

Master Exploder
I like Motorhead, but don't have much of their stuff. I have a best of from the 80s which is really great (I bought it coz it has my all time favourite song "Stone Dead Forever" on it), but I want to download some more songs to check out. I hear some of their latest stuff is rather good (I think it was Sydo that was singing its praises a while back), so can anyone recommend me some songs to d/l?? It doesn't have to be their newer stuff, just some good songs you think I might not have heard.

""Lemmy IS God""

Stay Out Of Jail! !!:rock:

I'll upload some of the more recent stuff later this afternoon. The whole We Are Motorhead album is gold!this arvo if you like.
Overkill, Bomber, the chase is better than the catch, Eat the Rich, Metroplis, Iron Fist, Dancing on your Grave, Killed By Death, Orgasmatron, No Class, Stone Dead Forever, Shine, Going To Brazil, Ramones, Sacrifice, Snake Bite Love. Oh and Ace oF Spades......