More treason from our Universities


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Lissen, why's an education so expensive when all a student's being taught is basically to read crimson stain patterns on a used tampon like some fuckin Gypsy palmist? Here's some menstruation from our favourite bolshevik needle addict Kurt Vonneshitfucker's new book:

George W Bush has gathered around him upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka Christians, and plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or PPs, the medical term for smart, personable people who have no consciences.

Funny, that. I'm reading the maniacal witch-hunt verses of a "PP" right now. Or is it an "HH," a hallucinating hippy?

To say somebody is a PP is to make a perfectly respectable diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete's foot.

Or perhaps, ovepaid, pointless, raving college professors who are having LSD flashbacks to their Vietnam days?

PPs are presentable, they know full well the suffering their actions may cause others, but they do not care. They cannot care because they are nuts. They have a screw loose!

Ah, presentable! I guess PPs do NOT look like Kurt, or unwashed Hindu fakirs whose only bathtimes are throwing themselves into a dysentary-infected river a million sacred cows took a dump in!

And what syndrome better describes so many executives at Enron and WorldCom and on and on, who have enriched themselves while ruining their employees and investors and country and who still feel as pure as the driven snow, no matter what anybody may say to or about them? And they are waging a war that is making billionaires out of millionaires, and trillionaires out of billionaires, and they own television, and they bankroll George Bush, and not because he's against gay marriage.

Man, its amazing to think this guy might actually operate a motor vehicle!

So many of these heartless PPs now hold big jobs in our federal government, as though they were leaders instead of sick. They have taken charge. They have taken charge of communications and the schools, so we might as well be Poland under occupation.

Heartless! Ah, Kurt wants the fuckin Wizard of Oz to give us heartfelt leaders. Like whom? A college professor whose brain has been dissolving slowly thanks to heavy drug use?

They might have felt that taking our country into an endless war was simply something decisive to do. Do this! Do that! Mobilise the reserves! Privatise the public schools! Attack Iraq! Cut health care! Tap everybody's telephone! Cut taxes on the rich! Build a trillion-dollar missile shield! Fuck habeas corpus and the Sierra Club and In These Times, and kiss my ass!

Sounds great, apart from that homosexual act at the end. It all sounds perfectly Wunderbar. Especially the Sierra Club cuckoos getting fucked.

There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: only nut cases want to be president. This was true even in high school. Only clearly disturbed people ran for class president.

Obviously, Kurt lost the election in his class. Sore loser!

While on the subject of burning books, I want to congratulate librarians, not famous for their physical strength, who, all over this country, have staunchly resisted anti-democratic bullies who have tried to remove certain books from their shelves, and destroyed records rather than have to reveal to thought police the names of persons who have checked out those titles.

Fuck librarians! My librarian sold off our National Geographic collection, 1904 to the present. He said, "We need the money, and YOU (meaning ME) are the only one who read them." Well, FUCK you, dead fat ass.

So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House of Representatives, or the media. The America I loved still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.

Which America, the Peoples' Republic of America?

In case you haven't noticed, as the result of a shamelessly rigged election in Florida, in which thousands of African-Americans were arbitrarily disenfranchised, we now present ourselves to the rest of the world as proud, grinning, jut-jawed, pitiless war-lovers with appallingly powerful weaponry - who stand unopposed.

Now decades of LSD residue lodged in his fatty tissues really get him unhinged!

In case you haven't noticed, we are now as feared and hated all over the world as Nazis once were.

Well, dick-hard leftist bolsheviks tend to see everyone else as the Fascists.

In case you haven't noticed, our unelected leaders have dehumanised millions and millions of human beings simply because of their religion and race. We wound 'em and kill 'em and torture 'em and imprison 'em all we want.

If any of that happened, we wouldn't have a problem in Iraq, just as Saddam didn't have a problem.

Piece of cake.

You eat it first, traitor.

KV is like 900 years old hasn't had a smart thing to say in 45 years. One of his last books was, like, in type size like this
I encounter paranoid, leftist drivel like this on a daily basis at my university. It got so bad that some days I wear right wing politician's campaign t shirts and caps around campus just to stir up shit and wait for some shitlock hairdo, hackeysack kicking bean curd eating fuckhead to say something. They never have the balls.
When the Minister for Immigration came to our uni to give a speech, he scarcely said two words before he was drowned out by lesbian troglodites and hippies. It is bad enough that they don't want to hear what the guy gave up his time to come and say but they also want to deny others the chance to hear his views as well...And these are the people who are quick to brand others as fascist!
All Aussie universities have a union board. They are responsible for using the student activity fees we all have to cough up each semester under the pretext that the money will be used for student services and activities. Instead, these motherfucks took the money and used it to fund anti-government protests and other micellaneous tree-hugging fun. Meanwhile I have to play in a stinky two season old jersey and use out dated training equiptment because the rugby team probably gets a $20 voucher to Rebel Sport for funding.
The worst part is that these scum are only a small portion of the uni population, but are so vocal and active that they contol everything while the silent majority bend over and takes it in the arse.
Saucy_Jack said:
The worst part is that these scum are only a small portion of the uni population, but are so vocal and active that they contol everything while the silent majority bend over and takes it in the arse.

