Moshing Vs. Dancing - The eternal struggle

My favorite experience with this was at a Nile show. They were playing the with the Faceless (which actually had more of a metal following than a hardcore one), Unexpect, and.... Suicide Silence. So basically it was a ton of metal fans, most of them extreme metal fans since Nile was headlining, and then stupid scene kids who came for suicide silence only.

The best thing I saw that night was when a scene kid was doing those ridiculous windmill ninja kicks during Nile's set, and he ran straight into this 300 pound Nile fan. The dude got pissed of course, so he grabbed the kid's foot and slung him probably 30 feet away. The kid got up and was scared shitless, so he ran outside hahahaha :lol:
Whoa. All this talk about "fuckin hit people in the throat for being ignorant" and "threw a bottle of water straight on his head" really makes me wonder if it's the pit culture at where you guys come from or just personal differences. I've never, ever had a problem with pits. If I want to really observe and listen to the gig, I stay a bit more behind in the crowd, having my beer in peace with the other rock police. If I want to mosh, I get to the front frow, or as close as possible. If it's more like a go-by-the-feeling kind of gig and I feel like it, I jump in the pit.

As I said, I really don't know what moshpits are about where you come from, but around here it's all about having fun. No one intends to punch anyone in the face, and if you get hit by an elbow/knee/head/whatever and go down, someone is bound to grab you back up and if needed escort to a more peaceful area. And no-one has a problem with the scene kids doing their windmills. If it's a metal gig they won't be doing them long anyway since the majority of the crowd is just running around, pushing each other.

Geez. Chill out.
On Topic: I really don't care for either since neither calls for talent...

Slightly Off Topic: One of my favorite memories from a metal show (local bands) was when a mosh pit started and the FOH engineer rushed the stage and in an effort to stop the pit, grabbed the mic and.....pointed. Let me repeat. Grabbed the microphone, and pointed. Didn't say a word. Just grabbed the mic and pointed. I laughed so hard I didn't mind sitting down the whole rest of the show.
Whoa. All this talk about "fuckin hit people in the throat for being ignorant" and "threw a bottle of water straight on his head" really makes me wonder if it's the pit culture at where you guys come from or just personal differences. I've never, ever had a problem with pits. If I want to really observe and listen to the gig, I stay a bit more behind in the crowd, having my beer in peace with the other rock police. If I want to mosh, I get to the front frow, or as close as possible. If it's more like a go-by-the-feeling kind of gig and I feel like it, I jump in the pit.

As I said, I really don't know what moshpits are about where you come from, but around here it's all about having fun. No one intends to punch anyone in the face, and if you get hit by an elbow/knee/head/whatever and go down, someone is bound to grab you back up and if needed escort to a more peaceful area. And no-one has a problem with the scene kids doing their windmills. If it's a metal gig they won't be doing them long anyway since the majority of the crowd is just running around, pushing each other.

Geez. Chill out.

Well... unfortunately 95% of people here are dicks.*

I'm going to Altamont Never Say Die (Unearth, Parkway Drive, Despised Icon, Architects, Protest The Hero, Whitechapel and Carnifex... I'm a big Unearth fan, and have heard some Parkway Drive and it's not terrible, haven't got a clue about anything else) in London next month with a load of friends. I'd say they're a lot more into their screamo etc than I am, but I'm goin with a cool bunch of guys who just like to get pissed an rock out to some half decent music. The company's 50% what it's all about with me, I rarely go to gigs when there's less than 6 of us going.

I used to be big into the pits and stuff, but now I do prefer to sit and watch in awe of some bands. It's still really strange that I'm gonna be sitting down at the Slipknot/MH/Bodom gig in December, though :lol:

EDIT *here, being here in England :lol:
Any "core" taint on my beloved metal makes me die a little inside, and retarded moshing is no exception. HOWEVER, while I hate circle pits (and hardcore dancers need to be sterilized and exterminated) I do LOVE a frothing sea of people shoving back and forth with no room between them; that's what really heightens the excitement for me. But yeah, fuck metalcore, DEEP in it's ass. :)
there's always worlds colliding at metal shows that have hardcore or metalcore bands also on the bill. summer slaughter this year was a good example. the (typically) larger metal dudes circling around each other and pushing off of each other with arms folded directly in front of them. then you have the one guy who intentionally bumps noticeably harder into another guy in the pit, who must've warranted the attention by elbowing him as he rounded the edge of the pit to come back in.

the "dancing" as it's so inaptly named used to be a lot worse around my parts. to me it isn't so much enjoying yourself and the music, it's an alpha male thing. "LOOK AT ME AND WHAT I'M DOING BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T YOU'LL GET HIT" and then when they do hit the wrong someone who gets pissed and in their face, they get offended as though they're just "expressing" themselves and their enjoyment of the music. this typically acts out as the punchkicker getting into the face of whomever questioned their movements. easy to get violent because nobody likes taking shit when there is no excuse not to beat the face of the shit giver. very often everyone else around will jump in too, just to punch random backs of head.

