Mother Nature's Revenge


Nov 19, 2001
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Seems like she has not been a happy camper over the last five years. Is she finally getting her revenge upon humankind for 300 years of rape and abuse?
It's silly to think that nature could take revenge on us. But yes, there have been an abnormal amount of natural disasters recently. I'm fortunate to live in a city that's not prone to any sort of natural catastrophe.
i would not say natural disasters are nature's way of population control. emerging viruses, on the other hand...could very well be imo. it occurs in populations of everything else; we've just evaded it for this long due to medicinal technology...
Nature taking revenge is an idea based in ancient beliefs. It seems silly to think any natural super-power is taking revenge on us.

Read any book on human history, and its pretty clear how insignificant we are in the context of the worlds history. If you realise this then it becomes clear that natural disasters are so frequent and, to me at least, its so obvious that this just happens to be a year when quite a few have appeared.

It's typically ego-centric of the human race to think that WE caused all these things because of OUR wrong-doings.
Agree with you 100% there.

Only someone who either could not or will not look at the real causes would say the the recent spell of hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami's are nature's revenge.

Global warming sure is our problem, or may at least partly is. But revenge implies an intelligent being making a decision to act based on past occurences.
Last time i checked nature is not an intelligebt being
Ah come on, it's a little verbal wordplay. Dont take it so seriously!

But, I do think the earth, or nature, or mother Gaia, or whatever one wishes to call it, is now showing distinct signs of change most likely directly caused by human activity. The hurricanes are a pretty good example, as are the extreme weather that has occurred around the world in the last five years. We have been using and abusing the earth for centuries, and now it seems we have finally started throwing off the balance. Our generation may be the first to experience all the gloom and doom environmentalists have been forecasting for so long.