In America it's the opposite. There are but few true lefties anymore and the very vocal right dominates.

Again, as I've stated before, liberalism is dying. Men like the American forefathers may never be seen again. Of course, the future is the great unknown and the trend may reverse itself, but the West - particularly America - continues turning 'right' at the fork in the road.
SoundMaster said:
In America it's the opposite. There are but few true lefties anymore and the very vocal right dominates.

Again, as I've stated before, liberalism is dying. Men like the American forefathers may never be seen again. Of course, the future is the great unknown and the trend may reverse itself, but the West - particularly America - continues turning 'right' at the fork in the road.

what fantasy America are you living in?? :OMG:

when Conservative speakers can be invited to universities, but arent allowed to speak because of the liberal morons in the audience shouting them down or throwing things at them, i'd say it's the leftists who are showing how opposed they truly are to freedom of speech and expression.
you DO NOT hear about the same thing happening to liberal speakers at college campuses.
why is that?
it's because Conservative Americans STILL believe in everyone's freedom to express themselves... whether they agree with what's being said, or not.

how about the 2004 elections?
story after story after story came out, all across the country, of leftist scumbags stealing or destroying campaign signs of Conservative candidates, threatening people who may vote Republican [that happened in my area, several times, with one lovely individual planting a knife in the side of someone's home who had a Bush/Cheney sign in their yard, along with a note saying that if Bush won, they'd be back to kill that person's family. that wonderful, free-thinking individual was eventually tracked down and arrested] and in other cases, slashing the tires of vans that were slated to take Conservative voters to the polls.

i dont recall hearing a single story of any Conservative groups using intimidation tactics or resulting to outright criminal behavior in order to control the votes of liberals.

why didnt i hear those stories?

just because Jack is from Australia, it's not like you can just lie to him about what's going on over here and you sure cant convince those of us who know better, so please... if you're going to lie, make it about something that cant be proven as a lie... like something about your manly exploits. :err:
SueNC said:
what fantasy America are you living in?? :OMG:

when Conservative speakers can be invited to universities, but arent allowed to speak because of the liberal morons in the audience shouting them down or throwing things at them, i'd say it's the leftists who are showing how opposed they truly are to freedom of speech and expression.
you DO NOT hear about the same thing happening to liberal speakers at college campuses.
why is that?
it's because Conservative Americans STILL believe in everyone's freedom to express themselves... whether they agree with what's being said, or not.

how about the 2004 elections?
story after story after story came out, all across the country, of leftist scumbags stealing or destroying campaign signs of Conservative candidates, threatening people who may vote Republican [that happened in my area, several times, with one lovely individual planting a knife in the side of someone's home who had a Bush/Cheney sign in their yard, along with a note saying that if Bush won, they'd be back to kill that person's family. that wonderful, free-thinking individual was eventually tracked down and arrested] and in other cases, slashing the tires of vans that were slated to take Conservative voters to the polls.

i dont recall hearing a single story of any Conservative groups using intimidation tactics or resulting to outright criminal behavior in order to control the votes of liberals.

why didnt i hear those stories?

just because Jack is from Australia, it's not like you can just lie to him about what's going on over here and you sure cant convince those of us who know better, so please... if you're going to lie, make it about something that cant be proven as a lie... like something about your manly exploits. :err:

The fact of the matter is that the Dems have had two presidents in the last 35 years. Of course, the Democratic party is barely liberal anymore, but the the US majority continues to vote for Republican leadership. Period.
This can not be underestimated and the numbers don't lie. The majority of America leans right.
SoundMaster said:
The fact of the matter is that the Dems have had two presidents in the last 35 years. Of course, the Democratic party is barely liberal anymore, but the the US majority continues to vote for Republican leadership. Period.
This can not be underestimated and the numbers don't lie. The majority of America leans right.

did you ever stop to wonder WHY the majority of America is for Republicans and Conservative values??

or is it a simple case of the leftist need to squash the will of the majority, in order to pander to the wants of the few, by any means necessary... be that deception, intimidation or violence?

when Dems and their liberal set can actually BE liberal, in allowing EVERYBODY to have a fair say in all matters and relying on civil debate to get their point across, then maybe the public will start to take them seriously again, instead of seeing them as this fringe group of radicals, out to harm the democratic process that forged this nation.
SueNC said:
did you ever stop to wonder WHY the majority of America is for Republicans and Conservative values??

or is it a simple case of the leftist need to squash the will of the majority, in order to pander to the wants of the few, by any means necessary... be that deception, intimidation or violence?

when Dems and their liberal set can actually BE liberal, in allowing EVERYBODY to have a fair say in all matters and relying on civil debate to get their point across, then maybe the public will start to take them seriously again, instead of seeing them as this fringe group of radicals, out to harm the democratic process that forged this nation.

