So I'm staying with my brother for a couple of months and decided I'm going to take my old G4 with a pci 324 in it & my old 1224 Motu interface. So I have something to do late nights and don't suffer from music withdrawals. 
So I'm here now. (bros house)
Problem: I can not figure out how to rout the audio to the main outs so I can use headphones strait out the 1224. Only the 8in/8out analogs are working.
The MOTU PCI Audio Console app is not "seeing" the whole 10in/12out's. I'm guessing the main outs are 11-12. I tried messing with the Audio MIDI Setup app in OS X and even tried setting up a aggregate device in said app. None of these options is "seeing" more than the 8in/8out analogs.
What am I missing here? There has to be a way.
I know this is old stuff but I wasn't about to lug my whole main rig here. Sure as hell didn't want to take it apart again and again to set it back up again and again....
Can anyone shed some light here?

So I'm here now. (bros house)
Problem: I can not figure out how to rout the audio to the main outs so I can use headphones strait out the 1224. Only the 8in/8out analogs are working.
The MOTU PCI Audio Console app is not "seeing" the whole 10in/12out's. I'm guessing the main outs are 11-12. I tried messing with the Audio MIDI Setup app in OS X and even tried setting up a aggregate device in said app. None of these options is "seeing" more than the 8in/8out analogs.
What am I missing here? There has to be a way.

I know this is old stuff but I wasn't about to lug my whole main rig here. Sure as hell didn't want to take it apart again and again to set it back up again and again....
Can anyone shed some light here?