(slightly OT): last nite at the watain concert a white supremacist gave the "zieg heil" to watain, and they slapped his hand away in a "WTF" manner. this obviously infuriated him and he grabbed watain's singer by the hair and pulled him off stage. big ol fight broke out. watains singer (who is a little dude) successfully got the guy off, and bloodied him up. it continued escalating from there because people started bad mouthing white supremacy (for obvious reasons) and all the white supremacists were offended by it and fight after fight broke out. all of watain got off stage and was ready to fight. all the while a drone feedback just lingering over all of the tense. the initial guy laid on the ground bloody for 5 mins or so after watain resumed playing. his friends pulled him out by his legs and stood him up (and that didn't look comfortable for him). watains singer saw him and asked in a black metal voice "HE'S STILL HERE?!" haha it was awesome. after about 3 more fights breaking out they finally got kicked out by the bouncers. the show was WAY more awesome after all of this because watain was ffffing pissed. and what goes best with black metal? pissed. hell yea it was bad.
Damn, no bouncers at that venue I take it? I would've gotten my ass clear of that, not something I wanna be a part of! And white supremacists should also be sterilized and exterminated. Make a note :)
I wish someone would start an anti dance campain with MTV commercials, T shirts or whatever puts a strong message out that Dancing is for pussy faggot pieces of shit and doesnt belong in a Metal Show. Any nerd or overweight reject (im not being judgemental on overweight people cuz I am kinda big myself, just stating an observation) has a moment of glory where they run in the pit and start doing ther Spaztic Jazzersize which causes fear around them of getting hit or kicked. I guess it makes them feel empowered. But I would gladly get in the pit and fuck them up if they want to throw some punches.

Fuck Hatebreed and whatever bands that probably love to see it at their gigs.

If I had a Major band with respect I would be offering Free T shirts or CD's to anyone who takes out these dancing queens.

Die Die Die :devil:

........I feel better now
I don't go in for the whole dancing thing, or the moshing thing. When I go to a gig, I'll headbang and go nuts and shit, but generally, I'm there to hear the band, I'm there to enjoy seeing them play live. Watching moshpits is cool, but I've never gotten in one myself, because I don't enjoy running around, and getting the shit kicked outta me, it just does fuck all for me. I don't care what everyone else wants to do, just so long as they leave me the fuck alone. And if some skinny ass motherfucker tries to drag me into anything, then they will get taken down a fucking peg, and they will be fucking battered and bruised.
Its not the same.

If the scene kids werent there dancing it would be a completely different experience.

Oh, and the one huge thing I failed to mention.

This little Dance pit, creates a huge fucking hole right in front of the stage causing everyone to move back or to the side. Its a distraction from watching the band and at the same time the band is now playing to 20 people instead of 100.

So I dont see any irony. They are like a mosquito going around biting everyone in your house. Crush the mosquito, problem solved.

Its not a matter of voilence. Its a matter of disturbance.
Well you guys can all take turns one by one at calling me a faggot, because I'll be the first to admit that I am a fan of a few metal-core acts. My favorite of them all being unearth. So I just got back from one of their shows and the tension in the pit made it difficult to enjoy by neither dancer nor mosher. The problem is when the "hardcore" parts come everybody starts doing their dancing, and all the moshers get in there and push them around because we dont want this in our pit and thus all the dancers get butthurt that you ruined their dance and try to pick fights. Then when the "metal" parts come the circle pits ensue and the dancers get bumrushed by everybody. One of them was so frustrated that I pushed him a circle pit that he grabbed me by the neck and unsuccessfully tried to throw me me to the floor.... hes lucky i dont have ethics adjacent to his because i just let this go. From my perspective (a mosher) I feel that moshpits have a certain code of ethics and nobody should really be out to actually hurt somebody else. On the other hand these so called dancers have no concept of ethics inside of a moshpit and couldnt care less if one of their elbows knocks somebody in the head and knocks them out, which I've seen countless times. I am of the personal opinion that these "dancers" are faggots of the highest caliber and should walk off a cliff but i wanted to hear your guys opinion also. Do you think there should be some sort of harmony in the pits of bands such as unearth where people can dance or mosh in peace or do you think there should only be moshing and anyone who tries to dance is promptly curb stomped? I'm assuming noone in here is actually a hardcore dancer but if any of you are and I offended you.... good!

