Most emberassing thing you ever did?


Mar 2, 2007
It's kind of like the dumbest thing thread except I'm looking for emberassing things because those are funnier.

During this picnic festival thing at my church I was jumping in front of people and doing crazy dancing, and people would look at me weird. This one guy was walking and when I jumped in front of him he jumped back like I was gonna punch him. It was hilarious.
One time, in school, i had a course that wasnt in the class where i usually had my courses
(in Belgium, each grade is divided into smaller classes of +/- 22 persons in each one, and each class has its own classroom, where you have most of your courses -the one you are obliged to take, like French, history, geography,..- But the optional courses ate often with people from other class of teh smae grade so in an other room)

So i was in this other classroom, and forgot a book i really needed in my classroom. Normally there werent any courses in my classroom during that period. So i go back in my classroom to get the book, I run and open the door really wildly because i didnt want to loose time. And then i discover that for once, there was a course in the classroom.... so it was full of people of the same grade + a teacher i had a few years before...
so i look really dumb "uh sorry, i didnt know you were in here.... i forgot my book, can i h´get it really fast?" .

this is the best... quite a shame actually:
i was in a bar with my bf and some friends of his, we were drinking some beers. Then i was saying something to my bf, and because of the beer, while i was talking, i started to burp, and couldnt keep my mouth shut, as it came suddenly... even though the music was loud, a friend heard it and said "ewwww you are burping on each other???".. .
why is it alway ok for men to burp when they drink beer and not for women? :lol:
I once got caught jacking off (by my uncle no less) near a fireplace while sitting on a chair that was only standing on two legs (it was an awesome balancing act).

Is it a well crafted story, or is it true? :lol:
I once got caught jacking off (by my uncle no less) near a fireplace while sitting on a chair that was only standing on two legs (it was an awesome balancing act).

Is it a well crafted story, or is it true? :lol:

So did you like have you hand down your pants/skirt or something? And what did he do? He was probably turned on...jk :lol:

Funny, this happened recently at work: The manager needed to go clean a few things in the staff room so she came up to me and another worker and said "I'm gonna be(at?) off in the staff room doing something, so you can bet it's gonna be wet" or something to that effect, a reference to her usually making messes but also, she didn't realize the double meaning of it all. :lol: ..or maybe she meant it? :zombie: The last thing I want to think about is my manager all 'wet.'

I can't really think of anything I've done though...
Once when I bought concert tickets. I gave the vendor the money and almost forgot to get the ticket.
Just go look at my post in the dumbest things thread. That's as equally embarassing as it is ridiculous. :erk:
I want to be a spelling moderator. You know, just to correct spelling. I hate seeing poorly spelled words in thread titles.

Though, it isn't as bad as some of the stuff on the Uni forums on Some people actually think that "liek where u goin wit ur m8s tonite 4 fun?" is readable. Lame.
Being embarassed is silly. If you had an accident all over yourself, for example, your friends would still like you, And they would enjoy the entertainment you would provide, granted that they might avoid you for the smell.
Being embarassed is silly. If you had an accident all over yourself, for example, your friends would still like you, And they would enjoy the entertainment you would provide, granted that they might avoid you for the smell.
I had the runs and shit myself at a bar once. Couldnt make it to bathroom in time (or was too drunk one of the two).
Maybe someone put some Visine in my beer or something. It was nasty as hell but funny and my buddies just laughed their balls off for hour straight.