of the Muslim world because Evil Dead keep asking me to and saying that Muslims are all evil, and bomb shit and all they ever did was invent kebobs.. In reality, the Middle Eastern developments over the past millenium were the most critical to the modern world.

And just because such technology is being developed, doesn't mean it's going to be used to kill. So far, America has been the only nation to use nuclear weapons..
Could you please give some proof.
Find it yerself, lazy ass! It took me 12 seconds to google it.

I was just naming the developments of the Muslim world because Evil Dead keep asking me to and saying that Muslims are all evil, and bomb shit and all they ever did was invent kebobs.. In reality, the Middle Eastern developments over the past millenium were the most critical to the modern world.

Yes, and I'm glad the west took hold of these wasted islamic achievements and put them to good use. But Once again, who CARES?

And just because such technology is being developed, doesn't mean it's going to be used to kill. So far, America has been the only nation to use nuclear weapons.

I can't understand why we haven't used it more often.

Well! I've posted here quite enough, I think. Good luch to OldScratch and EvilDead. Continue if you'd like.

The resident moslem has done nothing to answer the first and repeatedly asked question:

If Moslem leaders don't approve of suicide bombings, WHY AREN'T THEY FORCING AN END TO THE MAD VIOLENCE?

All I got was Israel, Israel, and racism.

I repeatedly asked about BLOODTHIRSTY massacres in Algeria during the 1990s and even earlier this year.

All I got was denial and demands of proof.

If dodging sincere questions and throwing antisemitism around is what you do, then I suggest joining a .org and blogging for pay.

But I'm here for free, and I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been exasperated.

Find it yerself, lazy ass! It took me 12 seconds to google it.

I did, but didn't find anything, because it never happened, you probably just skewed the 1980 Bologna bombing by an Italian extremist group into Muslims trying to kill everyone.. Like always.

Yes, and I'm glad the west took hold of these wasted islamic achievements and put them to good use. But Once again, who CARES?

It wasn't directed at you. And they weren't wasted.. They were used by Muslims, what do you think they just invented anesthesia and then never used it? It was invented, used and developed in the Middle East, but again, read whose post I quoted when I posted that, because I'm pretty sure it was Evil Dead's.

I can't understand why we haven't used it more often.

Well! I've posted here quite enough, I think. Good luch to OldScratch and EvilDead. Continue if you'd like.

The resident moslem has done nothing to answer the first and repeatedly asked question:

If Moslem leaders don't approve of suicide bombings, WHY AREN'T THEY FORCING AN END TO THE MAD VIOLENCE?

All I got was Israel, Israel, and racism.

I repeatedly asked about BLOODTHIRSTY massacres in Algeria during the 1990s and even earlier this year.

All I got was denial and demands of proof.

If dodging sincere questions and throwing antisemitism around is what you do, then I suggest joining a .org and blogging for pay.

But I'm here for free, and I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been exasperated.


If you read my posts you'd see I directly answered every accusation you made, the Bologna bombing was the only thing you said I didn't directly respond to, because it either didn't happen, or you largely changed to the story for your own arguement's benefit. There was a civil war in Algeria, like I said, there was an extremist rebel group and the guerilla group that attacked civilians was led by Mustafa Bouyali, of whom was able to get much of his militant support from those who fought for the Taliban in the Afghanistan civil war. You may recall the American civil war, where 970,000 civilians were killed.. It happens during civil war, and all countries have them at one time or another.

Anymore questions you want me to requote myself to answer because you were too lazy to read the first time?

And the reason I bring back Israel again and again is because all conflict in the Middle East started there. They invaded a country of millions of people with government, infrastructure, economy, etc, and then just claimed Not to say Al Qaeda isn't retarded, but it was the US' enormous support of Israeli military, sending them weapons, etc, that caused the 9/11 attack, but again, the leaders of Al Qaeda are morons, while some FATA Paki muslims may have supported the Taliban in the Afghanistan civil war, the extremely large majority of the Muslim world hates Al Qaeda, and it was Middle Eastern countries who were in the streets protesting against these attacks, no other countries..

Political leaders in Palestine can't stop extremely small amounts of "terrorism" when Israeli government gives them no power over their own country. And I don't see Israeli doing shit to make using civilian human shields, race-fueled beatings at checkpoints or killing protesters, illegal.. There was no terrorism in Iraq against Americans before the US came in and killed and/or raped over 200,000 Iraqi civilians, destroyed their government/laws and causing a civil war.. Along with stealing oil to help worsen the situation in Iraq. There was no Middle Eastern terrorism before the creation of Israel. Before then, race and religion fueled terrorism was only existant in Europe (Pogroms, Inquisition, Crusades) and the US (Slavery, Massacres of Native Americans)..

I doubt you just read my arguements, you just imagine a little stick figure wearing a towel running at you with a bomb screaming alalalalala over everything I say.. If so, you fail.
I There was no terrorism in Iraq against Americans before the US came in and killed and/or raped over 200,000 Iraqi civilians, destroyed their government/laws and causing a civil war.. Along with stealing oil to help worsen the situation in Iraq.
There werent any Americans in Iraq. And Zaraqawi was in Iraq and had his own terrorist organization before the war started (was wanted by Jordan even)
There was no Middle Eastern terrorism before the creation of Israel. Before then, race and religion fueled terrorism was only existant in Europe (Pogroms, Inquisition, Crusades) and the US (Slavery, Massacres of Native Americans)..
Historical fact, muslim culture has perpetrated the slavery trade longer than any other group, and still does today trafficking in sex and child slavery. Terrorism as we know it now didnt exist because the muslim world wasnt pulled out of the dark ages until post WW2. And to cite pogroms, Inquisition, Crusades as examples of terrorism is rediculous. Muslims had their own issues. And the crusade arguement is as old and tired as the Israeli one. All the crusades were, was christians attempting to take back the holy land that was originally theirs, kinda sounds like what Palestine is doing huh, but it was never originally theirs.
Do you mean FATA? Of which isn't really a part of Pakistan, it has some relations with their government, but they became very narrow when parts of FATA began associating with the Taliban. Although their original cause was to combat the Taliban, this hadn't really related to the 9/11 attacks. The involvement of a few people living in FATA with the Taliban was to combat the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (You may know it as the Northern Alliance), but there was no involvement or celebration of 9/11 in Pakistan or FATA.. Remember, the Taliban and Al Qaeda are DIFFERENT! Al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 and FATA was in no way involved (possibly on an unnoticeably small level) with Al Qaeda, just minimal contribution to the Afghanistan civil war.
Al Qaeda isn't the same as Taliban? Yeah trust me I know. It was always pretty simple to distinguish who the Al Qaeda associated guys were and the taliban. The taliban were usually the first guys to die in our fights. And north western pakistan is full of Taliban and Al Qaeda. I didn't fight alongside Pakistani army against against any FATA. And yes there was celebration in Pakistan. I don't know what makes you think otherwise. 5 days after 9/11 I am standing in Pakistan and watching it with my own eyes. They sure as fuck werent celebrating a shitload of special forces and Marines taking over Jacobabad.

Are you kidding. Do you think there's anywhere near as many job oppotunities in a place where you're not allowed to leave the town you live in (and in some cases, just the neighborhood you live in), with no economic trade with any other countries? Chances are either you, or the large majority of the people in your town travel out of their town to their workplace. Checkpoints and closed borders have made travel impossible, along with the destruction of Palestinian economy when Israel closed all economic trade with other countries.. They're not just being lazy, many of them are not allowed to get jobs, it takes several hours to pass through checkpoints, at which, Israeli soldiers insult and physically attack, as well as destroy property of Palestinian civilians. These protests are set up because Israel has made life in Palestine, hell. Other than forcing unemployment and economic disaster on them, Palestinians are being humiliated, murdered, injured, tortured, etc by Israeli government on a daily basis. Along with Israel forcing civil unrest onto the country..
Again, a governments problem. If muslims were able to seperate religion from state better life would be better, but everyone wants an Islamic state. Take a look at the successful countries, western styles of government with some Islamic spice thrown in. And there arent many job oppurtunities because frankly there isnt really anything to do in those countries. Most labor is brought in from Southeastern Asia (in the more well to do countries) and the only industry besides oil is customer service outsourcing from the West, which is now creeping into Pakistan and actually increasing the growth of their economy by 9% which is kind of amazing. I wonder if they work out of the mud huts I saw people building.

Not most, if it was most, you would see statistics of "terrorism" going on in the Middle East, there wouldn't be a clusterfuck of every news channel showing the murder of a few people. And I doubt your friend is a "hardcore Muslim", if he never associates himself with Muslims, he must never go to Mosques, never perform Hajj, etc... And honestly, there are no problems with Muslim terrorism from American Muslims, any terrorism related to Muslims that occurs in the US is the result of members of Middle Eastern terrorist organizations getting visas to solely attack the US, just like every person who attacked the WTC.
He goes to the mosque for prayers, he has already done the Hajj with his family a decade ago. And I agree, no problems with American muslim terrorism. There is more terrorism from insane white people, I wont argue that.

And if you mean how the Taliban made it legal to imprison a woman who didn't wear the correct religious clothing items, you're right. After the Taliban was able to take over Kabul from the Islamic State of Afghanistan and Hezbi Islami. After a few years of power, the Northern Alliance and Hezbi Islami were able to overthrow the Taliban for extremist rule.
I know plenty about the Taliban.

Three Embassies were burned with no injuries involved.. Just as much could be said about the Netherlands where dozens of Mosques were burned down in comparison to three embassies in two Middle Eastern countries.. Or to bring in another factor, the atheist and pagan-fueled church burning in Norway.. Hundreds of Churchs were burned down by black metallers with down syndrome, are you going to say all Norweigans are pyromaniacs? You have no logic in anything you say, what you say in one sentence just barely relates to what you said last sentence and shows no train of thought (tight album btw :rock: ) at all..
haha the blackmetal folks, those were funny times. Comparing the black metal crap to what muslims do is somewhat similiar but not really comparable. Your stats are off for the church burnings, and that really isnt anything bad now is it? Church burnings are fun!!

If by "everything is ancient" you mean "everything in Jerusalem is ancient", then yes, you'd be correct. As Jerusalem consists of many ancient religious sites of all religions.. Either way, Palestine was under control of the Ottoman Empire until just a few years before UN Partition Plan, etc. There was local government, and unlike Native Americans, they were connected to the rest of the world before invaded. There were plenty of towns throughout the inhabitable areas of Palestine and most Palestinian Arabs there were farmers specializing in the production of olives within massive olive groves. Native Americans were several seperated groups over a large amount of land. Palestine at the time was inhabited by a large population of farmers, etc, was all under one government, united, and was connected with main roads, etc.
Keep thinking that Palestine existed in any functional form to make sure the Israeli / Palestine issue can never die!
And I'm pretty sure it's always been the Muslim world that's dealt with religion in peace. Look at the tens of thousands of Jews massacred in the Russian Pogroms, or the tens of thousands killed in the Spanish Inquisition. Muslims have never oppressed Jews for their religion. There's a reason the Middle Eastern Jewish population created the holiday, Yom Nes, to celebrate the start of the Muslim Turks rule of the Middle East.. Because they gave Jews all the rights of any other person of any religion.
Oh the ancient muslim world had tolerance. Hell, Iraq even did. Their Vice Pres was a christian (dunno if he is alive anymore) But again the point evades you. In modern times the most intolerant people are the muslims. You know what I find funny is how you only defend arab muslims. Another example of your own intolerance. Must be easy to forget about the black and white muslims who have been slaughtered or are currently being slaughtered.

Since when is Palestine launching rockets at Israel? They couldn't do it if they wanted because Israel still completely controls Palestine. Say whatever you want, accuse Muslims of being inferior and not as good a human being as you. The facts stand, Israeli terrorism is far worse than what the Palestinians do to Israel. Using Palestinian civilians as human shields, beating civilians at checkpoints, and the fact is, Palestinian civilians are being killed by Israelis at a rate of 5 Palestinian civilians to every 1 Israeli civilian. And the difference is, Palestinian government as a whole didn't approve of killing Israeli civilians, just uprising against Israeli soldiers who've been killing Palestinians in their own land.. While Israel continues with laws that make the murder of civilians in Palestine, legal.
You live in a sand globe fantasy world! Since when has palestine shot rockets? Hm, the other day?? And of course Israel retaliates which they have every right too. Civilians die, wait "civilians" because that is what muslims want to believe. Pull the gun out of the scumbags hand and he is another civilian death used to fuel the fire of hate. Beatings at checkpoints. Why don't you go run a checkpoint in a warzone and see how it is. All of you judgemental idiots whose sole source of experience is from the TV make me sick. OF course the palestinian government didnt approve of the killing of civilians, their "government" teeters on collapse on a daily basis and that would not be too helpful now.

You don't understand the word "balls". Having balls doesn't mean killing civilians, destroying economy, causing civil conflict and demolishing entire villages.. Then trying to hide it, that's the complete opposite of this. Listen to what I'm saying
that is hilarious!

Peace will never be negotiated between Israel/Palestine unless an outside force makes it happen. It's the goal of Israeli Zionists to make Palestine and Jordan up to the Jordan river, entirely a Jewish state. The UN has several times tried to step in to create peace, but whenever a proposal is made, the US always vetoes it.
No real response here, you sum it up good. Until Palestine and Israel can work it out, nothings gonna happen.

I was not being racist. I wasn't saying Native Americans didn't deserve their land. I was saying that they did, but Palestinians have a more realistic claim to their land. There were hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs in the 19th century even, with roads, government, economy, etc.. They were united in Palestine, unlike in the US, where Native Americans were still fueding with each other, had no government, roads, or connection to the outside world.. It was horrible what Europe did to them, spreading disease, massacring thousands of Native Americans.. Europe was the most oppressive nation in the past millenium, all over Europe Jews and Muslims and even Protestant Christians were massacred, killed.. Pogroms spread throughout Europe after they started in Russia, to Poland, Germany, Rommania, etc.. The Spanish Inquisition was worst in Spain and then spread throughout south-western Europe. The Jews flourished in the Turkish Muslim empire, where they were given rights and not persecuted, which is where hundreds of thousands fled to during these times of extreme European anti-semitism. Muslims never hated Jews, and they still don't. I'm sure you can find a few dozen or maybe even hundred Arabs in the Middle East who hate all Jews, but thats just straight-forward racial hate. Muslims constantly protest alongside Jews, especially Orthodox, in protest against racist zionists in Israel.
Dude, your internal tribes in every single muslim country fued with each other to this day. I won't deny the anti semitism. I never understood it myself but people sure havent liked them for a long long time.

And there is not slavery occuring in the Middle East.. If you mean a couple of dozen rich bastards out of populations of millions, then yes, that occurs, but human trafficking occurs in every part of the world, the difference is, none of the Muslims countries went and took hundreds of thousands of Africans, etc, and made them slaves.. They did not use slavery after the 13th century, and even then, the only people they enslaved were those captured from the Crusades.
Again you are wrong. Sex trade is abundant everywhere, even here in the US. Slavery is still alive and well in the middle east. Some of it is as barbaric as the European funneling of slaves to the Americas, but other forms that are less abrasive still exist. Again, personally witnessed here. Damn, I am beginning to think I have more experience with a vast array of muslim culture than most muslims!

Should of fought harder pussies.. Are you fucking kidding. Europe decimated Native Americans by exposing them to unknown diseases like Small Pox using diseased blankets, etc, and killing thousands of men, women and children in one of the most horrible ways. And you said I was racist?
Thats a quote from a Tshirthell shirt, its funny. Also the indians didnt help themselves. They knew not to mess around with the whiteman but they still did. Over a BRIEF period of time their new found dependence on European items as trivial as cooking pots and guns let everything they had known slip away, almost in a flash. I won't lay the blame on them totally because it is wrong and unfair. Don't you remember when the indians gave blankets full of SARS to casino customers????

Just an interesting fact, the Portugeuse were the biggest trafficers of slavery during its heyday. Over 2/3's of all African slaves (sold by africans and muslims) went to Brazil. Thats why they are good at soccer.
Dark Ages? Other than inventing the Camera, Parachute, The earliest Airplane, in the 17th century ( Lagari Hasan Çelebi used a rocket-propeled flight device that reached a distance of nearly half a kilometer into the air over a long distance), they were using actual scientific method of precise observation and controlled experiment, etc while Europe was still brushing their teeth with the burnt remains of dead animals, Coffee, Soda, Chess, eyeglasses and the idea of fine glass (which, if not invented by Muslims, there would be no telescopes, microscopes, etc), while China invented gunpowder, Muslims developed the first cannons, ballistic artillery, guns, firearms and torpedos, kerosene, mechanical clocks and the watch.. The crankshaft was also invented in the Muslim world, which is probably the most important invention to the modern world, using this concept, automobiles, engines, etc, all became possible, leading into the use of cars, planes, trains and pretty much every automobile ever.. As well as Soap, Shampoo, the toothbrush and perfumery.. And then into medical inventions invented in the Muslim world, anesthesia, antiseptics, Injection syringe, early Chemotherapeutical drugs and countless cures that would kill bacteria that would cause sickness. Along with inventing and developing algebra, chemistry and Geology and contributing to huge advances in Anatomy.. Along with developments such as being the largest contributors to music theory, creating the idea of interval system in music, of which, if not invented, we wouldn't be arguing behind computer screens about religion on a music forum in the first place..

Basing the entire Muslim world on a extremely small group of nomadic tribesmen is like me basing life in the US on that of the small population of Amish living in the US. The Middle East has all the same technology as the West, and also invented much of everything used in modern day. The difference is that right now, several Muslim countries such as Palestine, Iraq, etc, are suffering from extreme poverty due to unjust occupation, it's not that they don't have the technology, just much of the population of several Middle Eastern countries under occupation have been forced into poverty.

I guess the zionist jew historians are covering up all of these wonderful advances? DO you know what happened to the middle east? When militant islam began to rear its ugly head, all of the good they had done, GONE.

And fyi, most of your above mentioned inventions were actually done by the Greeks or variants of them probably 5000 years ago. As the japanese did with automobiles, alot mentioned above was put into practical use by Europeans. Telescope by a dutchman for example, which led the heliocentric universe eventually ( could see starts moving in "orbitals")

I will give you the crankshaft though! The guy who did that is often considered one of the first "mechanical engineers" and actually made some really weird shit that influenced robotics.

The world hates you for Algebra I am sure of that, ask any 16 year old....

Cant give credit for chemistry. The first caveman who melted snow would be the first chemist. And again nothing world impacting came from any of the above mentioned until the scientific revolution, led my Europe.
A comment on the nuclear weapons. I know Iran would LOVE to have a nuclear weapon. Then they can wave a bigger stick at Israel. The reality is though that all these countries know if they use a Nuke on America or one of our Allies, they get it right back 10 fold. Same goes for chemical and biological weapons. So I think the idea of anyone being crazy enough to use a nuke again is going to have their country wiped out.

So even though Iran want's a nuclear power plant, which in the grand scheme of things is good for any country to have alternative power, a state that openly sponsors terrorism does not give the perception of using nuclear power for peaceful means.

I wouldn't mind seeing a nuke go off in the middle east! Ive been to some of the sites out here in America, its impressive. Its always fun to be cruising along in an APC then see radiation warnings then a HUGE FUCKING sink hole looking thing right next to the road. Go groom lake!
This is great!

