What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
My band and 1 friend are moving to Canada within TWO FUCKING YEARS, although more than likely we'll be there by January 1st, 2006 if all goes as planned.

We're fucking done dudes, this failed democratic experiment is fucking SPENT.

No but seriously, Canada eh? Have you thought about which part? And what's the work situation like up there?

Time to call the embassy I'd imagine. Trust me, the whole immigration thing takes forever, although I guess this is different in that you're LEAVING the USA, and as I understand it, it's pretty straightforward to get into Canada....or at least it is if you are British.
One Inch Man said:
My band and 1 friend are moving to Canada within TWO FUCKING YEARS, although more than likely we'll be there by January 1st, 2006 if all goes as planned.

We're fucking done dudes, this failed democratic experiment is fucking SPENT.


you guys got sloshed again last night ... didn't you? :lol:
What part of Canada, your best bet if you're in a band is Montreal, TOronto or Vancouver. Although I hear Vancouver is pretty pricey nowadays. COME TO TORONTO!
lurch70 said:
you guys got sloshed again last night ... didn't you? :lol:
Who, me? :loco:

Heading for the Vancouver area. This has been in the works for some time actually, but we now have a time table.
vancouver is pretty liberal about the weed too. they have coffee shops you can smoke in an stuff. plus its right on the border so its not all 40 below zero frozen trundra 8 months of the year. vancouver is where i would be thinking first as far as canada goes.
I wish i had the balls to do something like that. I plan on moving to the northeast sometime very soon for band reasons among others... but fuck. Yeah, good luck indeed with that.
I'm going to look into getting a teaching credential (down here and transfer it or whatever I would need to do), just because it's something I've wanted to do for awhile anyhow. Going to look into that, working for parks & recreation / forest service / nature bitch / whatever, or working some crappy construction / manual labor job because why the F not. Then eventually look into the whole music store thing.

Just no more office jobs for me, I want to leave that behind along with the rest of the bullshit I'm ditching down here.