motley (or other metal) box sets


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Did anybody get the MOTLEY CRUE box for Christmas?? I got $125 in gift cards to Best Buy so I may pick it up but is it worth it if you have all the albums? Is the "book" any good in it? What about other Metal box sets? Motorhead, etc. Any good???
TVF, I have eye balled the Crue box, looks like I have everything in it. Disc one is the original mix of Too Fast & the Elektra version. It must come with some kind of booklet, they all do. The Motorhead looks very interesting, comes with a book & a poster or something... I'd save some dough for next week when Iced Earth's new one comes out. You can get the Deluxe version with the DVD Audio disc for about $22.00!
sixxswine said:
I'd save some dough for next week when Iced Earth's new one comes out. You can get the Deluxe version with the DVD Audio disc for about $22.00!

22$! for a boxed set! is it like the live kreation revisioned glory type?
2cd 1 dvd for 32$

is it going to be 22$ just at best buy?
Thanks for the tip, Sir Swine. BTW, I posted this same question on and a guy replied and said that the packaging on the motley box is pretty maybe we should break down and get it? I may pawn off my motley remasters and then just put that $$$ towards the box...who knows....
sixxswine said:
TVF, I have eye balled the Crue box, looks like I have everything in it. Disc one is the original mix of Too Fast & the Elektra version. It must come with some kind of booklet, they all do. The Motorhead looks very interesting, comes with a book & a poster or something... I'd save some dough for next week when Iced Earth's new one comes out. You can get the Deluxe version with the DVD Audio disc for about $22.00!

Whoa thats Next Week :OMG: cool :D
tedvanfrehley said:
What about other Metal box sets? Motorhead, etc. Any good???

May be picking up a copy of the Motorhead box soon. Anyone here have it, are the extras worth it?

The Metal Blade box that came out last year is well worth picking up! It's 10 discs (9 cd and 1 dvd)! Also comes with a great book.
the only downside to the motley box is no new material! I guess the good news was that they put all the rarities on the "Crucial Crue" remasters but the bad news is that when it was time for a box set they had nothing left....It's a cool package, though, for sure. I am a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE fan of the Shout era (my favorite motley lp) and it has a ton of the old photos I hadn't seen in years. Remember them with the cheap ass lazer guns? Or the "CRUE" fingerless gloves?!?!?! BAD ASS! Remember how SIXX had the lawsuit with the guy claiming to be the real Nikki Sixx? Well, I think VINCE has a lawsuit to lay on this fatass John Lovitz Look-a-like who is playing the role of Vince NOW! hahahaha Seriously, can you believe Vince Neil is the same guy who sang "Livewire" back in the day?!?!? Vince is definitely in his Elvis phaze.....