"Murder's of prophets", that is my favorite line from these brainwashed monkeys.

you tube has lots of funny stuff.

A spear? lol wtf.

The best part about these videos is how scared these captured guys are. We grabbed a bunch of these dudes while they were running away and put them on an airplane. I don't think any of the 30 on there even knew what an airplane was because they all began to shit and piss themselves, and throw up everywhere. Then of course being evil Americans we let them cage match with feral hogs.
Al Qaeda isn't the same as Taliban? Yeah trust me I know. It was always pretty simple to distinguish who the Al Qaeda associated guys were and the taliban. The taliban were usually the first guys to die in our fights. And north western pakistan is full of Taliban and Al Qaeda. I didn't fight alongside Pakistani army against against any FATA. And yes there was celebration in Pakistan. I don't know what makes you think otherwise. 5 days after 9/11 I am standing in Pakistan and watching it with my own eyes. They sure as fuck werent celebrating a shitload of special forces and Marines taking over Jacobabad.

You're saying they're the same organization? The Taliban were nothing more than one of the sides who fought in the Afghanistan civil war, they wanted to gain control and force extremist laws on the nation. They got lucky when they took Kabul, but within a few short years they were overthrown. Al Qaeda, on the other hand, was a terrorist organization who want world domination.. They're very different, although they did harbour Osama Bin Laden claiming he was not associated with the 9/11 attacks, they did not promote them, they only claimed he was not responsible. The Taliban has not been connected with 9/11 in any aspect by any country..

While some Pakistanis from the region of FATA (who really aren't Pakistanis, as they're not governed by Pakistani government) did aid the Taliban in winning the Afghani civil war, that was the Taliban, not Al Qaeda.. You have your groups mixed up.

Again, a governments problem. If muslims were able to seperate religion from state better life would be better, but everyone wants an Islamic state. Take a look at the successful countries, western styles of government with some Islamic spice thrown in. And there arent many job oppurtunities because frankly there isnt really anything to do in those countries. Most labor is brought in from Southeastern Asia (in the more well to do countries) and the only industry besides oil is customer service outsourcing from the West, which is now creeping into Pakistan and actually increasing the growth of their economy by 9% which is kind of amazing. I wonder if they work out of the mud huts I saw people building.

Afghanistan was the only country that combined religion into government, and that was only for 5 years, from 96-01, while the Taliban overthrew the previous government. And the West and much of Europe really based their governments on the Ottoman Empire. While from 1500-1950, much of Europe and the US were still killing millions of people because of their religion, skin color, or just based on blind suspicious (witchcraft for example). The Ottoman Empire showed as one of the first civilizations to offer tolerance towards people of all colors and all religions, and it wasn't until they took power that European, etc, nations began to practice tolerance. While there will always be a small few extremists who want to combine state and church, mosque, etc, chances are they will fail in getting their way (although, because of the chaos in Afghanistan that came after a long while of Soviet rule, there was civil turmoil, and the Taliban took Kabul merely by luck). And just look at other Muslim countries that aren't under oppression, Morocco's unemployment rate is only 7%, Pakistan's unemployment rate is 6.5% and Egypt's unemployment rate is 9%-10%, just to name a few that aren't under occupation. France's unemployment rate is almost 9%, Poland is at 15%, Greece is at 9%.. Middle Eastern countries that aren't under occupation have just as good or better economies than those in Europe, etc.. Now lets look at the countries like Iraq (25% unemployment) or Palestine (nearly 50% unemployment). They have all the economic possibilities as the rest of the Middle Eastern and North African countries with fairly good economies, but after being invaded, slaughtered and oppressed on a large scale, their economies have been killed. Again, countries like Pakistan, etc, have economies that are much better than most European countries, but you just think all Muslim countries are just people living in houses made of mud.. And btw, what you're seeing that you've mistook for "mud", would be houses made in vein of Spanish Colonials (, it's not mud and wood/brick aren't the only materials used to build houses..

I know plenty about the Taliban.

It shows :rolleyes:

Keep thinking that Palestine existed in any functional form to make sure the Israeli / Palestine issue can never die!

It's been documented that before European zionists came, the population in was over half a million in Palestine, an area not even a fourth the size of Florida. That was in the mid 1800s, by the 1900s, the population of Palestine was in the near millions. They had a very good economy, one united governing force, towns, roads, infrastructure, etc.
Oh the ancient muslim world had tolerance. Hell, Iraq even did. Their Vice Pres was a christian (dunno if he is alive anymore) But again the point evades you. In modern times the most intolerant people are the muslims. You know what I find funny is how you only defend arab muslims. Another example of your own intolerance. Must be easy to forget about the black and white muslims who have been slaughtered or are currently being slaughtered.

Do you know the definition of the word intolerance? It means not tolerating. By not speaking specifically about blacks and whites I'm therefore intolerant of them? :rolleyes: I'm defending Islam, Christianity and Jews as a whole, pretty much the idea of major monotheistic religion. I believe the morals contained by the holy books of each of the three religions is significant enough to produce more good than bad, making it better with than without, I was forced to take sides by accident in this thread, but I'm a large supporter of all three religions, and in that case, any religion that promotes the use of good moral values.

Anyways, the only Middle Eastern governing force today that has been intolerant against others was Afghanistan under short Taliban rule until it was overthrown. There's just as much intolerance fueled violence that occurs in the US, Europe, etc, if not more, than in the Middle East. The difference is, it's called "crime" in the US/Europe, but when it occurs in the Middle East it's "terrorism" (Unless, of course, it's Israel that commits the crime, then it's "Unheard-of" :p )

You live in a sand globe fantasy world! Since when has palestine shot rockets? Hm, the other day?? And of course Israel retaliates which they have every right too. Civilians die, wait "civilians" because that is what muslims want to believe. Pull the gun out of the scumbags hand and he is another civilian death used to fuel the fire of hate. Beatings at checkpoints. Why don't you go run a checkpoint in a warzone and see how it is. All of you judgemental idiots whose sole source of experience is from the TV make me sick. OF course the palestinian government didnt approve of the killing of civilians, their "government" teeters on collapse on a daily basis and that would not be too helpful now.

Actually I live in the US, which offers me all the sources and proof, which I've read and posted to show for Israeli terrorism. Odd you say the other day and give no proof or even any specifics.. And I'm talking about checkpoints in Palestine, not Israel, in the small remains of Palestine. I mean people trying to go to work, see family/friends, etc, crossing a checkpoint and being brutally attacked.

Do you know the definition of the word civilian? A resident of a country, not a military threat. That's the word Tanya Reinhart used to describe the 5 Palestinians being killed daily, not people with guns, people protesting like civilians, with signs, being killed. Tanya Reinhart was a respected figure in Israel, she would not have used the word "civilian" if it was really militants that were being killed, she's not trying to make her country look bad. She wanted to make it possible for peace between the two nations, by first trying to fix the the Israeli side of Terrorism.

Looking at the conflict from right now, both sides are commiting horrible acts, but the suicide bombings from Palestinians has been established, what is less heard of is the Palestinians being killed in masses on a daily basis, which needs to be made known before it can be fixed. The UN has created countless peace proposals that would start the process to fix Israel/Palestine, but the US always vetoes the proposals, as Israel is their closest ally, what's good for Israel is good for them and Israel doesn't plan to stop until all of Palestine is an entirely Jewish state.

Dude, your internal tribes in every single muslim country fued with each other to this day. I won't deny the anti semitism. I never understood it myself but people sure havent liked them for a long long time.

They never hated or attacked Jews during the tiem of the Ottoman empire, and that was until the 20th century. The Middle East do dislike Zionists, which isn't a religion, just the belief that Israel should belong to the Jews because they had it thousands of years ago and that gives them the rite to destroy an entire nation and take their land.

Again you are wrong. Sex trade is abundant everywhere, even here in the US. Slavery is still alive and well in the middle east. Some of it is as barbaric as the European funneling of slaves to the Americas, but other forms that are less abrasive still exist. Again, personally witnessed here.

Like I said, human trafficking is everywhere, stuff like this will always occur on very small scales in all places where there are people, you can't use something like this against an entire nation.

Damn, I am beginning to think I have more experience with a vast array of muslim culture than most muslims!


Thats a quote from a Tshirthell shirt, its funny. Also the indians didnt help themselves. They knew not to mess around with the whiteman but they still did. Over a BRIEF period of time their new found dependence on European items as trivial as cooking pots and guns let everything they had known slip away, almost in a flash. I won't lay the blame on them totally because it is wrong and unfair. Don't you remember when the indians gave blankets full of SARS to casino customers????

I don't remember that, but if it happened, probably only 2 or 3 people died. The Europeans were using these tactics to kill off villages of thousands of Native Americans with diseases they've never seen before. Some of Europe tried to make peace with the Native Americans (France for example), they did trade food and weaponry, etc. But other countries like Britain would kill Native Americans in thousands. They, of course, fought when provoked, but you can't fight against such inhumane forms of warfare as biological warfare against peaceful men, women and children. Right now, if they wanted to, the US could easily demolish Spain with weaponry and take their land, but just because they can doesn't mean they should. China could just as easily demolish much of the US, as now that Nuclear Weaponry is available, if you have them, you can do some serious damage, no matter how small your military, etc, is.
I guess the zionist jew historians are covering up all of these wonderful advances? DO you know what happened to the middle east? When militant islam began to rear its ugly head, all of the good they had done, GONE.

And fyi, most of your above mentioned inventions were actually done by the Greeks or variants of them probably 5000 years ago. As the japanese did with automobiles, alot mentioned above was put into practical use by Europeans. Telescope by a dutchman for example, which led the heliocentric universe eventually ( could see starts moving in "orbitals")

I will give you the crankshaft though! The guy who did that is often considered one of the first "mechanical engineers" and actually made some really weird shit that influenced robotics.

