More Seattle Snow! (Pictures)


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
Once again, we have received a shit ton of snow, which is very odd. These pictures were taken at about 9:00 P.M. this evening. This camera is a piece of shit so two of the pictures are blurry (think Nevermore show in Seattle).

Chubbs coming inside from playing in the snow.

Fear the Chubbs!

Katie was playing in the snow, can you tell?

Katie sitting in the snow.

Yes, I know it's blurry (I blame the camera!). Flashless at 9:00 P.M.

Seattle snow! So exciting!
where do you live dude? cause in wallingford it doesn't stick on the road that much....

I live in Brown's Point. If you don't know where that is, I'm about five miles from Enchanted Village in Federal Way. It's actually a Tacoma address but if I go two blocks down the road, I'm in Federal Way.

It's on the other side of Commencement bay (Port of Tacoma) overlooking the city of Tacoma.
How cool is that!

We'll be getting snow soon (so we all think)!
By the way, are those black collies?
I had a black sheltie when I was little. Her name was Missy, and she was an awesome doggie :)
Well then here goes:
This ones out my back door at 6-ish, before it really started snowing hard

And this is the alien on our porch at aboot 8, we're up to at least 7 inches now

One of our cats really wanted to go outside but couldn't bring himself to walk in the snow. He sat on the porch for a while before he came back in.


It really started snowing later, in fact it just stopped a few minutes ago.




All the snow made me hurry to get my truck running again so I could go play again. I swear this isn't Washington anymore.
4 Hours!

4 muthaf'n hours!

Bellevue to Renton -- 4 hours. With no traffic, it's 15 minutes. I got home at 9 o'f'nclock at night. Unf'n real!

I feel like Forrest Gump -- I seen all kinds of snow: little stingy snow, and big ole fat snow, and snow that just seemed to come in sideways....

But, yeah, once I got home I got a few fun snow pics of the hell hounds!!! :headbang: I hated my commute, but I still love the white shit. I'd post, but now I'm all cold and tired and too lazy to download off the camera and host. Awesome pics, all. I got about as much as you two did.
4 Hours!

4 muthaf'n hours!

Bellevue to Renton -- 4 hours. With no traffic, it's 15 minutes. I got home at 9 o'f'nclock at night. Unf'n real!

I feel like Forrest Gump -- I seen all kinds of snow: little stingy snow, and big ole fat snow, and snow that just seemed to come in sideways....

But, yeah, once I got home I got a few fun snow pics of the hell hounds!!! :headbang: I hated my commute, but I still love the white shit. I'd post, but now I'm all cold and tired and too lazy to download off the camera and host. Awesome pics, all. I got about as much as you two did.

Yea, I left work before the snow hit (I work in Kent). A coworker left later than I and took two hours to get home. She lives in Federal Way (Redondo area). Usually a 20 minute drive with traffic turned into two hours. She had to go up Highway 18 and I guess there were cars pulled over along the highway.
Yea, I left work before the snow hit (I work in Kent). A coworker left later than I and took two hours to get home. She lives in Federal Way (Redondo area). Usually a 20 minute drive with traffic turned into two hours. She had to go up Highway 18 and I guess there were cars pulled over along the highway.
OMG, they were everywhere, and even Metro busses -- it was like some freaky horror film. And just, btw, what kind of a MORON do you have to be, to spin out over and over and over and over on the same damn street as me and my Prius, when you're driving Jimmy? I'm just curious, 'cause I had a LOT of time to contemplate that question, and I still don't have an answer.
Man I need to get one of those cylinders you warm up your coles in. Those things kick ass.