MP3 Download Threads

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Indeed. I don't need to buy albums for the purpuse of listening to music. I only buy albums to suport the artist/band (s). But I will offcourse never buy a album that haven't gotten my attention. I suport those who by my opinion deserves to be suported. It's life,baby!
I download a lot of music of bands that I have never heard. If I like the music, I support the band and go buy the cd. I agree with deathbearer. I simply use mp3's to check shit out. If I had more friends into my kind of music, that would help. But I don't, so I use the interet. Iam big on supporting the bands and buying the cd's. But it is good to get a sample of the sound before I buy the actual cd.

Ialso agree with MetalManCPA when they said "what about those who scrape up enough money to buy an overpriced CD, only to find one good song and the rest crap?" I have done this too many times. Exactly why I like to first sample the cd.

Just my opinions :)
if they made cds a decent price, not the rip off they are, piracy would reduce immensly. i always try and buy cds when i can, but being a student i have other financial issues to worry about.

and i can have 5 launches in a glider for the price of a cd here :)
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