Movie Thread

Then epic boobs pics !

:Smug::Smug::Smug:DIE DOWN¡¡¡

your comentary makes me think some of you have a real problem with boobs or tits or whatever like that... :mad::mad:

Besides, this is a movie thread, isn't it???:cry:
This topic is wierd. People quote other people, but in the quotes it says shit I don't see in the original posts
I find it hilairius when people quote others and edit it to the max :lol:


Agreed x 10.000.000

@ Mystique : The Mothman Prophecies, or any japanese horror movie.

I suggest "The Grudge" and "Gothika".

yeah, I've seen these...and the Grudge wasn't scary imo. The Ring was pretty scary though, like the part where she comes out of the tv. I think original horror movies are the scariest ones, like Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and The Hills Have Eyes (1977). Those are genuinely scary concepts, and do their job as horror movies, unlike the so-called horror movies of today, which are all about blood and guts and that's what's supposed to frighten us :rolleyes:

Any suggestions for a good Japanese horror film?
Anyone here ever seen a B-grade movie called "Surf Nazi's Must Die" possibly the absolute crapest of crap movies

My favorites are

Godfather I and II
The Untouchables
Donnie Brasco
Pirates Of The Carribian
Monty Python (any)
Star Wars
My personal favorites movies list.

The Science Of Sleep,
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
Monthy Python's Meaning Of Life,
Requiem For A Dream,
Fight Club,
Walt Disney's Aladdin,
American Psycho,
The Pianist,
Pulp Fiction,
The Fountain,
The Shining,
Number 23,
What Dream May Come ,
Sin City,
Rage de l'Ange...

I'm forgotten some, can't think of more now.

I must now add Oldboy and Dogville, oh yeah.