motW thread regarding new songs.

*carefully walks into thread... looking for traps*

A motW thread started by a motW member is VERY suspicious i must say...

But my opinion is, its best to not give out anything to the general public. Opeth's "Deliverance" was easily available from the internet a fair while before it was actually released, but i chose not to download any of it for similar reasons as Russell mentions.

What you should do, is go back in the studio, record ANOTHER song in the same style as the album, and then release that as a teaser :) :) :)

Well... maybe?????

If anything then a live version of a song would be best, so that theres still something new about that song when you hear it on the cd.

Whatever you do, do NOT give a sample of half a song or something, that ruins the final song more than anything else.
hm, I was going to suggest the teaser route...what do you dislike so much about it? i think it's cool to hear 30 seconds of riffs, and it's so divorced from the context of the song it wouldn't spoil anything for me...
If you have 1000 dollars to pay to the studio, consider it done.
oh so its all about MONEY eh??? Damn sell outs.


hm, I was going to suggest the teaser route...what do you dislike so much about it? i think it's cool to hear 30 seconds of riffs, and it's so divorced from the context of the song it wouldn't spoil anything for me...
Depends how long it is, i guess... for bands such as opeth thier 'teasers' used to be about 2 or 3 minutes or something, since the songs themselves are so long. I always hated this, it took me at least a year to get over them... i always expect the songs to end whenever the teaser ended. They get me interested and more eager for the album but so far it usually ruins the songs.

And this especially applies to a band like motW where the context of the riffs is extremely important.

30 seconds may be enough, but would hardly be worthwhile.

Ok im fussy, ignore me :p
I've heard many a songs before they are finished and I never had a problem with the spoiling of the song bit. I also think it's cool to hear how much a good mix can improve a song, and that's much easier to do if I hear a rough mix first. But then again I'm interested in crap like that.
i still say release the rough demo version. if it's gonna sound totally different on the cd, it can't possibly ruin anything.
and about a shot clip from it, it depends on what section it's from. when i first heard the clip to "the curve that to an angel turnd" i was totally surprised as to how the rest of the song was on the cd, and i think that hearing the clip first was even better because it made the rest of the song stand out more. does anybody understand what i mean?
i do, ezekiel; i like hearing little bits. i have heard a piece of the rough Antique, and I'm sure it's entirely different from what the song's going to sound like, but I liked hearing it so I could say in my head "ok, riffy, doomy, heavy" without hearing enough to spoil the song.
short clips are cool and get you psyched when you are familiar with the band, but when you want to find out what a band sounds like they are totally aids.