Of course, there is a radical left element which has slandered liberalism in the eyes of the conservative mind. But, without question, the radical right (or as some say, the radical reich) also exists and also scares the shit out of a great many people in this country - the left and the moderate right.
To assume that there's a rad left, but not a rad right is silly and unrealistic.

And, for the record, both radical elements are typically a minute portion of each stance. There are probably 19 leftover 1960s peacenicks in the country. Their influence or power is virtually nonexistent. The rad right, I fear, does flex more power (ie: the religious reich and their various boycotts of Dinsney, etc).

Here's something to chew on: I live and work in the NY metro area, an area generally thought to be as left as possible. Yet the fact remains that the citizens of NYC have elected Republican leadership four straight elections now. And, digger further, the majority of my friends and co-workers vote Republican. Again, the country has moved right for the last 35+ years and has shown no signs of letting up (even with Bush alienating so many of hos own voters and party).

And to answer your first question, of course I have. And it's a rather simple answer. It's simply harded to believe liberally. It's easier to say "kill em all, let god sort en out" or such nonsense than it is to analyze situations and attempt to understand each and every factor involved.

I was a hard-line conservative for many years and, at one time, despised liberalism. But, as I've grown to see it, it's simply the lesser of the evils. It creates a better society for me and my offspring, barely edging out moderate conservatism. But nothing is 100%, of course. I fully support capital punishment and the maintenance of a strong military. With human nature being what it is, we have no recourse but to. (clearly something many libs fails to accept)

And, finally, above you made mention of liberals seeking to harm the democratic prinicples this nation was built on. But do you NOT see the most blatant example of that with the current Bush admin? Have we ever experienced such a drive towards aboslute presidential power and the negation of 'checks and balances' as we're currently witnessing?
SoundMaster said:
Of course, there is a radical left element which has slandered liberalism in the eyes of the conservative mind. But, without question, the radical right (or as some say, the radical reich) also exists and also scares the shit out of a great many people in this country - the left and the moderate right.
To assume that there's a rad left, but not a rad right is silly and unrealistic.

And, for the record, both radical elements are typically a minute portion of each stance. There are probably 19 leftover 1960s peacenicks in the country. Their influence or power is virtually nonexistent. The rad right, I fear, does flex more power (ie: the religious reich and their various boycotts of Dinsney, etc).

Here's something to chew on: I live and work in the NY metro area, an area generally thought to be as left as possible. Yet the fact remains that the citizens of NYC have elected Republican leadership four straight elections now. And, digger further, the majority of my friends and co-workers vote Republican. Again, the country has moved right for the last 35+ years and has shown no signs of letting up (even with Bush alienating so many of hos own voters and party).

And to answer your first question, of course I have. And it's a rather simple answer. It's simply harded to believe liberally. It's easier to say "kill em all, let god sort en out" or such nonsense than it is to analyze situations and attempt to understand each and every factor involved.

I was a hard-line conservative for many years and, at one time, despised liberalism. But, as I've grown to see it, it's simply the lesser of the evils. It creates a better society for me and my offspring, barely edging out moderate conservatism. But nothing is 100%, of course. I fully support capital punishment and the maintenance of a strong military. With human nature being what it is, we have no recourse but to. (clearly something many libs fails to accept)

And, finally, above you made mention of liberals seeking to harm the democratic prinicples this nation was built on. But do you NOT see the most blatant example of that with the current Bush admin? Have we ever experienced such a drive towards aboslute presidential power and the negation of 'checks and balances' as we're currently witnessing?

Word of advice. Don't try actual reason with someone whose historical amensia and paranoid definition of "liberal" is so severe.

I think it's a bit extreme to say the country has leaned right endlessly in the last 35years. The political wavelength still remains narrow between center-left/ center-right. Remember, Bush is very pro government and spending. (Just watch the next Dem. pres candidate try to run on small gov.) About the only thing he is a conservative on is tax cuts and pretending to have values.

