Most popular form of metal among females?

Gold, duh.
She's really into Punk and Ska, but claims that Metal is "better sex music."
It's all about the time signatures :kickass:

Also, from a woman's perspective, I'm betting that blast beat sex is far more satisfying than "nig beat" sex.
Nu-metal, metalcore, goth-metal
I have to give you credit. I think the most popular form of metal among females who apparently watch a lot of anime would be stuff like Dir en grey, or whatever visual kei/j-pop band is the flavor of the week...
These two posts are the most consistent with my experience.
It does feel like that.I posted the NBA thread and most people here don't like basketball and one of them said the n word.

Meanwhile Randy MOSS is :lol: at the my pals jokes in the pics thread.

I guess my point is that jokes this dumb are more demeaning to those making them than anything. And possibly demeaning to the rest of us here for thinking that such low-brow humor is worth repeating ad nauseum. But whatever...
Highest female fan ratios among big metal band sections on a popular Finnish community site:

1. Linkin Park (56% of section members)
2. Sonata Arctica (52%)
3. Nightwish (48%)
4. Amorphis (46%)
5. Sentenced (41%)
6. Slipknot (39%)
I believe that. I know a girl whose favorite band is Amorphis, actually.

Then again she's American, not Finnish, so maybe she's just odd.
Gotta agree with the racism stuff, kind of a pointless thing to say but meh each to their own :) Well every girl I've ever spoken to who 'claims' to be a metalhead instantly mentions BMTH, which leaves me shuddering, I'm kinda hoping this forum is gunna change my stereotypical mindset :p


Kidding Girls!!!!

I'm not even sure what this means, but half the time I'm browsing these forums I feel like I'm at a KKK rally with a bunch of rednecks.
The phrase "nig beats" describes a general rhythmic pattern of African American cultural music. I don't know what the actual word for that arrangment is, but I've only heard it referred to as "nig beats." I understand that it's derogatory and I'd prefer to use a more appropriate term, but since I'm not aware of one, I'm using it in quotations.

S = Snare Drum
B = Bass Kick

Blast Beats
tempo - fast, accent - hard
S -x-x-x-x|-x-x-x-x|-x-x-x-x|-x-x-x-x
B x-x-x-x-|x-x-x-x-|x-x-x-x-|x-x-x-x-

"Nig Beats"
tempo - slow, accent - inhuman
S ----x---|----x---|----x---|----x---
B x------x|-x------|x------x|-xx----x

Now imagine that you are a vagina and each "x" on the bass line corresponds to one male hip thrust. Which tactile performance do you prefer?

EDIT: Found another one:

S ----x---|----x---|----x---|----x---
B x-x---x-|--x-----|x-x---x-|--x-----
The phrase "nig beats" describes a general rhythmic pattern of African American cultural music. I don't know what the actual word for that arrangment is, but I've only heard it referred to as "nig beats." I understand that it's derogatory and I'd prefer to use a more appropriate term, but since I'm not aware of one, I'm using it in quotations.
Give me a fucking break. :Smug: