Actually yeah, even the basic alarm system we have at my home has a battery backup. I have a hard time swallowing that just cutting the power to the building would put any alarm system out of commission... I'm pretty sure the people that design them thought about the whole no power thing ;) It's just really odd to be honest, tons and tons of $ worth of equipment in that building and they have an alarm that can be defeated by just cutting the power? Not trying to insinuate anything, just curious things to think about.
well dudes if someones need and alarm, he needs for sure an alarm with a tele sytem call or whatever you call it.
if someone cuts the wires or "destroy" the alarm speaker, this should call the police immediately.
Well believe me but even my alarm yesterday was fucked up, fortunately due to a very bad rainstorm not some burglar breaking in.
So I'll be captain obvious and say that we can assume the people that did this knew the security system- and knew it wasn't backed up with a power supply... Could it be possible that the people or person that installed it may have had their hand in it?

Like a mobster movie where someone has a connection with a casino or bank or computer company...

Could have been so well thought out that they left certain things to throw it off like they didn't know what they were doing...

I had a DP5 pack with 2 Perception 150s stolen from me in 08. Everything I had to my name pretty much. I still can't imagine what this must be like though.

I don't think something like this can go very long without being figured out though
More than likely stolen to order. I've had to repair the aftermath of 2 burglaries at the studio I built. The second time we lost 2.5k worth of mics, never saw them again and they never showed up on either gumtree or ebay. They're probably gracing the bedroom studio of several wannabe gangsta producers right now.
Astonished I am.

The problem is that with all this stir on TV and internet, burglars probably decide not to sell it cause may be too risky so it is more difficult to catch them and recover the gear.

Anyway, good luck and if they are caught, hang them high.
I find no word for describe what I think... Damn stupid peoples!!!

I agree with James for non studio related guy.
Nobody in studio industry would buy G+ computer and power suply without any info from the seller. SSL need to be decommisionned and this take a full day to be done (by an SSL tech btw). So nobody will buying a broken G+ computer and power suply.
On other hand, 480L without LARC is unusable. Most umbelievable: steal an HD rig!
Core card come with PT software and each card have his own serial number. And you can't register an used HD rig without ownership transfer (you need to send all product serial number and invoice to avid, with your name/adress/phone... And of course name/adress/phone from the seller)...
An HD rig without registration is just waste of money (no possible upgrade...etc).

So how people can be so stupid...
Who ever pulled this shit will get caught. fuckin terrible...I had my truck stolen a few months ago and know that wasnt a good feeling..this would be like my house burning to the ground 5 times...Wish them luck in bringing these fucks to justice
I agree if i got a studio thats worth prolly over a Million Dollars maybe even a couple ...i would have slightly better securtiy system.......But you put your guard down because you believe that this will never happen to you ....I can guarantee that Morrissound place will have an awesome security system from now on
They should probably get something like this here:

I can image this one hurts quite a lot. Also comes with portal turret voice.
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