Recommend some good sci-fi films


Djöfull;8712377 said:
I hope you are willing to consider Battlefield earth...

:lol: And while you're at it, check out that new Roland Emmerich abortion the world clearly needs.

Really though, Terry Gilliam's Brazil was a great concept. Quite heavyhanded but well detailed and performed, plus some bizarre humour.

I'd assume you've seen the original Day The Earth Stood Still (avoid the remake), but that too.
:lol: And while you're at it, check out that new Roland Emmerich abortion the world clearly needs.

Ahh, so he's the asshole responsible for 2012. Based entirely on the vibes I'm getting about this movie (having not even seen a trailer), I think I'll give this one a miss.
VIDOCQ is very good. More of a Sherlock Holmes vibe rather than SCI FI I guess but it fits.

I like some of the older films;
Rollerball ( original, not that crappy remake )
Soylent Green
Logan's Run

Some newish:
Dark City
Reign of Fire is a guilty pleasure of mine
Reign of Fire should have been terrible by all logic, but somehow turned out pretty goddamn entertaining. The recent recut of Dark City added some necessary expository scenes that improved an already excellent film.