Most famous person or musician you've ever met


Vitek (and the rest of Decapitated, twice)

Oh lord! R.I.P. Vitek! he was a fucking amazing drummer, you're so lucky! Decapitated is one of my favourite bands :notworthy
I met John Butcher no biggie
Wendy O. Williams Yikes!!!
And for all you Hockey fans Terry O'Reilly - One of the most down to earth people I ever met and now i see him all the time since he lives Down the street
I kind of fail at this. I've met Peter Mayhew (chewbacca) and I've seen John Prescot many a time (not a big deal considering I lived in his constituency)
Stone Cold Steve Austin is the most famous person I have metalthough now Im ashamed to have liked wrestling at one point.

Walls Of Jericho
the guitarist from Mindless Self Indulgance
some guy from Beautiful Creatures
the artist Alex Grey, he does all of Tool's artwork

on the internet Ive talked to Opeth, Bret Michaels, Mprgan Lander from Kittie, Sid Haig and Bill Mosely from Devil's Rejeccts, Bill Johnson *Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) and Edwin Neal the hitchiker from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
I met Martin Lopez and Martin Mendez from Opeth, when they set up their tent next to my camp, at Roskilde Festival in 1999. My friends and I were massive fans of Opeth already but we didn´t recognize them (unitil then Opeth didn´t really have recognizable band photos in their booklets). Anyway, we drank and smoked (substances) with them during the whole festival. At one point they gave us a tape to listen to, which turned out to be a master copy of the next Opeth album (Still Life). It blew us away!
But when they presented themselves as the drummer and bass player of Opeth, we were still skeptic (the lack of photos mentioned above). Anyway, we had a great time with them, and we practically didn´t go to any concerts, coz we were all fucking stoned all the time:)
The most famous people I have met are Frank Gambale [After a performance in Bangalore] and Joe Satriani[again when he came to Bangalore] as well as Sam Dunn[Iron Maiden concert. March 17th,2007] never gonna forget that :D
Working for a band i have met alot of people.

Obviously everyone in bands i have toured with.

Also, from shows i have been to; In Flames, Linkin Park, Slayer, Children Of Bodom, Devildriver, Unearth, Dimmu Borgir.

That fat Porno dude too.

I've met Paris Hilton in the Rainbow last year too.
I have met a few famous people in my day... First I think was Robbin Williams (I lived in SF, ran into pretty frequently walking his dog), and my mother was good friends with Jerry Garcia, so I met him many times. I got to talk to Will Smith once at Ozzfest (cant remember what year) when is wife did the whole Wicked Wisdom business. Really cool dude.

As far as bands: Evergrey, Iced Earth, Cradle of Fitth, Necrophagist, Arsis, Arch Enemy, In Flames, the list actually goes on, i've got a LOT of pictures w/ In Flames and some w/ Cradle.