I don't like dancing either, and for that reason I won't go to a show at which I would expect it.
Perfect example would be hardcore bullshit like Unearth. :p
This little Dance pit, creates a huge fucking hole right in front of the stage causing everyone to move back or to the side. Its a distraction from watching the band and at the same time the band is now playing to 20 people instead of 100.

Have to disagree quite heavily here. IMO the best place to really observe a gig is by the FOH spot anyway. You can often see the most there and the sound is usually at it's best there. And what comes to the band, I have never seen a band get irritated by a pit. Quite the opposite, in my experience it's usually the band that provokes the pit in the first place. And I'm not talking purely about hardcore (which I really don't consider music like Unearth belongs to) gigs, since I haven't been to too many of them, but rather metal gigs (Anthrax, Lamb of God to name some). And when it's me on the stage, I definitely enjoy seeing a pit. To me that means the crowd is really getting into it. I'd rather play to 20 dudes going apeshit than 100 people standing still with their arms crossed.
there's always worlds colliding at metal shows that have hardcore or metalcore bands also on the bill. summer slaughter this year was a good example. the (typically) larger metal dudes circling around each other and pushing off of each other with arms folded directly in front of them. then you have the one guy who intentionally bumps noticeably harder into another guy in the pit, who must've warranted the attention by elbowing him as he rounded the edge of the pit to come back in.

the "dancing" as it's so inaptly named used to be a lot worse around my parts. to me it isn't so much enjoying yourself and the music, it's an alpha male thing. "LOOK AT ME AND WHAT I'M DOING BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T YOU'LL GET HIT" and then when they do hit the wrong someone who gets pissed and in their face, they get offended as though they're just "expressing" themselves and their enjoyment of the music. this typically acts out as the punchkicker getting into the face of whomever questioned their movements. easy to get violent because nobody likes taking shit when there is no excuse not to beat the face of the shit giver. very often everyone else around will jump in too, just to punch random backs of head.

I could not have said it better myself. Whether you like moshing or not isn't the point, the point is generally people that are moshing are there to enjoy the music and people that are there to hardcore dance are there to show people how tough they are. Oh well.... maybe its just a sign that it's time to move on from bands like unearth :cry:
i hate hardcore dancing i got kicked a few times recently at a show i booked, immediately followed with a right hand out of habit... moshing on the other hand if your in or near the pit expect to get hit and take it like a man.... its the scene faggots wearing girl pants that dont look out for people flailing there arms and legs like fairy ballerinas that really push my buttons......feels nice to lay out some fag thats not concerned with ruining everyone else s show exp because there too concerned trying to be the next karate kid.....

i just want to go to a show and enjoy the music and not have to watch my back every second because of some fairy thinking he can fight himself and look kool at the same time....
Have to disagree quite heavily here. IMO the best place to really observe a gig is by the FOH spot anyway. You can often see the most there and the sound is usually at it's best there. And what comes to the band, I have never seen a band get irritated by a pit. Quite the opposite, in my experience it's usually the band that provokes the pit in the first place. And I'm not talking purely about hardcore (which I really don't consider music like Unearth belongs to) gigs, since I haven't been to too many of them, but rather metal gigs (Anthrax, Lamb of God to name some). And when it's me on the stage, I definitely enjoy seeing a pit. To me that means the crowd is really getting into it. I'd rather play to 20 dudes going apeshit than 100 people standing still with their arms crossed.


I don't think you are talking about the same thing.

This is not a pit.

I am not talking about a "classic pit."

There is a huge hole with no one moving whatsoever.

No one is into anything and there is 1 asshole running around doing karate.

Your pit in Finland is probably much different than in USA.

And these 20 dudes are the single row of people leaning against the stage with no one behind them.

No one is going ape shit.

The other 80 people are back away and it appears as though the band is playing for no one.

It looks gay and spoils the set as if no one likes the band.

Sure, when there is a normal pit, it doesnt change much and people go crazy running in and out of it. And the crowd doesnt care because no one is going to get kicked or punched just by standing near it. Sure there is some pushing and bumping but thats way different.

Oh well, there is some misunderstaning here and perhaps this disease hasnt reached other continents.

Look at this video and see how no one is around and everyone is in the back just because 1 asswipe is doing his dance.

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