The last election was so close, in terms of actual numbers, that deducing any real "mandate" out of it is not possible. Gore had more popular votes in 2000, Bush had more in 2004. I know a lot of "liberals," who don't care about gay marriage and are pro stealing SueNC's boogers, who voted for Bush because of the Iraq war.
And until recent years remember, The Dems controlled the house and senate for a while. It's only whinny bitches and stupid political pundits who like to talk about red states and blue states and that liberals are stealing their childrens boogers while they sleep.

As for universities (Where I can't think of anyone who actually reads KV anymore) as someone who actually works in a university Saucy Jack is correct a small part of the student population becomes way too loud and annoying (the rest don't care or have real jobs), but 98 percent of their energy is devoted to quibbling amongst themselves or with someone in the adminstration who they think is responsible for all the injustices in the world rather than interrupting poor besegied Bukkae party going Ann Coulter.
watching the angry, joyless lefties attempt humor is like watching a one-armed man knit a throw rug.
Why don't you make political posts like this at Lapland anymore? Got tired of being made to look like a complete buffoon, huh? Word to the (not so) wise - your nonsensical verbal diarrhea isn't faring much better over here. :D
SueNC said:
watching the angry, joyless lefties attempt humor is like watching a one-armed man knit a throw rug.

Reading angry, joyless righties trying to attempt humor or metaphor is like reading the directions for Chuttes and Ladders over and over again
well retard sue

SueNC said:
how about the 2004 elections?
story after story after story came out, all across the country, of leftist scumbags stealing or destroying campaign signs of Conservative candidates

..most likley prankster kids. Happens on both sides both republican and democrats have thier signs stolen or vandelized.

threatening people who may vote Republican [that happened in my area, several times, with one lovely individual planting a knife in the side of someone's home who had a Bush/Cheney sign in their yard, along with a note saying that if Bush won, they'd be back to kill that person's family. that wonderful, free-thinking individual was eventually tracked down and arrested]

WOW , one individual threatened someone in a nation of 300+ million. ANd to do it by planting a knife at the side of their house, and leaving a note. Man that must have been real scary. That just proves to me that people from both Carolinas are stupid hillbillys.

and in other cases, slashing the tires of vans that were slated to take Conservative voters to the polls.

I guess you didnt follow the news very well, because again the tire slashing happened to grops for both parties.

i dont recall hearing a single story of any Conservative groups using intimidation tactics or resulting to outright criminal behavior in order to control the votes of liberals.

get your head out of the sand bitch and watch the news. I know that most in the Carolinas are borderline retards, but shit bitch, learn the facts.

why didnt i hear those stories?

I believe it has to do with the fact that a) you are an idiot from butfuck North Carolina, and partially retarded. But thats just me, and I cant stand the entire population of both Carolinas, and I personally hate you, because all you do is spew utter bullshit from your cunt mouth.

sgt_d_rulez said:
well retard sue
Atta way to present your argument with proven documentation and facts. You are truely a great example and role model for the liberal cause. Sir I salute you.

Hawng said:
Atta way to present your argument with proven documentation and facts. You are truely a great example and role model for the liberal cause. Sir I salute you.


Great photo:)

It's a shame Howard Dean and other stupid angry fuck Zell Miller aren't President and Vice President. That would be a great combo:loco: :loco:
Craven Moorehead said:
Why don't you make political posts like this at Lapland anymore? Got tired of being made to look like a complete buffoon, huh? Word to the (not so) wise - your nonsensical verbal diarrhea isn't faring much better over here. :D

my biggest fan... loves me so much, he stalks me online. :Smug:
If its anything I cahn't* stand, its bolsheviks pirating right-winger phrases. "Angry, joyless" is to be strictly used by the right to describe the left, PERIOD. Mutherfucker!

My school days back in the height of Klintonist rule showed just how bitterly unbelievably vicious our lefties could be. I was the sole soul pinning pro-G.H.W.Bush placards on the bulletin boards. One I remember stated:


Ol Hickory
Rough-and Ready
Honest Abe
Silent Cal

Do We Need That Sort of Thing?

Every evening I would paste the posters on the boards. Every morning, they'd go missing. Nobody ripped down the pro-abortion posters. Even such stomach-turning leftists posters that read somthing like:

"A vote for BUSH means you're saying its okay for women to bleed to death after having back-alley coat hanger abortions!"

COLLEGE liberalism, devoid of not only any sort of sense, but of every facet of humanity. Unreasoned, emotional haranguing that fuels the sort of horrors that used to happen, and may yet happen, such as the Soviet Show Trials of the 1930s, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and everybody's favourite, Nazi book-burning and Jew-baiting.

A tip of the hat to Kurt von Vonnegut, a pile of dog shit who cannot get over his nonsense, no matter how hard he tries.