The world hates you for Algebra I am sure of that, ask any 16 year old....

Cant give credit for chemistry. The first caveman who melted snow would be the first chemist. And again nothing world impacting came from any of the above mentioned until the scientific revolution, led my Europe.

Please tell me which of these inventions were really made by the Greeks and not the Muslims so I can go tell Paul Vallely, who wrote the encyclopedia where I got much of this information, that all his research is wrong..

Read an Encyclopedia, they're all there. The idea of practical hygene was created in the Middle East. Modern Medicine was invented in the Middle East, from simple things used daily like a syringe to anesthetics making modern surgery possible. Inventions of the crankshaft and developments made modern automobiles possible. They invented the idea of plotted out intervals in music, which is used by almost every modern instrument.

I'm sure if that 16 year old knew what Algebra did for them, they wouldn't hate it (unless they didn't want to live in the house that was made by the extensive use of algebra in Architecture).

And I don't mean they invented the term chemistry, they invented it as it is used today, with the scientific method. Along with creating things from Perfume to Distilled Alcohol for sterylization in medical use, etc.. geology, algebra and geology as they're used today, all were developde in the Middle East, along with advances in Anatomy, such as how the eye works, which left most European scientists, etc, confused due to the Eye's complexity..
You're saying they're the same organization? The Taliban were nothing more than one of the sides who fought in the Afghanistan civil war, they wanted to gain control and force extremist laws on the nation. They got lucky when they took Kabul, but within a few short years they were overthrown. Al Qaeda, on the other hand, was a terrorist organization who want world domination.. They're very different, although they did harbour Osama Bin Laden claiming he was not associated with the 9/11 attacks, they did not promote them, they only claimed he was not responsible. The Taliban has not been connected with 9/11 in any aspect by any country..
Where the hell do you think I am saying Taliban and Al Qaeda are the same? I said I can tell the difference in the fighting style, its real easy to see close up. Ive never associated Taliban with 9/11 either. All they were was a group of religious nutjobs.

While some Pakistanis from the region of FATA (who really aren't Pakistanis, as they're not governed by Pakistani government) did aid the Taliban in winning the Afghani civil war, that was the Taliban, not Al Qaeda.. You have your groups mixed up.
So people living and born in pakistan, while not under direct control of the government are somehow..not pakistani? Interesting thought process.

I've never talked about the taliban civil war. I might have said eastern border, that might be the confusion. I keep thinking eastern AFghanistan. Western side of pakistan is filled will taliban and al qaeda groups. Ive personally performed combat missions in the area, and bagged a few of the buggers.

Afghanistan was the only country that combined religion into government, and that was only for 5 years, from 96-01, while the Taliban overthrew the previous government. And the West and much of Europe really based their governments on the Ottoman Empire. While from 1500-1950, much of Europe and the US were still killing millions of people because of their religion, skin color, or just based on blind suspicious (witchcraft for example). The Ottoman Empire showed as one of the first civilizations to offer tolerance towards people of all colors and all religions, and it wasn't until they took power that European, etc, nations began to practice tolerance. While there will always be a small few extremists who want to combine state and church, mosque, etc, chances are they will fail in getting their way (although, because of the chaos in Afghanistan that came after a long while of Soviet rule, there was civil turmoil, and the Taliban took Kabul merely by luck). And just look at other Muslim countries that aren't under oppression, Morocco's unemployment rate is only 7%, Pakistan's unemployment rate is 6.5% and Egypt's unemployment rate is 9%-10%, just to name a few that aren't under occupation. France's unemployment rate is almost 9%, Poland is at 15%, Greece is at 9%.. Middle Eastern countries that aren't under occupation have just as good or better economies than those in Europe, etc.. Now lets look at the countries like Iraq (25% unemployment) or Palestine (nearly 50% unemployment). They have all the economic possibilities as the rest of the Middle Eastern and North African countries with fairly good economies, but after being invaded, slaughtered and oppressed on a large scale, their economies have been killed. Again, countries like Pakistan, etc, have economies that are much better than most European countries, but you just think all Muslim countries are just people living in houses made of mud.. And btw, what you're seeing that you've mistook for "mud", would be houses made in vein of Spanish Colonials (, it's not mud and wood/brick aren't the only materials used to build houses..
As I watch people use human feces for fuel, and mix MUD and STRAW to build a hut, I am sure that it isnt the spanish style you are talking about. THe base we took over was built out of concrete, and most of the surrounding town. But the outlying dwellings were all mud huts. I stood there and watched them build'em. It was like looking into 1000 years ago.

Did you know of Frances 9% unemployed, 60% is muslim? Now you do.:Saint:

And you seem to forget why Israel had to come back to their homeland. Obviously driven out. First by Romans (before Islam) who hated them and the christians when they rolled around. Then as an Islam identity moved into the area the rest where hustled on out too.

It's been documented that before European zionists came, the population in was over half a million in Palestine, an area not even a fourth the size of Florida. That was in the mid 1800s, by the 1900s, the population of Palestine was in the near millions. They had a very good economy, one united governing force, towns, roads, infrastructure, etc.
Palestine is old and tired. It is high time they move back into Jordan. Hell the whole middle east as it stands today was formed completely by Europe. There was no palestine before the 1900's. It was just another region of wasteland with wandering inhabitants under the Ottoman empire. Even after their fall the British coined the word Palestine as their little strop of land. The only reason the Brits left, and that a Jewish state was formed was because a couple groups of Hebrew Hammer's were pissing in their tea. The muslims weren't looking for their own state. So what happened when the one proactive group got what they wanted? Jealously set in. The best advice for palestinians, besides suicide bombing other muslims, would be to go dig ditches in countries like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia where they can make some money and ...GASP..move on with their lives! I forgot where god told everyone that life is fair.

Do you know the definition of the word intolerance? It means not tolerating.[/quote]
Yes. I was intolerant of my neighbors chihuahua constantly barking, so I fed him some bakers chocolate. 8 hours of sound sleep have followed ever since.

By not speaking specifically about blacks and whites I'm therefore intolerant of them?
No but muslims are quick to ignore the facts that their religion is murdering thousands upon thousands in Africa, and that several countries have had their asses saved, and owe their entire ways of life to Europeans and Americans. But, do to intolerance will never acknowledge it. I will say Kuwaitis are still very friendly people, as are the folks in Dubai. But then, muslims are really wanted in Dubai so its a nice place, no crime, no excessive poverty.:lol:

I'm defending Islam, Christianity and Jews as a whole, pretty much the idea of major monotheistic religion. I believe the morals contained by the holy books of each of the three religions is significant enough to produce more good than bad, making it better with than without, I was forced to take sides by accident in this thread, but I'm a large supporter of all three religions, and in that case, any religion that promotes the use of good moral values.
While religion promotes good values, the thought of more good than bad is probably wrong. Look at the catholic priests raping young boys. I know TONS of christians who go to church every sunday, and get pissed when I say Goddamn or Jesus Titty Fucking Christ. But when away from home are the first to break their vows to their spouse. I loved being deployed cuz the religious nuts were the first ones to try to get laid or go crazy. Religion just confines people so much that insane and/or violent outburts WILL happen. Fucking monks self immolating, islamic suicide bombers blowing up schools and market places, christian explorers wiping out civilizations. I don't believe the good outweighs the bad.

Anyways, the only Middle Eastern governing force today that has been intolerant against others was Afghanistan under short Taliban rule until it was overthrown. There's just as much intolerance fueled violence that occurs in the US, Europe, etc, if not more, than in the Middle East. The difference is, it's called "crime" in the US/Europe, but when it occurs in the Middle East it's "terrorism" (Unless, of course, it's Israel that commits the crime, then it's "Unheard-of" :p )
Look at any muslim country that has members of their government promoting the destruction or death of other people. Iran and Afghanistan are perfect examples. Yemen too, but they are such a no one gives a fuck country you dont hear about it. Saudi is real bad also, the funnel funds to several terrorist groups in Israel and Syria/Lebanon. Multiple muslim countries have state funded terrorism. Libya used to. The guy owned up and gave every bad weapon he had to America several years ago. I don't think anyone has a problem with Libya anymore (still a shithole). So how is a government tolerant that openly calls for the murder of a fucking book author, for example?

Actually I live in the US, which offers me all the sources and proof, which I've read and posted to show for Israeli terrorism. Odd you say the other day and give no proof or even any specifics.. And I'm talking about checkpoints in Palestine, not Israel, in the small remains of Palestine. I mean people trying to go to work, see family/friends, etc, crossing a checkpoint and being brutally attacked.
Israeli terrorism, thats a funny term. To get Israel sure, but now? No way. Everything Israel does is in its own self defense. Do they randomly launch rockets into some random palestinian refugee camp, just to instill some fear? Nope. Do palestinians? Yep. "Lets just fire some rockets into this fucking town that isnt doing anything, hopefully we can kill some kids and older jews..and they will move out, then we move in!" And sadly palestinian people have worked themselves into a rut, hence your checkpoints. Is Israel putting bombs in cars, sneaking them into palestinian areas and blowing, let say, a hotel? Nope, but palestinians are doing that to Israel. Do you know what happens then? What is a checkpoint Alex? You should go over and get some first hand experience.

Do you know the definition of the word civilian? A resident of a country, not a military threat. That's the word Tanya Reinhart used to describe the 5 Palestinians being killed daily, not people with guns, people protesting like civilians, with signs, being killed. Tanya Reinhart was a respected figure in Israel, she would not have used the word "civilian" if it was really militants that were being killed, she's not trying to make her country look bad. She wanted to make it possible for peace between the two nations, by first trying to fix the the Israeli side of Terrorism.
Ok this is how terrorism works. You fight amongst civilians, dressed as them. It is a tactic, and works very well. THe problem you encounter when fighting these terrorists is that you cannot distinguish them from the crowd. Ive seen muzzle flash come from a crowd of civilians. That meant some moron was popping shots at us. We could have fired a couple grenades in and killed him but of course we would have taken out a shitload of people without weapons. Im not calling them innocent, because probability laws will show they most likely are going to pick up arms.

So in palestine, this is how the militants make it look like Israel is murdering civilians. Jag off X shoots off a rocket from a mildly wooded area. An Israeli Apache flies around, sees the guy hiding with his infrared camera (god they have no idea what is coming!!) and fires a rocket, or pops them with the 30m (or whatever the jews use) Then as propaganda, all you do is TAKE AWAY THE GUNS..because the fighters are wearing CIVILIAN CLOTHES. NOT UNIFORMS. Take a picture "oh jesus poor civilians blasted by Israeli Helicopters for no reason!" Boom, propaganda that is eaten up by the likes of you and countless other sheep in this vast world.

Looking at the conflict from right now, both sides are commiting horrible acts, but the suicide bombings from Palestinians has been established, what is less heard of is the Palestinians being killed in masses on a daily basis, which needs to be made known before it can be fixed. The UN has created countless peace proposals that would start the process to fix Israel/Palestine, but the US always vetoes the proposals, as Israel is their closest ally, what's good for Israel is good for them and Israel doesn't plan to stop until all of Palestine is an entirely Jewish state.
Killing in any capacity is terrible. And I check all SORTS of news wires and on occasion hear about palestinians being killed but it isn't as bad as you are making it out to be. It's like how the media makes Iraq to seem like a bottomless pit of nothingness. That country will probably pull it shit together one day, they have all the resources to be the richest nation in the land. And even though I hate seeing Americans get killed, especially in a foreign country that sucks, guess what its war, shit happens, people die, civilians die. At least no one carpet bombs like we did in WW2, or there would be no palestinians left, and Iraq would be a smoldering pile of rubble. There would be no ground troops killed because no one can stop our Air Force.

They never hated or attacked Jews during the tiem of the Ottoman empire, and that was until the 20th century. The Middle East do dislike Zionists, which isn't a religion, just the belief that Israel should belong to the Jews because they had it thousands of years ago and that gives them the rite to destroy an entire nation and take their land.
Zionist is lumped in with Jew and muslims live off this stereotype. And saying beause Israel had the land 1000 years ago, for probably a 1000 years before that, is no claim is ludicrous. So I guess the guys who got their identity from some limeys back in 1920 have more of a claim on the land (they wasted.)

I don't remember that, but if it happened, probably only 2 or 3 people died. The Europeans were using these tactics to kill off villages of thousands of Native Americans with diseases they've never seen before. Some of Europe tried to make peace with the Native Americans (France for example), they did trade food and weaponry, etc. But other countries like Britain would kill Native Americans in thousands. They, of course, fought when provoked, but you can't fight against such inhumane forms of warfare as biological warfare against peaceful men, women and children. Right now, if they wanted to, the US could easily demolish Spain with weaponry and take their land, but just because they can doesn't mean they should. China could just as easily demolish much of the US, as now that Nuclear Weaponry is available, if you have them, you can do some serious damage, no matter how small your military, etc, is.
South Park references again. YOu should watch it, turn the V-chip off. They make fun of everybody, especially Jews and mormons. Its great.

British killed Native AMericans who were allied with the French. French Indian war was just that. And indians fought alongside the Brits and Americans in that war.

And China would never make it across the sea. Their last real test of mettle was the Korean war, and some messing around in Vietnam. There is a reason for the quote "Yeah, and I'm a Chinese Jet pilot." Chances are China couldnt take out Taiwan. China's inferior navy could never make it to America. And nuclear strikes, well that wont happen considering the average nuke sitting in the ground in South Dakota or in a bunker in PA is about 100 times stronger than fatman and littleboy, it would just be too destructive.

Neutron bomb's for the win!:rock: We just don't know if the reaction will stop.:cry:
Please tell me which of these inventions were really made by the Greeks and not the Muslims so I can go tell Paul Vallely, who wrote the encyclopedia where I got much of this information, that all his research is wrong..
Greeks invented the Kabob!!!!!!! GYROSSSS NIGGA! WIth french fries stuffed in them!!
Ancient semetic people created a lot of what you posted, such as glass (phoenicians) and a alphabet similiar to our modern day language, which was obviously improved upon by greeks and romans...not muslims or the muslim world. The only good thing to REALLY come out of that area was beer, thank you assyrians!

Read an Encyclopedia, they're all there. The idea of practical hygene was created in the Middle East.
Yes, the use of smells to mask odor. It is still in practice today in the middle east, and in France.

Modern Medicine was invented in the Middle East, from simple things used daily like a syringe to anesthetics making modern surgery possible.
Invented as the wheel was invented maybe. But put to real practical use and turned into actual modern medicine by Europeans. No one says "im going to Jordan to get a heart bypass."

Inventions of the crankshaft and developments made modern automobiles possible. They invented the idea of plotted out intervals in music, which is used by almost every modern instrument.
He was muslim, I agreed.

I'm sure if that 16 year old knew what Algebra did for them, they wouldn't hate it (unless they didn't want to live in the house that was made by the extensive use of algebra in Architecture).
Referencing the average teenagers disdain for education thats all.

And I don't mean they invented the term chemistry, they invented it as it is used today, with the scientific method. Along with creating things from Perfume to Distilled Alcohol for sterylization in medical use, etc.. geology, algebra and geology as they're used today, all were developde in the Middle East, along with advances in Anatomy, such as how the eye works, which left most European scientists, etc, confused due to the Eye's complexity..
Chemistry is highly debateable. One can say the alchemists were the first, or the first cave man to create fire was the first. From a science approach instead of a "lets make gold from lead" approach there was one muslim who was a jack of all science trades. But the reality of it is that chemistry as we know it now, the kind that you have in college and put to practical use, was the result of two douchbag philosophers, one from france and one from england. The scientific revolution is the reality of todays advances. And even from that, I would say 90% of everything that touches your life now is directly related to the USA.
Where the hell do you think I am saying Taliban and Al Qaeda are the same? I said I can tell the difference in the fighting style, its real easy to see close up. Ive never associated Taliban with 9/11 either. All they were was a group of religious nutjobs.

You said Pakis who supported the Taliban were for some reason celebrating 9/11, they'd have no reason to. And the number who joined the Taliban's cause was also very small.

So people living and born in pakistan, while not under direct control of the government are somehow..not pakistani? Interesting thought process.

I was saying this in the aspect that their views completely differed from those of the Pakistani government. And none of the Agencies that represented sections of FATA aided the Taliban, the small amount of people who did were an extremely small minority.

I've never talked about the taliban civil war. I might have said eastern border, that might be the confusion. I keep thinking eastern AFghanistan. Western side of pakistan is filled will taliban and al qaeda groups. Ive personally performed combat missions in the area, and bagged a few of the buggers.

Well FATA is on the western border of the Pakistan. Every FATA agency condemned Al Qaeda, and gave no support to the Taliban, and there is an Agency for every couple of thousand people in FATA, which means there's no part of it where an entire town or village would be supporting either organization. The only ones who did support said organizations were not associated with any governing forces of Pakistan, they did so on their own, and the amount that did this was excruciatingly small.

As I watch people use human feces for fuel, and mix MUD and STRAW to build a hut, I am sure that it isnt the spanish style you are talking about. THe base we took over was built out of concrete, and most of the surrounding town. But the outlying dwellings were all mud huts. I stood there and watched them build'em. It was like looking into 1000 years ago.

..No, people weren't shitting into cars. If they can afford a car, they can afford oil in such an oil-rich nation. You lie so much.. Please show me some pictures of said mud huts, if this really occured, I'm sure there'd a mad clusterfuck by all the human rights organizations to fix this. Put there aren't, and considering the unemployment rates in Pakistan is lower and their economy is stronger than most European countries, I seriously doubt this.

Did you know of Frances 9% unemployed, 60% is muslim? Now you do.:Saint:

Kind of like how 99% of 100% of statements you make are complete bull shit :Saint:

And you seem to forget why Israel had to come back to their homeland. Obviously driven out. First by Romans (before Islam) who hated them and the christians when they rolled around. Then as an Islam identity moved into the area the rest where hustled on out too.

They weren't hustled out, if you knew anything about the History of Islam you'd know that Christians, Jews, and all former inhabitants of the area were allowed to stay in the city, unharmed, under full military protection against outside nations. And then the Crusaders came and killed everyone, all civilians, christian, jew, muslim, man, woman, child, etc.. Jews were allowed to live there freely, but they still wanted to perform an ethnic cleansing on their Jewish state, so they "hustled" the Palestinian Arabs right on out of their homes to make room for Israeli settlements..

Palestine is old and tired. It is high time they move back into Jordan.

Palestine is old and tired now after over a half a century of complete oppression and forced homelessness. But if the Palestinians want their land, then it should be their's, as it has been for over a millenium.

Hell the whole middle east as it stands today was formed completely by Europe. There was no palestine before the 1900's. It was just another region of wasteland with wandering inhabitants under the Ottoman empire.

In 1878, Palestine's population was exactly 462,465 Muslim and Christian Arabs. They were all united under one governing force, the Ottoman Empire, with local governing powers. Along with a strong economy, infrastructure, towns, villages, markets, commerce, universities, etc. It was like an American sub-urb during the 1800s, it was not uninhabited.

Even after their fall the British coined the word Palestine as their little strop of land. The only reason the Brits left, and that a Jewish state was formed was because a couple groups of Hebrew Hammer's were pissing in their tea. The muslims weren't looking for their own state. So what happened when the one proactive group got what they wanted? Jealously set in. The best advice for palestinians, besides suicide bombing other muslims, would be to go dig ditches in countries like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia where they can make some money and ...GASP..move on with their lives! I forgot where god told everyone that life is fair.

