Most beautiful MEN

even sean young?? :eek:

somnium_in_tenebris said:

James Iha is an all time classic for me.deffo in my top 3 ever.
yum-yum :loco:
btw, theres a korean guy in Dream Theater too, but hes not so handsome..

i think im sinkin under the lowest level of sanity these days by listening to Canto-Pop hahaha bloody shameful!!!!!!
i love Cantonese calf *yum* hehe.i dont have a clue about pop music from those countries,i love them looks tho,esp.if they are mixed-raced ,aaaahhhhhh!!!

and james is so awsome,maybe the most handsome man i've seen.i saw you also like slanted eyed fellers ehehe:)

Myung has a funny face lol.Hes not handsome but i like his hair.its just like mine will be if i let them grow as long.short in the front and long from behind lol
im thinkin about some plastic surgery from time to time.. :) I'll have rings round my eyes soon I'll need some intervention and maybe they could make it look Japanese. Skin color is still a problem though. Uhm.
Dora said:
cos i feel so, inside, like a trassexual but a transracial lol
how do you know how it feels to be a no chair having, ancestor worshipping, raw fish eating, airplane dropper??

they're pretty insistent that westerners can never understand how they feel so you must be just doing a bit of cultural tourism :tickled:
yeah, this hairy legged ball-chasing gayness is RIDICULOUS!! I'd never meet any men who likes footie, never! The biggest nonsense! (eh, ok, some things can compensate, like being (ex)members of fanboys and that..) :lol:

as for the yellowness inside.. i dont care if its not understood. I feel it.
Dora said:
yeah, this hairy legged ball-chasing gayness is RIDICULOUS!! I'd never meet any men who likes footie, never! The biggest nonsense! (eh, ok, some things can compensate, like being (ex)members of fanboys and that..) :lol:

as for the yellowness inside.. i dont care if its not understood. I feel it.

Blokes that dont like football?
You must think we're stupid!