Most Powerful Line?

Jun 12, 2006
I was driving in the car today listening to Follow The Reaper and after "Taste Of My Scythe", "Hate Me!" came on. Instead of headbanging and screaming along like I usually do, I decided to really sit back and listen to it cause it's one of my favorites. There were some things I noticed now that I was able to discern each note and word.
Then it came to a part where I heard it, paused and played it back 3 times.
The line is "You know that I never fucking cared if I lived or died".
This is the 2nd time he says it in the song however, not the first and there's a difference. The first time he says it like it's part of the song, but what caught me on the next time around was that he no longer was singing with the song. I heard his voice and I was amazed that what I heard was conviction. He believed it when he sang it this time, and it's as if he was forcing all of his innermost pain out when said it. After I heard this all sorts of horrible imagery about Alexi's past came to my mind.

There was another line in Hate Me that also struck me as well - I heard the same tone and belief as I did in the first one.
"You could never give me the cure for the pain I feel inside".

For me this song has what I feel the most power and meaning because of what I heard.

I want to know what you all think. Is there a line from one of Bodom's songs that strikes you either lyrically or vocally? Why?
"i want your head on a plate to feel my eyes"

everyline is powerful
even for the lyrics are CoB my fav. band
Ive noticed what your talking about in the song Hate Me plenty of times,he does change when he say's it a second time.But nothing else from other songs comes to mind at the moment.
@Authentic Metalhead: please add at least one COB Cover to your Sig *gg* i loved the HB one... ;)
I think my favorite line is probably "Did I ever hurt you in any way, if I did, then hear my apology: FUCK YOU. And I know, tons of fanbois and girls say that's their favorite line, but I like it cause it's the ultimate bitchslap
My favorite line is from "Angel's don't kill" - "Could you ever kill the pain in my heart, even though the say angels don't kiiiiiiillll ya-yaow!"
inhe said:
My favorite line is from "Angel's don't kill" - "Could you ever kill the pain in my heart, even though the say angels don't kiiiiiiillll ya-yaow!"

same here's really cool and it fits so good in the sadness of this song
_DJ_british_motard_ said:
" The faint lights of the michaels, your twilight balls of yay-yay" - Everytime i die.. THAT is powerful
no its
"you think mikes out to get you"
I LOVE Hate Me's lyrics! I also think it's the most powerful. He puts so much emotion into some of the songs he sings. I love it cuz it reminds me a lot about myself. And another really strong line was In Your Face's "I'll never wait for the pain of death. With a bullet in my gun, don't fuck over my shit. Can you hold my crazy as i do? So fuck hypocrisy and fuck you too!
I also really like Kissing The Shadows cuz it's the only song differnt from the rest. I pretend Alexi's singing it to me so it makes me feel really special.
Lady_Laiho said:
I LOVE Hate Me's lyrics! I also think it's the most powerful. He puts so much emotion into some of the songs he sings. I love it cuz it reminds me a lot about myself.
shut your emo talk-hole.

They arnt that powerfull...
"Death kill die, I ahte my life and everyone else"


"Burning pain in my cold heart"


"Stab my eyes and slice my throat"

"OMG *jerksoff*"

I'll never wait for the pain of death. With a bullet in my gun, don't fuck over my shit. Can you hold my crazy as i do? So fuck hypocrisy and fuck you too!

do you know what this means? A bullet in my gun? Fuck over my Shit? Hold me Crazy as I do?

Parents dont like it when musicians swear in their songs, so that means tehya re cool!