Whether it was called Palestine at the time or not is irrelevent. It was a highly populated area by Arabic Muslims and Christians. They inhabited the land, all the British Mandate did originally was give power of Transjordan to the already existant government in the Palestinian area. While all this happening, Jewish terrorist groups like Lehi and Irgun attacked Britain and Palestinians. They killed British soldiers and Palestinian civilians..

And btw, there were no Palestinian civil conflicts until the late 1980s. Until Israel created and put into place, Hamas, to help completely destroy Palestine. Why the FUCK should Palestinians be forced to leave their HOMES, business, possessions, etc, just because some Zionist terrorists attack them? Life not being fair is shown when you're crossing the street and someone drives through a puddle and you get soaked.. What you're saying is like if someone murders one of your close family members then, when taken to court the excuse used is "Life ain't fair".. You're having trouble distinguishing between unfairness and illegal, extremist invasions and murders..

Yes. I was intolerant of my neighbors chihuahua constantly barking, so I fed him some bakers chocolate. 8 hours of sound sleep have followed ever since.

As you might know, most words have 2, 3, even hundreds of different definitions. What you were accusing me of for a ridiculous reason was this:
unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : BIGOTED

The definition you used in that example was: unable or unwilling to endure

So, for the most part, your sentence doesn't work.

No but muslims are quick to ignore the facts that their religion is murdering thousands upon thousands in Africa, and that several countries have had their asses saved, and owe their entire ways of life to Europeans and Americans. But, do to intolerance will never acknowledge it. I will say Kuwaitis are still very friendly people, as are the folks in Dubai. But then, muslims are really wanted in Dubai so its a nice place, no crime, no excessive poverty.:lol:

Since when are Muslims murdering thousands upon thousands in Africa...? Are you Jerry Falwell by any chance?

While religion promotes good values, the thought of more good than bad is probably wrong. Look at the catholic priests raping young boys. I know TONS of christians who go to church every sunday, and get pissed when I say Goddamn or Jesus Titty Fucking Christ. But when away from home are the first to break their vows to their spouse. I loved being deployed cuz the religious nuts were the first ones to try to get laid or go crazy. Religion just confines people so much that insane and/or violent outburts WILL happen. Fucking monks self immolating, islamic suicide bombers blowing up schools and market places, christian explorers wiping out civilizations. I don't believe the good outweighs the bad.

The Priests who molest small boys are doing it because they're sick, perverted, child molesting bastards.. It's not religion that made them want to molest boys, it's their fucked up nature, and they'd be out there on the frontline, every morning, raping small boys, whether or not Christianity existed :p The same Christian explorers would still have explored and killed, with or without christianity, and they probably would have killed more horribly and inhumanely if not for religion. Suicide bombers in the middle east would still be attacking Israel if Islam didn't exist, for the same reason they are now, because they stole their land and won't leave their country. It's like you said, "Should of Fought Harder Pussies", it was their land and as long as Israel continues to occupy and kill them, they'll keep resisting.

Look at any muslim country that has members of their government promoting the destruction or death of other people. Iran and Afghanistan are perfect examples. Yemen too, but they are such a no one gives a fuck country you dont hear about it. Saudi is real bad also, the funnel funds to several terrorist groups in Israel and Syria/Lebanon. Multiple muslim countries have state funded terrorism. Libya used to. The guy owned up and gave every bad weapon he had to America several years ago. I don't think anyone has a problem with Libya anymore (still a shithole). So how is a government tolerant that openly calls for the murder of a fucking book author, for example?

The only reason Afghanistan was under such radical law was because they were just coming out of occupation and it was complete luck that the Taliban were able to take power.

Iran just told Israel that they would defend Palestine if Israel continued to kill and occupy Palestinians.

A small few oil-rich Saudi's gave some money to Hamas and Saudi Arabian government did all they could to cut off this funding.. Government can't have complete control over their entire population, but Saudi Arabia's been pretty succesful at ending any funds going to Hamas..

Also, Please be specific with your examples or else it's impossible to respond, you just say shit like "In Libya, some guy was a terrorist, but then gave up.."

Israeli terrorism, thats a funny term. To get Israel sure, but now? No way. Everything Israel does is in its own self defense. Do they randomly launch rockets into some random palestinian refugee camp, just to instill some fear? Nope. Do palestinians? Yep. "Lets just fire some rockets into this fucking town that isnt doing anything, hopefully we can kill some kids and older jews..and they will move out, then we move in!" And sadly palestinian people have worked themselves into a rut, hence your checkpoints. Is Israel putting bombs in cars, sneaking them into palestinian areas and blowing, let say, a hotel? Nope, but palestinians are doing that to Israel. Do you know what happens then? What is a checkpoint Alex? You should go over and get some first hand experience.

Show me one example of Palestinians firing rockets at Israel as a whole aside from a few bomb attacks per year that result in not even a fifth of the deaths from Israeli's. And FFS, Sabra and Shatila, there ya go for modern Israeli mass slaughters of thousands of Palestinian civilians all at one time. That one massacre accounts for more deaths than all of Palestine's anti-Israel terrorism in the past decade..

Anyways, why would Israeli's have to bomb Palestinians when they have the money to just shoot at them? Palestinians don't have the weaponry Israel does, that's why they have to use bombs. While Israel kills countless civilians, just look at their assassinations, in the assassination of Ahmad Yassin, they killed 8 bypassers and injured over 100 others.. Just an example of bombings, but like I said, answer this, why would a highly acclaimed, patriotic Israeli professor, Tanya Reinhart, use false information? Her information has been backed by many human rights groups. Israel kills an average of 5 Palestinians posing no threat, daily..

Ok this is how terrorism works. You fight amongst civilians, dressed as them. It is a tactic, and works very well. THe problem you encounter when fighting these terrorists is that you cannot distinguish them from the crowd. Ive seen muzzle flash come from a crowd of civilians. That meant some moron was popping shots at us. We could have fired a couple grenades in and killed him but of course we would have taken out a shitload of people without weapons. Im not calling them innocent, because probability laws will show they most likely are going to pick up arms.

You're just saying chances are all Muslims have weaponry and will just start shooting.. Tanya Reinharts' studies count only unarmed civilians. Not ones who had firearms, or else they are no longer civilians by definition, they would be militants. And what reason would she have to go against her country if these civilians were really militants?

So in palestine, this is how the militants make it look like Israel is murdering civilians. Jag off X shoots off a rocket from a mildly wooded area. An Israeli Apache flies around, sees the guy hiding with his infrared camera (god they have no idea what is coming!!) and fires a rocket, or pops them with the 30m (or whatever the jews use) Then as propaganda, all you do is TAKE AWAY THE GUNS..because the fighters are wearing CIVILIAN CLOTHES. NOT UNIFORMS. Take a picture "oh jesus poor civilians blasted by Israeli Helicopters for no reason!" Boom, propaganda that is eaten up by the likes of you and countless other sheep in this vast world.

Wtf? American media has always portrayed Israel in a positive light. Never in any major American newspaper was the assassination of Ahmed Yassin called an Assassination.. And never do you see any reports of Palestinian civilians dying in American newspaper... What would be the point of Palestinians trying to frame Israel when no American newspaper reports on anti-Palestinian civilian terrorism? You just made up a scenario and claimed it is the main cause of Palestinians. Your arguements are just pathetic lies of a braindead redneck who listens to anything he hears in the News.

Killing in any capacity is terrible. And I check all SORTS of news wires and on occasion hear about palestinians being killed but it isn't as bad as you are making it out to be. It's like how the media makes Iraq to seem like a bottomless pit of nothingness. That country will probably pull it shit together one day, they have all the resources to be the richest nation in the land. And even though I hate seeing Americans get killed, especially in a foreign country that sucks, guess what its war, shit happens, people die, civilians die. At least no one carpet bombs like we did in WW2, or there would be no palestinians left, and Iraq would be a smoldering pile of rubble. There would be no ground troops killed because no one can stop our Air Force.

Plenty of Israeli professors. Listen, ISRAELI-born Professors, have agreed with the fact that Israeli government terrorizes Palestinian civilians. What reason would they have to criticize the country they're born into unless said acts were so horrible they needed to be dealt with.

Zionist is lumped in with Jew and muslims live off this stereotype. And saying beause Israel had the land 1000 years ago, for probably a 1000 years before that, is no claim is ludicrous. So I guess the guys who got their identity from some limeys back in 1920 have more of a claim on the land (they wasted.)

Since when are Jews and Zionists combined? Even khomeini, as extremist as he was, said that Muslims should show Jews and Christians living with them. And they are, zionists are not even all Jews. Many zionists are christians who believe a Jewish state of Israel must be established before the Prophecy of the book of revelations can be fulfilled where Christians will take the Jews and force them to either covert to Christianity or die.

And Israel didn't have the land 1000 years ago, they didn't have it 2000 years ago, they had before the first century and it was still considerably inhabited by Arabians at the time, as well. And then the Christians came and the Muslims have had it for thousands of years, of course, the Romans throwing the Jews out was horrible, etc, etc.. But when the Muslims took power, they were the only people who occupied the land and allowed people of all religion and race to stay with the same freedom as anyone else. Then the zionists invaded, killed and illegally occupied the Palestinian land because they believe their religion gives them the right to do so. If anyone killed for religion in the middle east, it was zionists.

South Park references again. YOu should watch it, turn the V-chip off. They make fun of everybody, especially Jews and mormons. Its great.

I>You at South Park knowledge, you didn't even remember what Mrs. Garrison said in the Muhammad-Fish Hat episode...

British killed Native AMericans who were allied with the French. French Indian war was just that. And indians fought alongside the Brits and Americans in that war.

Wow you don't know shit about history:

The only reason France stood a chance against Britain was because of their alliances with many different Native American groups. The British killed Native Americans long before the French and Indian War, and because the inhumane ways the British killed Native Americans, the Natives easily sided with France, of whom peacefully traded with them, against Britain. Although British forces did outnumber them about 5 to 1.

And China would never make it across the sea. Their last real test of mettle was the Korean war, and some messing around in Vietnam. There is a reason for the quote "Yeah, and I'm a Chinese Jet pilot." Chances are China couldnt take out Taiwan. China's inferior navy could never make it to America. And nuclear strikes, well that wont happen considering the average nuke sitting in the ground in South Dakota or in a bunker in PA is about 100 times stronger than fatman and littleboy, it would just be too destructive.

I said serious damage, not conquer. If they were first to deploy weapons and were able to use said weapons to destroy our main nuclear weapon facilities, we'd be extremely fucked. But that was just an example of something completely irrelevent to whether China would win in a war against the US :p
Greeks invented the Kabob!!!!!!! GYROSSSS NIGGA! WIth french fries stuffed in them!!
Ancient semetic people created a lot of what you posted, such as glass (phoenicians) and a alphabet similiar to our modern day language, which was obviously improved upon by greeks and romans...not muslims or the muslim world. The only good thing to REALLY come out of that area was beer, thank you assyrians!

Lol. I never said anything about the alphabet.. The only one thing out of over 50 extremely crucial inventions brought by Muslim world that you said the Greeks made was ONE, glass. And I never said the Muslims invented glass.. I said they invented the art form of fine glass/stained glass and the idea of eye glasses. Glass was a very basic invention, brought the use of glass into practical use in the modern world.

Yes, the use of smells to mask odor. It is still in practice today in the middle east, and in France.

You know what else is a type of perfume? which is used by all people. I don't mean the spray perfumes for woman.. And didn't I also say they invented soap, shampoo and the toothbrush as well? Odd that you ignored that, but just brought up the one that was easiest to bash on in the most ignorant way, which just means you either don't wear deodorant or are just trying to fool yourself into thinking Muslims are all unclean dogs. When in reality, while Muslims in the Middle East were using soap, toothbrushes and shampoo daily, people in Europe were still brushing their teeth with the ashes of dead animals..

Invented as the wheel was invented maybe. But put to real practical use and turned into actual modern medicine by Europeans. No one says "im going to Jordan to get a heart bypass."

Actually, they were put to practical use in the Muslim world, the difference is America has one of the best (and by best, I mean most stable) economies in the world, which results in, of course, better hospitals, etc.. The technology was developed in the middle east, but the US can afford the best equipment, etc..

Referencing the average teenagers disdain for education thats all.

And using it as an arguement that Algebra was not one of the most important developments in history.. Which you failed at.

Chemistry is highly debateable. One can say the alchemists were the first, or the first cave man to create fire was the first. From a science approach instead of a "lets make gold from lead" approach there was one muslim who was a jack of all science trades. But the reality of it is that chemistry as we know it now, the kind that you have in college and put to practical use, was the result of two douchbag philosophers, one from france and one from england. The scientific revolution is the reality of todays advances. And even from that, I would say 90% of everything that touches your life now is directly related to the USA.

The one method that all Chemists use when carrying out experiments everywhere, the US, Middle East, Europe, etc, Is the Scientific Method of using controlled varibles, etc, which was non-existant before it's creation in the Middle East. And from there on, using this method many Arabs began developing chemicals, distilling substances, etc, to help develop chemistry. chemistry as it's used and studied to day was developed in the Middle East. Saying cavemen were the first chemists just doesn't make sense, it's a study by which more discoveries can be made, not just picking up a stick that got hit by lightning. And what ws used by alchemists is not used in the modern world, it's the scientific method and the Muslim creation of chemistry that is used throughout the entire world by chemists.
Lol. I never said anything about the alphabet.. The only one thing out of over 50 extremely crucial inventions brought by Muslim world that you said the Greeks made was ONE, glass. And I never said the Muslims invented glass.. I said they invented the art form of fine glass/stained glass and the idea of eye glasses. Glass was a very basic invention, brought the use of glass into practical use in the modern world.
Ah young friend, 50 crucial inventions, meh maybe. Muslim inventions? I think not. Inventions from the middle east, sure Ill buy that for a dollar.

You know what else is a type of perfume? which is used by all people. I don't mean the spray perfumes for woman.. And didn't I also say they invented soap, shampoo and the toothbrush as well? Odd that you ignored that, but just brought up the one that was easiest to bash on in the most ignorant way, which just means you either don't wear deodorant or are just trying to fool yourself into thinking Muslims are all unclean dogs. When in reality, while Muslims in the Middle East were using soap, toothbrushes and shampoo daily, people in Europe were still brushing their teeth with the ashes of dead animals..
There you go with the unclean dog rhetoric. I never said muslims were unclean dogs. I actually have some honest to christ middle eastern sandalwood which I bought in Kuwait. Its the shit! I never argued that Europeans werent filthy ass pigs either, and this isnt about how dirty and nasty they were (or mooslams). Hell, if a girl isnt shaving her snatch nowadays I'll toss her ass out the door. I cant imagine what it must have been like even 100 years ago, hygiene wise. I wonder what its like under Burkas? Like a pseudo lesbian enviromentalist dike type prickliness or an unkempt forest of pubes and dingleberries. I for one, will not be finding out cuz those bitches always look gross. I dont ignore anything you say. Most of it doesnt warrant a response. Of course many things come out of that world. Cradle of Civilization ring a bell? Soap wasnt invented by muslims either, and sure as hell is not used in abundance in that part of the world. You seriously should go live among your people for a while, maybe gain a whole new perspective on this peaceful islamic fallacy you believe so much in. This reminds me of blacks who preach and preach about Africa this and Africa that, and have ZERO experience either in Africa or with Africans. You can trade a glowstick for a fucking hand built canoe in parts of Africa. Just tell them its "magic." Oops, off topic.

Actually, they were put to practical use in the Muslim world, the difference is America has one of the best (and by best, I mean most stable) economies in the world, which results in, of course, better hospitals, etc.. The technology was developed in the middle east, but the US can afford the best equipment, etc..
Yes America is the best. While we might suck at soccer, at least our babies arent starving and we have nice hospitals. Oh yeah, and no militant forms of islam or christianity running amok.

And using it as an arguement that Algebra was not one of the most important developments in history.. Which you failed at.
You fail at detecting massive amounts of sarcasm, and win at tightass liberal humor.

The one method that all Chemists use when carrying out experiments everywhere, the US, Middle East, Europe, etc, Is the Scientific Method of using controlled varibles, etc, which was non-existant before it's creation in the Middle East. And from there on, using this method many Arabs began developing chemicals, distilling substances, etc, to help develop chemistry. chemistry as it's used and studied to day was developed in the Middle East. Saying cavemen were the first chemists just doesn't make sense, it's a study by which more discoveries can be made, not just picking up a stick that got hit by lightning. And what ws used by alchemists is not used in the modern world, it's the scientific method and the Muslim creation of chemistry that is used throughout the entire world by chemists.
Caveman is a perfectly fine arguement. Applying pressure with wood and various substances is not only a basic form of chemistry but physics. NOw to say that they pioneered a pathway for the development of viagra is obviously daft. Thats like saying the white man invented suicide bombings! . Like I said, the most important thing ever invented in that area, besides great works of fiction (koran, torah, bible) was beer. You can throw everything else to the wind. And even with that, nothing comes from the middle east now that anyone wants besides oil, which we don't even get here in the US. Oh, another hole shot in the whole blood for oil arguement which as used up as paris hiltons snatch.

And saying the scientific method was non existant before the middle east is like saying Islam is peaceful, it makes no sense. I am sure that no one through trial and error, or "scientific method" ever happened before. That term can be so loosely thrown around it invalidates itself.( <--saracasm, so you know it from now on.)

Riddle me this, why, if all of these great advancements in technology due to the middle east, all of this wonderous innovation, has led the muslim world to achieve..nothing? Some rich countries thanks to an ever dwindling supply of fossil fuels. Once that runs out, what does the middle east have? Islamocrazy rhetoric and brutality, that is what will be left over. That will be the middle easts enduring legacy.

No one will ever say "Oh yeah, Muslims created that crankshaft that all car engines are based on!" No, the world will always remember Islam as the cult of suicidal maniacs, repression, racism, and overall bad manners. Muslims, the people who indiscriminatley murder women, childlen, and the elderly. Muslims, whose violent actions hold no strategic value other than to drive terror into the hearts of a given populus, even their own brethren. Muslims, so driven by Islam fueled hate and ignorance that they are unable to unify to stand up for themselves. Hitler did a lot to improve Germany, but will anyone remember him for that? Of course not! Has Islam and the middle east brought some good into the world? Well, Islam hasn't, not many people will disagree on that one, the middle east, yeah it laid some foundation for certain things but like its religion, became stagnant and refused to accept change and embraced evil. To actually believe that Islam is a religion of peace is the same as those Nazi's believing that exterminating a "race" of people was for the better good. Your blind faith is what is wrong with the world. Instead of reasoning things out you accept the faith chosen by your parents without any question. Another lamb to the slaughter. Everytime a muslim gets killed over there I hope you feel a bit responsible because it is your mentality that gets people into those "lose lose" situations, when that is never the answer (suicide bombing, random murder). Just like blacks in this country who are on welfare, their parents are on welfare and their parents before them. All they have ever known is being poor and somehow believing that they are owed something by whitey and rarely take the initiative to better their lives LEGALLY. That is why crime runs rampant in minority areas. The same thing applies to muslims. Generation after generation spews out hate and resentment for things they never had any real stable control over in the first place. I think its called mass hysteria, fueled by religion.

I sit back and smile at a group of monkeys living in the sand who are so barbaric that they are tearing themselves apart from every possible angle. There will never be a holocaust against Islam perpetrated by any other group of people. Islam has begun its own self induced holocaust. And before you go saying "racist this and racist that" what would happen if I honestly tried to help any muslims over there? Oh yeah, they shoot at you. What about aid workers giving food and medicine to the hungry and starving people? They get killed, aid gets swooped up and the defenseless civilians go on dying from hunger and sickness ala the mercifully pig mohammed and his religion (ie somalia/sudan)

I wonder what the non refugee immigration is to muslim countries? Is there any? Or is it just emmigration? That speaks volumes for that part of the world.

In the end, Islam is the ultimate satan. It feeds off the feeble minded and delusional. That is why it is popular, because populations are loaded with tons of smart people with decent reasoning ability. The truth of the matter is the majority of people throughout the world are uneducated and susceptible to influence, kind of like kids. And seriously, if someone said I get 72 virgins in heaven I'd probably buy into that shit, especially if I hadnt ever been laid. I wonder if half of the militants have ever been laid. I would sell my soul to satan for one whore who knew how to fuck instead of 72 virgians. THAT is hell! Hey..maybe that is the whole thing!? It makes sense, senseless killing, suicide, going to "heaven." Yeah, Im pretty sure most muslims are burning in hell if it exists.

Now go blow a wad in some chicks face and shake off religion, lead your own life and be amazed at how even while maintaining some values and morals, life is more rewarding and a much more pleasurable experience when not having to be tied down by the iron ball of hate, I mean islam.

-I am Evil Dead, and I have approved this message about crappy religion(s)-spelling/grammar errors and all
I did, but didn't find anything, because it never happened, you probably just skewed the 1980 Bologna bombing by an Italian extremist group into Muslims trying to kill everyone.. Like always. QUOTE]

I have some questions about these Bologna bombings.
-Were attacks with lunchmeat some of the earliest forms of terrorism?
-Did they find that bologna was more effective than say, olive loaf?

My terrorist has a first name. It's O-S-A-M-A.
Ah young friend, 50 crucial inventions, meh maybe. Muslim inventions? I think not. Inventions from the middle east, sure Ill buy that for a dollar.

By Muslim inventions I meant they were invented during Islamic rule, which means a few of them could just as easily been invented by someone of another religion, unlike in Europe where those of other religions were persecuted, exiled or burned at stake. The most important inventors, Abbas Ibn Firnas, Taqi al-Din and al-Jazari, were all Muslims.

There you go with the unclean dog rhetoric. I never said muslims were unclean dogs. I actually have some honest to christ middle eastern sandalwood which I bought in Kuwait. Its the shit! I never argued that Europeans werent filthy ass pigs either, and this isnt about how dirty and nasty they were (or mooslams). Hell, if a girl isnt shaving her snatch nowadays I'll toss her ass out the door. I cant imagine what it must have been like even 100 years ago, hygiene wise. I wonder what its like under Burkas? Like a pseudo lesbian enviromentalist dike type prickliness or an unkempt forest of pubes and dingleberries. I for one, will not be finding out cuz those bitches always look gross. I dont ignore anything you say. Most of it doesnt warrant a response. Of course many things come out of that world. Cradle of Civilization ring a bell? Soap wasnt invented by muslims either, and sure as hell is not used in abundance in that part of the world.

Mixed up your posts with Sue's then, accident =S

Soap was invented because of Islam. Because people needed to always be clean before they prayed, they developed soap and shampoo to make this possible.

People in Europe were using "soap", but like I said, they used things such as ashes of animals to clean themselves.. It wasn't until the Muslims "combined vegetable oils (such as olive oil) with sodium ******ide and aromatics", that the idea of modern soap, that actually worked, was invented.

You seriously should go live among your people for a while, maybe gain a whole new perspective on this peaceful islamic fallacy you believe so much in. This reminds me of blacks who preach and preach about Africa this and Africa that, and have ZERO experience either in Africa or with Africans. You can trade a glowstick for a fucking hand built canoe in parts of Africa. Just tell them its "magic." Oops, off topic.

I've been to Algeria, spent two years there when I was 11-13. And I got back there yearly, and I've been to Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, as well. Except for Palestine, which has been made into a hellhole, the other places were really nice and big cities, like Algiers are much safer than New York, etc, pick-pocketing is the biggest problem in Algeria.

Yes America is the best. While we might suck at soccer, at least our babies arent starving and we have nice hospitals. Oh yeah, and no militant forms of islam or christianity running amok.

Maybe if you're comparing the US to Kenya or the "Democratic Republic" of the Congo. In Middle Eastern countries that haven't been fucked up by the US or Israel, economy is fairly good. And there aren't militant islamists or Christians running around, a few rowdy protestors, but actual attacks from religious attacks from "militant Muslims" in any one country are about just as common as an abortion center bombing/shot up school (Not counting Afghanistan or Iraq.. And Iraq isn't really attacking because of religion, it's because since the US came in, over 200,000 Iraqi's have been killed and rape of Iraqi women is a common occurance from US soldiers.. They didn't liberate the country, the killed, raped and pillaged, like the Vikings did, along with demolish all forms of laws/government, which catapulted Iraq into civil war.. So really, just Afghanistan, and the majority of the population in Afghanistan was against the Taliban and Al Qaeda is an even smaller minority).

You fail at detecting massive amounts of sarcasm, and win at tightass liberal humor.

I'm not a liberal, I hate both parties of the 2-party-system with a passion. It wasn’t really sarcasm as most 16 year olds do hate Algebra, but obviously you used it as a serious argument or else you wouldn’t of said beer was the only good thing to come out of the Middle East..

Caveman is a perfectly fine arguement. Applying pressure with wood and various substances is not only a basic form of chemistry but physics. NOw to say that they pioneered a pathway for the development of viagra is obviously daft. Thats like saying the white man invented suicide bombings! . Like I said, the most important thing ever invented in that area, besides great works of fiction (koran, torah, bible) was beer. You can throw everything else to the wind. And even with that, nothing comes from the middle east now that anyone wants besides oil, which we don't even get here in the US. Oh, another hole shot in the whole blood for oil arguement which as used up as paris hiltons snatch.

You even admitted that wasn't even chemistry, which it isn't. So how is the arguement fine if it represents a very luck-based form of early physics?

And if you really want to throw everything else to the wind, please demolish and never re-purchase any automobile you have, every hospital in the US along with every text ever written about the eye and all eyeglass and forms of corrective lenses, Soap/Shampoo/Toothbrushes and every form of hygene you've used, every device used to drive any type of ship, rockets/torpedos/Cannons, meaning mounted cannons, too, so no tanks either/Much of modern firearms, etc…

And saying the scientific method was non existant before the middle east is like saying Islam is peaceful, it makes no sense. I am sure that no one through trial and error, or "scientific method" ever happened before. That term can be so loosely thrown around it invalidates itself.( <--saracasm, so you know it from now on.)

The scientific method isn't just guess and check, it's the idea of, during experiments, having only one variable and keeping the rest constant, and using observation/experiment to test hypotheses. Before Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan in the 8th century, alchemy was just based on superstition, it was him that turned it into a science as it is practiced today. Along with inventing much of the basis of chemistry, such as the ideas of distillation, crystallisation and the syntheses of hydrochloric and nitric acids. As well as discovering tartaric, citric and acetic acids, he used these acids, combined with salt, to create aqua regia, the first substance of the time that could dissolve and purify gold. He used this knowledge to create metals such as steel.. He developed the system of classifying elements into metals and non-metals, as used today.

So I guess, since it's correct that the scientific method wasn't used until Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan brought alchemy from superstition and myths to the science of chemistry, according to you, Islam is peaceful :)

Riddle me this, why, if all of these great advancements in technology due to the middle east, all of this wonderous innovation, has led the muslim world to achieve..nothing? Some rich countries thanks to an ever dwindling supply of fossil fuels. Once that runs out, what does the middle east have? Islamocrazy rhetoric and brutality, that is what will be left over. That will be the middle easts enduring legacy.

The Middle East brought the world from Roman times of brutality and senseless killing of other people, that continued even into the 19th century, into a peaceful more tolerant place. If not for the Muslim world's influence on the rest of the world, the likes of the Mongol's use of terror would still be existant, the Inquisition and Pogroms would still be alive and well in Europe, etc.. Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, etc, are just as developed or more so than much of Europe.. It was the Middle East's culture that influenced the idea of tolerance for the rest of the world, while there was one extremist group that took power for 5 years after the country just gaining independence, considering the population in Afghanistan were against them, your idea of all Muslim countries being Islamocrazy rhetoric and using brutality is complete redneck bullshit. Most Middle Eastern countries are just as powerful economically and militarily as European nations, the difference is, it was the Middle East that brought the world into the idea of Tolerance and the Middle East who created much of what we use today in the modern world.

No one will ever say "Oh yeah, Muslims created that crankshaft that all car engines are based on!" No, the world will always remember Islam as the cult of suicidal maniacs, repression, racism, and
overall bad manners.

Since when does your opinion count as "everyone"? I'm pretty sure it's just you, Sue, and a couple of KKK-associated gruops that think this. The reason much of Europe hates America is because they stereotype all the people in it as redneck assholes like you, and racist skinhead bastards like you are an embarrassment, not just to America, but to Metalheads everywhere.

PLEASE show me one attack against the US from Iraq before the US decided to invade them for being a threat? They weren't, they were peaceful.. Look at Palestine before Israel came in, there were no civil problems, although I don't give two shits about your opinion on Palestine because you thought it was uninhabited before Israel came in. And your lack of knowledge of history really gives me little reason to continue this arguement (You thought the French and Indian war was fought between the French and the Indians :lol: ).

I'm done arguing with you, you're a pathetic human being and I won't lower myself to your level any longer.