Most Heroic Metal riffs/solos?

Cyclonic Spear

New Metal Member
Mar 2, 2010
Was just listening to the Odyssey by SymphonyX, and the riff at the end of the song is the most heroic riff i've ever heard!! Wondering if there are more riffs or songs like this?
Heroic solos:
Hibria - Kingdom to share (1:55)
Therion - Asgard (3:08)

Heroic riffs:
Judas Priest - Hell Patrol (starts at 1:43 but the whole goddamn song is heroic)
Kamelot - center of the universe intro riff
SuidAkrA - Wartunes (3:25)
Bathory - Nordland intro riff

And heroic songs in general:
Ensiferum - Dragonheads
Ensiferum - Finnish melody
Ensiferum - Victory Song
Equilibrium - Mana
Falconer - Clarion Call

i'm a big fan of this stuff - glory metal; put-your-leg-up-on-something-and-throw-your-head-back metal
Was just listening to the Odyssey by SymphonyX, and the riff at the end of the song is the most heroic riff i've ever heard!! Wondering if there are more riffs or songs like this?


Yeah, I love that one too.

Anyways, probably doesn't count as a "riff", but there's a reason Nightwish's Ghost Love Score has become the "epic maneuver" soundtrack of the 'Net.

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for some reason this question strikes me odd, perhaps because I dont know what a "heroic" riff is. As first I was going to say just keep listening to Symphony X their music is loaded with great riffs, then I realized how stupid, metal is all about the riffage so you mearly need to put on some music and take the ride
I love topics like this so please keep the favorites coming!

Perhaps the single most heroic riff, at least to this listener, comes from In Flames' instrumental Man Made God at the 2:42 mark. It's just ass-kicking.

Lost Horizon - the opening riff to the song Pure makes me want to behave heroically.

We find another impetus for heroism when listening to the riff at 2:47 in the song Nightmare Heaven from Arcturus.

Yet another riff that makes me want to charge into battle is Bal Sagoth's riff at 1:03 in the song A Tale from the Deep Woods.

And in what is very well the most heroic song of all time, since every second of the composition exudes heroism, we find specific acts of morality and courage at the 3:45 mark in the epic, To Storm the Cyclopean Gates of Byzantium by the tour-allergic Bal-Sagoth.