MOTER FUCKER! &^$*)#@^%

Rock Hydra

Feel the Strain!
Nov 27, 2005
Buffalo, NY. U.S.A.
I think I hit a brick wall in my playing ability. It appears my bad picking techniques (mosly downstrokes, even when sweeping), lazy hand positioning has fucked me over. I decided that I'm going to start learning the right technique, and it's like learning the damn instrument all over again. Damn....I shoulda done it right the first time. :mad:
it isnt that hard to learn alternate picking...

I used to only do downstrokes also, probley took less then a week to get used to alternate.
War_Blade said:
it isnt that hard to learn alternate picking...

I used to only do downstrokes also, probley took less then a week to get used to alternate.

Yeah, the habbit is hard to break after almos 2 years, though for me right now. Everything I've been practicing close to full speed, I have to re-learn slow again, because I can't play it faster, and I have to think about that, and also how I'm positioning my wrist, which is allowing me to play cleaner, but is uncomfortable right now. So...I basically am re-learning to play, but at least I know the concept already. Though, I'm taking this oportunity to start to get better at fingerpicking.
Rock Hydra said:
I think I hit a brick wall in my playing ability. It appears my bad picking techniques (mosly downstrokes, even when sweeping), lazy hand positioning has fucked me over. I decided that I'm going to start learning the right technique, and it's like learning the damn instrument all over again. Damn....I shoulda done it right the first time. :mad:
I had that same feeling once, don't worry though, you'll get it faster, so the time wasn't completely lost.