more solo gigs

marginalé said:
is the orgy still gonna happen saterday?
Yeah, the offer still stands (als ge ne vent zijt moet ge wel uw eigen vlees meebrengen) :Spin:

The silly hat belonged to the "chiro" I used to be in. But they don't have it anymore. So I will show up hatless tonight :) . I will be wearing a blue jeans, ne beige trui met blauwe mouwen, bruine sport,skate achtige schoenen en ne zwarte polo.

Dus tot straks mischien!

really? how was it btw.. could be there.. but i had an amazing gig at zigzag :rock:
we were diving from the stage, from the top of the door, the bar.. ZIGZAG RULES
It was a really nice gig. Too bad of the crowd that couldn't shut up. But I predicted that didn't I? Anyway stairway to heaven was great!!! All the rest too.
Does anyone know from who that song is Danny played, it was called "big love" or "big loaf" or something. It was that fast fingerpicked piece...

Amazing what Danny can do with his effect box thingie. I mean it's one thing thing to have effects, but you have to know how to use 'em of course...

Thanks to Bastet and Siderea (at least I think you were Siderea) to come and say hi. We didn't stay long at the witte non. Maybe next time I'll buy you a beer :)
we did that too!
danny played all the old stuff, solos and everything. he was wearing leather trousers and grew a moustache (finally)

naah. it was packed there really, besides that twas nice. person in front of me didn't fart too often. urm lots of anathema, very little nick drake. danny said he had throat problems. well that's what he said.
i particullarly (ehm however you write that) liked the way how he started karma police and the crowd went quiet
and tori amos was nice. and that metallica song, well i don't know metallica, but the lyrics seemed nice. ooh and charlotte, amaai. well done. she jumped on stage there and i was really amazed, loads of feeling there too.
and urr he played really long.

i don't think i'm gonna be in aalst today, but enjoy. hope danny's throat's better then ;)
Judge gsz said:
Does anyone know from who that song is Danny played, it was called "big love" or "big loaf" or something. It was that fast fingerpicked piece...
big loaf hahaha
uuurr well it was fleedwood mac, big love i guess

Thanks to Bastet and Siderea (at least I think you were Siderea) to come and say hi. We didn't stay long at the witte non. Maybe next time I'll buy you a beer :)
same. next time we'll all get drunk and have an orgy.
siderea said:
we did that too!
danny played all the old stuff, solos and everything. he was wearing leather trousers and grew a moustache (finally)

naah. it was packed there really, besides that twas nice. person in front of me didn't fart too often. urm lots of anathema, very little nick drake. danny said he had throat problems. well that's what he said.
i particullarly (ehm however you write that) liked the way how he started karma police and the crowd went quiet
and tori amos was nice. and that metallica song, well i don't know metallica, but the lyrics seemed nice. ooh and charlotte, amaai. well done. she jumped on stage there and i was really amazed, loads of feeling there too.
and urr he played really long.

i don't think i'm gonna be in aalst today, but enjoy. hope danny's throat's better then ;)
wow he played karma police? uuuuu I would be happy to hear him playing it :)
Well Irene is going too right? There won't be many people anyway, Negasonic is usually closed at sunday, so at least there won't be those annoying uninterested people who just can't shut their mouths I guess.