Most popular form of metal among females?

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New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2002
What would you say, among metal's female fans, is the most popular form of metal?

I'd say probably prog metal, Gothic metal and power metal are the most popular. Also traditional metal.

Thrash is definitely the least popular form of metal among female metal fans, from what I've gathered.
My girl keeps me company when I do my radio show, and she taps her feet to pretty much everything I play. More than occasionally she even headbangs.

So I haven't quite identified what she likes the most. I have playlist of not-so-extreme metal I play when she's around, yet she likes the "melodramatic" stuff, which can describe just about all the Metal I play. I think I'll put more extreme genres into that playlist.

She's really into Punk and Ska, but claims that Metal is "better sex music."
You're all wrong.

It's obviously shit like Pantera, Machine Head, Hatebreed, Lamb of God, new Children of Bodom and alot of other bands that I like to pretend don't exist. Check the COB forum for instance. Alot of trendster/hipster chicks.
My g/f's favorite style of metal is probably technical death metal, but she's up for most of the stuff I listen to.