Most emberassing thing you ever did?

Hmmm... I've done many embarassing things, but I just cant think of any that really stand out.

Heres a good one, even though its not mine. Just happened this morning. In my Advanced Placement U.S. History class, some other people were joking around with the teacher saying that he should "Let his guard down, and find love". He then said, "I have a dog. Thats all I need." Of course, he caught onto what he had said when the whole room erupted in laughter. My friend and I were joking that Gwar's "Fucking An Animal" should be his new theme song.
No way the most embarrassing for myself, but definitely was a bit for the other person.
I was in the shop taking a shit in the bathroom, (it's a one person bathroom with the toilet basically set in front of the door.) So, anyways, I'm sitting there taking a shit, and a co-worker opens up the door and sees me sitting there, pooping up a storm. I didn't startle or move when he opened the door, and yelled surprise as we made eye contact. That was classic shit. Literally. He was pretty startled. haha.
I had a nervous habit of pulling my hair in 5th grade, so I had a bald spot. It sucked.
I suppose the most embarassing that happened to me was the wind blowing my skirt up in the city centre when i forgot to wear knickers lol :| serves me right i guess! :p

Freya xXx
I just laughed out loud in a library, about 2 minutes ago. I'm in a library right now. I always end up spacing out and thinking of something funny and laughing.
No way the most embarrassing for myself, but definitely was a bit for the other person.
I was in the shop taking a shit in the bathroom, (it's a one person bathroom with the toilet basically set in front of the door.) So, anyways, I'm sitting there taking a shit, and a co-worker opens up the door and sees me sitting there, pooping up a storm. I didn't startle or move when he opened the door, and yelled surprise as we made eye contact. That was classic shit. Literally. He was pretty startled. haha.

Jesus fucking christ Chris :lol:
I know something involving a public bathroom that was embarassing for another guy. So I came out of a bathroom in a 711 and this guy was looking at porn mags, probably in his 20's or 30's. And he looks at me and he speedily tries to put it back before I see and he drops it.
the judgemental asshole guy that lives across the hall (i've bitched about him in another thread...) came into my room yesterday looking for his toothbrush while i was dancing around in my slutty lacey underwear and blaring george clinton and the parliament funk :p

he didn't look too pleased but i just kept on dancing and told him to go fuck himself.

@chris-o-fer: BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :lol::lol::lol:
Not embarrassing for me but definitely for the other guy. This kid said Godsmack was the best band ever.