The philosophic differences between Kill Bill vols. 1 & 2

American Football >>>> Most, plus rugby/ozzy rules football really ARN'T tougher physically then American football, im sorry for people that think otherwise.
American Football >>>> Most, plus rugby/ozzy rules football really ARN'T tougher physically then American football, im sorry for people that think otherwise.

American football has more brutal body impacts, but I miss the nobility in this sport. It must be lots of fun playing, but watching it is a pain in the ass with all the interruptions. You don't get rugby's minutes-long battles to finally pierce the opponents backs guard in a triumphant last rush. Rugby is epic black metal, american football merely grindcore :Spin:
I think I would like rugby a lot more if they actually played it on tv more. As it is, I ignore american football for the most part. Too many interruptions, just like in basketball.

college football is fun, though
Ellestin said:
Rugby is epic black metal, american football merely grindcore :Spin:

that is the worst analogy ever actually. Rugby = Hitting and hitting and hitting and not even being able to throw the ball FORWARD, only to suddenyl not be getting hit anymore and flopping down in the end zone.

Football = The field of battle where two armies meet to exchange, the tides of war waning back and forth as each defensive gauntlet is passed, one after another, only to be swept back by the opposing forces mere minutes later. The battle plan is laid out before each battle, and every now and then an epic pass is launched over the head of the enemy, only to be snatched by a commrad and run victoriously into the endzone. The line has to work their barbic weight and strength to keep the archer in the back ready to release his arrow at any time, or hand it off to one of the calvary who are led to the end zone by a group of pikeman ready to scewer anyone who gets in the way.

...etc etc etc

from discussions on Kill Bill ... TO ... metaphors about BM and rugby ... all in the same thread

ONLY on Royal Confusion :lol: :loco:
Football = The field of battle where two armies meet to exchange, the tides of war waning back and forth as each defensive gauntlet is passed, one after another, only to be swept back by the opposing forces mere minutes later. The battle plan is laid out before each battle, and every now and then an epic pass is launched over the head of the enemy, only to be snatched by a commrad and run victoriously into the endzone. The line has to work their barbic weight and strength to keep the archer in the back ready to release his arrow at any time, or hand it off to one of the calvary who are led to the end zone by a group of pikeman ready to scewer anyone who gets in the way.

...etc etc etc

In other words, "Rugby with pads".
JayKeeley said:
In other words, "Rugby with pads".

i play both. there is actually barly any simularity between the two at all. Except the balls barly resemble the same shape, and you hit each other, and you score "touchdowns".