Most annoying musician?


Apr 27, 2004
For me it's definately Les Claypool. Both his vocals and basslines annoy the shit outta me. Same goes for his lyrics. And what makes things worse is that people worship him.

Just my oppinion.. If there are any Primus fans out there.. Please don't hurt me..

Who can't you stand? Do share :D
Igor_Cavalera said:
Yeah!! :D
Not many people agree with me on this one.
It makes us three :D

And I have a huge list, but let's compromise on one at a time :p
Personality=Fred Durst, however, he's on the decline, I don't think he'll be bothering us for much longer.
Hmmmmmm. Musician? Let me think here.
Lars Ulrich.
Drummers aren't really musicians are they?
Like in the joke. What do you call a person that hangs out with musicians?
A drummer...
Fred Durst needs to die.
Axle Rose is a Grade-A asshole.
Les Claypool's leads a fanboy mass of followers... he still is annoying. (Not talentless though)
I'll add: The entirity of Slipknot. Especially, ALL THREE OF THEIR DRUMMERS!
Thraxz said:
Fred Durst needs to die.
Axle Rose is a Grade-A asshole.
Les Claypool's leads a fanboy mass of followers... he still is annoying. (Not talentless though)
I'll add: The entirity of Slipknot. Especially, ALL THREE OF THEIR DRUMMERS!
Glad to see someone else doesn't like Axl. I am not one of those negative guys. I normally keep away from the "_______ sucks" threads but for some reason sometimes when those threads come up, I have to stick GnR in there. I had about two or three weeks of temporary insanity where I thought they were a cool band, then the realization kicked in............

If we're talking just metal, I'd say Dani Filth. His vocals make my eardrums want to explode. Dusk & Her Embrace is a good album musically, but his vocals ruin the whole listening experience for me.

If we're talking non-metal, I'd have to say Billy Corgan. Whiniest vocalist I've heard - Kurt Cobain has nothing on him!
Poison God Machine said:
If we're talking non-metal, I'd have to say Billy Corgan. Whiniest vocalist I've heard - Kurt Cobain has nothing on him!
I forgot about that uncle fester looking son of a bitch.
Add him to my list.
Axl Rose is a first class jerk off, as a asinger & song writer when he was on, he was on. Unfortunately he peeked too soon & now you just have a has been with the ego of a "major star."
Igor_Cavalera said:
Yeah!! Go us!!
And come on Wyvern, share the rest of your list with us :D
Well let's see (and please refrain to flame me, this are very personal opinions, that's why like Bryant I like to avoid this type of threads):

Axl Rose (my reason to stop and get rid of GNR)
Niki Sixx, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee (sorry Swine)
Yngwie Malmsteen (and I have all his albums :guh: )
Eric Adams, Joey Demaio
Ricardo Iorio
Michael Kiske (the worst whiner in history)
Lar$, Jame$, Kikikirikirk
Timo Tolki
Kimberly Goss
Marilyn Manson (if we can call that music)
Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley

All rappers, popers, hip-hopers, mallcorers and assorted dimwits.
Pyrus said:
Totally agreed on Michael Kiske. It blows my mind how he went from utterly AMAZING on Keeper Part 1 to outright horrible on Keeper Part 2.

Kerry King is the most irritatingly bad lead guitarist ever.
Well my point of Kiske was more that after the brilliant Keepers (both of them), and his resign from Helloween, the guy has increasingly become more and more anti-metal. Yet he still work with projects claiming that he doesn't want metal parts.
Is so pathetic and annoying to see someone bashing the past that gave him a place in the spotlight.

As for King, I didn't want to mention it to avoid fueled a bigger fire, but to me Hanemman and King are the reason I don't like Slayer.
I changed my mind.... The most annoying ?"musician"? in music today has to be....

That bitch from Otep.

She sucks at singing
Her lyrics suck
She takes herself about 5billion times too seriously. (don't believe me? go their website)