Movie recommendations?




Kung Pow is one of the dumbest movies I've ever watched. I thought it was so ridiculously stupid (and I like movies like that sometimes), yet ever since it came out, and even to this day, and friend and I are constantly quoting it and doing impersonations of the various cast members. :lol:



:lol: It still cracks me up!

Dude, that's one of the "phrases" my friend will bust out at the most inappropriate times, especially if the situation is tense. It's entirely out of context and people either look at him wondering what the fuck he's doing, or start laughing because they recognize it.
Kung Pow is funny when watching it. Its fucking hilarious when you are thinking about it later.

"I'll take a pound of nuts."
ive seen a clip of last days here, but im not sure if i want to see a whole film of him as a shaking crackhead. its more fun to think of him as a funny weirdo who humps the mic stand and grabs himself a lot.
The ratio of good remakes to trash remakes is nowhere near where it should be, but the Fight Night remake was actually pretty decent. It doesn't hurt that this version of Charley was played by the guy who played "Charlie Bartlett" either. Or if you haven't seen that (you should), Chekov in the last Star Trek.

Also, Colin Farrell's version of a vampire is extremely sinister. His performance in this movie almost makes up for the garbage that was Daredevil and Alexander. It lost pretty much all of the "comedy" aspects from the original, and seems now more like a vampire version of Disturbia. I think both movies are still very good in their own right, but the newer version is actually easier to watch today, and it also doesn't just feel like a generic cash grab.
Yes, Hobo with a Shotgun!!! \m/ "You and me are going on a car-ride to hell .....and you're riding shotgun! \m/

I was all excited to see Kevin Smith's 'Red State'... saw it last night, very... meh. :erk:
Here is the preview, looks like it would be awesome right? No... I love Kevin Smith and all his movies... but this movie felt like Kevin Smith was speaking every single line in his very noticeably way of speaking, not enough nudity, not scary, stereotypical lame characters, too much dialogue and nothing really cool happened. The ONLY cool part was a lot of shooting and bloody heads. Cool concept though...Anyone else seen it??
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I watched Hobo last night and it's a pretty stupid movie. I, too, haven't seen a good movie in ages. I got The Perfect Host and am looking forward to watching it since it's supposed to be great.
I watched Hobo last night and it's a pretty stupid movie. I, too, haven't seen a good movie in ages. I got The Perfect Host and am looking forward to watching it since it's supposed to be great.

Perfect Host isn't bad, but it drags quite a bit. Plus, it's nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is.

Hanna is out on the rental circuit now, and that's something worth watching. You still need to watch Tucker & Dale vs Evil if you haven't seen it yet (which is probably most of you). It really is one of the funniest horror comedies in ages.
Everyone I know is blabbing about Hobo With A Shotgun. I should probably watch it.

I remember when the seemingly fake trailer for that was released a few years ago, and thought it would be funny if they had ever actually made that into full length feature (kind of like what happened with Machette). So I ended up watching it after they actually did, and was assuming it was going to be completely stupid.

Well, it is for the most part--but in a good way. It's like an exploitation version of Rambo meets Kung Pow, and purposefully has the tasteless dialogue and awful acting to mock the late 70's film style that it's based on. It's not something I think I would willingly watch again (not on my own at least), but I think it's definitely worth seeing at least once just for the spectacle.