motW = soft wigger trash music part 2


Nov 9, 2001
Here are some highlights from my AIM conversation with our label's A&R dude:

Mikeawelsh: Dude, your new music is total DOOM!
Ice Level Music: haha!
Mikeawelsh: I have been listening to Pitcher of Summer
Mikeawelsh: MY GOD!
Ice Level Music: hehe nice!
Mikeawelsh: but we already knew that
Ice Level Music: bwahaha thanks mike!
Mikeawelsh: hehe
Mikeawelsh: it's sooooo fucking HEAVY!
Ice Level Music: did you just get a burn of it like the other day or something?
Mikeawelsh: and DARK!
Mikeawelsh: Ted sent me a burn
Mikeawelsh: it's all I'm listening to right now
Mikeawelsh: fuck the new Opeth
Mikeawelsh: hehe
Ice Level Music: haha just those two songs?
Mikeawelsh: YES!
Ice Level Music: those two uncompleted songs!
Mikeawelsh: YES!
Ice Level Music: haha you're mad
Mikeawelsh: I LOVE THEM!!!!
Mikeawelsh: dude your new cd is going to be AMAZING!!!
Mikeawelsh: I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Ice Level Music: well, i hope so. I try my best
Mikeawelsh: maudlin RULES THE UNIVERSE AGAIN!!!
Mikeawelsh: your new cd is going to FREAKING EXPLODE!!!
Mikeawelsh: it's soooo HEAVY it's FRIGHTENING!!!
Mikeawelsh: OK
Mikeawelsh: that's it!
Mikeawelsh: TOBY!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Mikeawelsh: MY GOD!!!!
Refresh my memory on why you guys were "wiggers" again? Was it the jazz, or am I forgetting a song in which Terran busts into a smooth rap about bitches, guns, and the ocean?
I would love to have one of these babies though

And yes, fuck the new Opeth.

"Dear Opeth,
Please come up with a pretty cool tech riff, then play it for four goddamn minutes with no variation. KTHXBYE"

I'd like to acknowledge Chupe666 on the preceeding letter.