MP3 Download Threads

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So, did the opeth crew say they didnt want their NUMBER ONE FANS to post their MP3's, or R you taking it upon yourself to tell us? Adn the MP3 is from a PROMO right? SO, what better way to promote?

Hopefully, OPETH are not another sleeze bag LARS.
It was brought to my attention that Opeth weren't happy about the situation - and the album hardly needs promotion on their own forum. Promo copies are meant for media to use for review/airplay/whatever, not to be ripped and put online and then blatantly shared on the band's own forum weeks before it's actually meant to be released!
Originally posted by ledmag
So, did the opeth crew say they didnt want their NUMBER ONE FANS to post their MP3's, or R you taking it upon yourself to tell us? Adn the MP3 is from a PROMO right? SO, what better way to promote?

Hopefully, OPETH are not another sleeze bag LARS.

If a band can't decide when to show their art then what's the point in them creating it if twats like you are gonna get at em for being slightly miffed that they didn't have a choice. The fact that you /are/ a 'number one fan' should mean you respect their decision.

Originally posted by Mark
It was brought to my attention that Opeth weren't happy about the situation - and the album hardly needs promotion on their own forum. Promo copies are meant for media to use for review/airplay/whatever, not to be ripped and put online and then blatantly shared on the band's own forum weeks before it's actually meant to be released!

I agree, really. I wish albums didn't leak before their release.

However, I can't resist the temptation to get it when it's out there.

I won't tell people where to find it, though.
Some people are just completely disrespectful. Sure, Opeth is making the music for the love of the music, but because we love the music as well, we should be willing to fork out a measly 15 bucks for something as awesome as Deliverance. I won't say that I have moral issues with downloading it, but I fully intend to purchase a copy for myself and another for my girlfriend.

And they aren't like Lars. They just want to make a fucking living off of the music they make for a living. I can tell you for sure that if I was making music for a living, I'd certainly want to survive off of it. And if I was making music for passion alone, I sure as fuck wouldn't be distibuting it for anyone to hear but myself.
Originally posted by Mark
Promo copies are meant for media to use for review/airplay/whatever, not to be ripped and put online and then blatantly shared on the band's own forum weeks before it's actually meant to be released!

Yeah... but the people who get the promos are more concerned about getting a FREE cd that they can make into MP3, put online for everyone and then run off to the used shop and sell it. It´s a shame. Promos are a waste of time for labels.
Originally posted by AngelWitch73
Yeah... but the people who get the promos are more concerned about getting a FREE cd that they can make into MP3, put online for everyone and then run off to the used shop and sell it. It´s a shame. Promos are a waste of time for labels.

That's a bit of a stretch, wouldn't you say?
Posting pirated MP3's on a band's official forum is pretty stupid. I don't see how anyone can argue against this. It's a complete insult to the band.
I agree with you God Sweat. Ill admit, Ive downloaded my fare share of mp3s in my days. But I ALWAYS buy the CDs of bands I really like. This includes Opeth who is probably my favorite band ever. \m/

Whenever people start talking about mp3s it usually breaks down into two groups of people: those who respect the band enuff that even if they get mp3s they will still go out and buy the album, and those who bitch and whine and complain that they are being cheated out of a freebie. Those of us who are true fans of any band will go out and buy a cd if they like it. Personally, I cant handle downloading mp3s simply because I cannot control the quality of the rip. I'd much rather have the original cd so that I can make a high-quality rip and store it on my Nomad Jukebox. Too many times I have downloaded mp3s only to find the audio quality quite lacking because people are using shit tools to do the rips.

So for those of you who are like me and buy the cds that they love so the band gets more support, I salute you. Just make sure you delete the mp3s you dont like.

To those who just want to download mp3s and not buy any CDs from a band: you should be ashamed of yourselves. Imagine if you were in a band (or running a business or whatever) and people were stealing from you. Would you like that? Would you like it if I came to your house and stole all your cds? Hey its free, right?

To those who just want to download mp3s and not buy any CDs from a band: you should be ashamed of yourselves. Imagine if you were in a band (or running a business or whatever) and people were stealing from you. Would you like that? Would you like it if I came to your house and stole all your cds? Hey its free, right?

I so agree with you nrage. I have a load of MP3's on my harddrive, 70 percent is from CD's I own and ripped myselfe for convinence to be able to play them without having to siwtch cd's all the time and 30 percent of them are either "Going to buy when I find them" or "I wish I could find them somewhere".


For - Using MP3 to easaly access the music you own or to discover new bands to inspire you to bye more CD's

Against - Using MP3 as the only source of music, not caring for the artists and their inspiration to go on creating the music you like.
Why the hell would you want a downloaded cd?

#1, they sound like shit


#2, you don't get any killer Travis Smith artwork with it.

I don't think people who pirate music are really into the music they are downloading...if they were they wouldn't be on here arguing about this.

This isn't a garage sale....real fans pay for their band's music..

Whenever people start talking about mp3s it usually breaks down into two groups of people: those who respect the band enuff that even if they get mp3s they will still go out and buy the album, and those who bitch and whine and complain that they are being cheated out of a freebie.

Even though I agree with you on buying the actual CD instead of just downloading it, I find your post hypocritical.
You claim (with strong personal bias) that people who download MP3's are doing the bitching, yet when looking at any thread on the subject (including this one), the MP3-downloaders are alawys the most silent part. And they don't complain about being cheated of their freebie, as they haven't actually been cheated of it. They can still download MP3's from unreleased albums. Isn't that being disrespectful to them?
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