Moving to the states for four months in 32 hours

If you are flying Virgin Atlantic I am pretty sure they have laptop chargers built in

I'm flying with KLM/Delta Airlines

Never travelled to the states, so jealous! :D

Moving there is some pain in the ass expensive shit too... I had to fill in about 40-50 papers worth of bureaucracy and pay:

- 48€ for the new bio pass
- 115€ for embassy fees (and 10€ for return express priority envelope)
- $200 for student visa fee
- 275€ for medical insurance (add 4 months and it would've been 670€...)
- 1150€ for roundtrip plane tickets (note: I would've gotten the flights about 300-400€ cheaper in May-June, if they wouldn't have fucked up at the recieving end as they didn't do anything with my papers for 3 months, so I only had 3 weeks to prepare all this shit)
- $2500 for housing at the dorm
- $200 deposit fee for the housing
- $280 compulsory meal plan for people living in the dorms

Totalling ~$5250. I'm glad that I had a student loan and was working the whole summer, as all this was compulsory and had to be paid in front.

Kela and my uni pays for 60% of the housing fees and the flights, but I'm still good 1500€ down. But I still don't mind, I'm going there for the experience.

where are you moving to?

to St Paul, Minnesota to study music recording at McNally Smith College of Music. Really fucking expensive school, tuition fees are $12500 for each semester (4 months). Get to use some Studer tapemachines, SSL consoles (NSGUITAR, feel jealous? ;)) and other funky shit. I will keep a blog (the first post is in Finnish, but the upcoming posts will be in English) and post some samples and shit!
Want me to say :wave: to someone?

nah, years ago, don't even know who's still in that college.
well, I guess Doug Smith is still there but most of the staff was rather circulating that time.

Very great teacher was John Schuch (he tought music business classes, used to work for sub pop and then Sony), but I think he's not there anymore either...became an embassador or something.
enjoy your time
Kela and my uni pays for 60% of the housing fees and the flights, but I'm still good 1500€ down. But I still don't mind, I'm going there for the experience.

to St Paul, Minnesota to study music recording at McNally Smith College of Music. Really fucking expensive school, tuition fees are $12500 for each semester (4 months). Get to use some Studer tapemachines, SSL consoles (NSGUITAR, feel jealous? ;)) and other funky shit. I will keep a blog (the first post is in Finnish, but the upcoming posts will be in English) and post some samples and shit!

I have heard great things about that school over the summer. One of the other interns at the studio I intern at goes there and had nothing good things to say. He seemed to like how modern it was. It is cool that they still teach how to use tape machines too.
Kela and my uni pays for 60% of the housing fees and the flights, but I'm still good 1500€ down. But I still don't mind, I'm going there for the experience.

to St Paul, Minnesota to study music recording at McNally Smith College of Music. Really fucking expensive school, tuition fees are $12500 for each semester (4 months). Get to use some Studer tapemachines, SSL consoles (NSGUITAR, feel jealous? ;)) and other funky shit. I will keep a blog (the first post is in Finnish, but the upcoming posts will be in English) and post some samples and shit!

My best friend lives there and goes to that school.

I went to Berklee for a few semesters, and sort of wish I'd gone to mcnally.

I know that mcnally is a bunch of Berklee students that basically started their own college.
I'm travelling light, only just some clothes, laptop, interface, headphones and camera with me. Was thinking of buying all the small stuff from the states. Anyone know if I can charge my laptop on the over the Atlantic flight?

Probably not unless you are in business/first class