dumbest thing you ever did

This isn't something stupid I did but something another kid did. He said Kurt Cobain was better than Jimi Hendrix.
Today I went to the Health room cause my heart was beating funny. So I talked to the nurse and went into the room with the cots. so I took out my i-pod, put it underneath my hoodie through my collar and put the headphones on, so I was lying down listening to Hendrix and the nurse comes in and I realized I forgot to put the hood up, but I don't think she saw, or cared.
Today I went to the Health room cause my heart was beating funny. So I talked to the nurse and went into the room with the cots. so I took out my i-pod, put it underneath my hoodie through my collar and put the headphones on, so I was lying down listening to Hendrix and the nurse comes in and I realized I forgot to put the hood up, but I don't think she saw, or cared.

U r a r0ck n r0ll rebell! lol

Isn't your old username Spectacular Views?

Dumbest thing I did - not hook up with the hottest chicks in high school, that liked me. Only listen to underground rap and stuff like Wu-Tang in high school. Failed my road test around 8 times.
No that's not my old username. My old one was much stupider than my current one. I'm gonna go premium so I can change it.

I don't see whats wrong with underground Rap. Rap was the first music I ever liked. Until late 7th grade the only music I listened to regularly was Rap and Jazz.
i've done too much stupid shit but i'll mention 1 of the many. i filled a pepsi can with gas, lit it on fire, and stomped on it.... not smart, i almost caught on fire.
Go to a Basshunter show / listen to techno, I regret every minute of it now but then it was ok, it was like 4 years ago though and I was only into nu metal then, but now I listen to pure metal. \m/
That I didnt move closer to my ex girlfriend when she waned me to a few years back. Im still recovering from my stupidity that I didnt realize what a great girl I had. It was never really the same way after that and now I have no chance with her anymore :(
Go to a Basshunter show / listen to techno, I regret every minute of it now but then it was ok, it was like 4 years ago though and I was only into nu metal then, but now I listen to pure metal. m/

Dont worry to much about liking other things than what is cool or accepted in the metal community though. To many people fall into that trap and misses out on some great non-metal music just because they want to be "true" to metal.
When I was around 8 years old I put a washer (that had grooves in it on the inside) on my finger cause I thought it made a pretty badass ring. Then I realized it was stuck and my dad had to twist it off my finger, which basically ripped all of the skin off it. He just put the shred of skin back on my finger and bandaged it up heh. Sucked.

Another is when my friend and I were playing chicken throughout the day at school and she caught me off guard and pushed me into a concrete wall headfirst. I fell over and we were laughing our asses off and when I put my hand on my forehead (cause it hurt like hell) I took it off and it was covered in blood. So my friend freaked out (I was still laughing, it didn't really hurt that badly) and called for the nearest teacher and they took me to the nursing class so the teacher could bandage me up. I had blood all over my face and shirt. Yay for forehead bleeding and stupidity.
My 1980 Ford Mustang's muffler came loose and I used to have a removable floor panel in the garage so I can inspect what the hell is going on with my car. I couldn't find a flashlight so my brother told me let's use a candle. Luckily I'm still alive:kickass: